Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 63.djvu/20

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The Dictionary of National Biography

and it is cause for deep regret that they did not live to witness its completion.[1]

The occasional contributors, who are larger numerically than the regular contributors, although their contributions cover a smaller area, include distinguished experts in every branch of knowledge, and they have usefully supplemented the labours of the regular contributors by undertaking memoirs to the preparation of which they brought peculiarly apposite experience. The following is a list of some of the more interesting and valuable articles due to occasional contributors:[2]

    The Rev. Canon Ainger on Charles Lamb and Tennyson.
    Mr. Robert Boyle on Philip Massinger.
    Sir Frederick Bramwell, Bart., F.R.S., on James Watt the engineer.
    Professor A. H. Church, F.R.S., on Josiah Wedgwood.
    The Rev. Andrew Clark on Anthony à Wood.
    Mr. Sidney Colvin on Flaxman, Keats, and Robert Louis Stevenson.
    Mr. Francis Darwin, F.R.S., on Charles Darwin.
   *Sir William Flower, F.R.S. (d. 1899), on Sir Richard Owen.
    Sir Michael Foster, K.C.B., on Francis Maitland Balfour.
   *Professor E. A. Freeman (d. 1892) on Alfred the Great.
    The Very Rev. the Hon. W. H. Fremantle, Dean of Ripon, on Archbishop Tait.
    The Right Hon. Sir Edward Fry on John Selden.
    Mr. R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S., on Sir Isaac Newton.
    Mr. Edmund Gosse, LL.D., on Walter (Horatio) Pater.
    Professor J. W. Hales on Chaucer.
    Professor C. H. Herford on Ben Jonson and Middleton.
    Mr. Henry Higgs on Arthur Young.
   *The Rev. Professor Hort (d. 1892) on Bishop Lightfoot.

  1. Memoirs of Messrs. Boase and Chichester, as well as of Sir John T. Gilbert, John Miller Gray, Dr. W. A. Greenhill, and Dr. A. B. Grosart (among deceased regular contributors), will be issued in a Supplement to the present issue of the Dictionary, which will be published next year.
  2. Six of these writers, whose names are here marked with an asterisk, have died since the cited articles were prepared. Of these contributors a memoir of Professor Tyndall is given in Vol. LVII. of the Dictionary. Notices of the other five deceased contributors who are mentioned in the above list will appear in the Supplement to the Dictionary. The following occasional contributors who died while the work was in progress are already noticed in volumes issued subsequently to the dates of their deaths:— Octavian Blewitt (d. 1884), Dutton Cook (d. 1883), Mrs. Anne Gilchrist (d. 1885), Robert Hunt, F.R.S. (d. 1887), Westland Marston (d. 1890), F. R. Oliphant (d. 1894), Wyatt Papworth (d. 1894), George Groom Robertson (d. 1892), Dr. Hack Tuke (d. 1896), Henri van Laun (d. 1896), Cornelius Walford (d. 1885), Edward Walford (d. 1897), and John Ward, C.B. (d. 1890). The Supplement will include the following names of occasional contributors, in addition to those already indicated, who have died during the progress of the work: Grant Allen (d. 1899), Sheldon Amos (d. 1886), John Eglinton Bailey (d. 1888), Professor W. G. Blaikie (d. 1899), Wilkie Collins (d. 1889), the Rev. Canon Dixon (d. 1900), J. P. Earwaker (d. 1895), Arthur Locker (d. 1893), Professor John Nichol (d. 1894), John Ormsby (d. 1895), the Rev. Canon Perry (d. 1897), and the Rev. Nicholas Pocock (d. 1897).