Wikisource:WikiProject Popular Science Monthly/Authors R to T

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The Popular Science Monthly Project
Authors and contributors
R to T

Table of contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Last name Author Number of articles


Radau Jean-Charles Rodolphe Radau 5
Radcliffe Charles Bland Radcliffe 2
Ramaley Francis Ramaley 2
Ramsay Andrew Crombie Ramsay 1
Ramsay William Ramsay 2
Ranney Ambrose Loomis Ranney 1
Rathbun Richard Rathbun 1
Ratoin Emmanuel Ratoin 1
Rawson Jonathan Ansel Rawson 1
Rayet Georges Rayet 1
Raymond Paul Raymond 1
Raymond Rossiter Worthington Raymond 1
Read Carveth Read 1
Read Georgia Willis Read 1
Read Thomas Thornton Read 2
Reade John Reade 1
Reclus Élisée Reclus 2
Redfield James W. Redfield 1
Reece Benjamin Reece 3
Reed Alfred Cummings Reed 4
Reed Howard Sprague Reed 1
Reese Albert Moore Reese 2
Reeves Robert N. Reeves 1
Régnault Félix Régnault 2
Reichard Paul Reichard 1
Reid Harry Fielding Reid 1
Remsen Ira Remsen 7
Renan Ernest Renan 1
Renaud G. Renaud 1
Reno Conrad Reno 1
Renouf Edward Renouf 2
Reyer Ernest Reyer 1
Reynolds Osborne Reynolds 1
Reynolds Jr. Henry L. Reynolds Jr. 1
Rhine Alice Hyneman Rhine 3
Riale Franklin Neiman Riale 1
Rice J. M. Rice 1
Rich George A. Rich 3
Richards Eugene Lamb Richards 6
Richards Harriet E. Richards 1
Richards Horace Clark Richards 1
Richards Joseph William Richards 1
Richardson Benjamin Ward Richardson 12
Richardson Clifford Richardson 3
Richardson Sophia Foster Richardson 1
Richet Charles Robert Richet 10
Rickoff Rebecca Davis Rickoff 1
Ridgeway William Ridgeway 1
Rigakushi Naohide Yatsu 1
Rigg Arthur Rigg 3
Riley Charles Valentine Riley 7
Ringueberg Eugene Nicholas Sylvester Ringueberg 1
Riordan R. Riordan 1
Ripley William Zebina Ripley 21
Rittenhouse Elmer Ellsworth Rittenhouse 1
Ritter William Emerson Ritter 7
Rivers W. H. R. Rivers 1
Rivet P. Banet-Rivet 1
Robarts L. W. Robarts 2
Robbins E. Y. Robbins 1
Roberts Anna Monsch Roberts 1
Roberts Charles Roberts 1
Robertson Agnes Robertson 1
Robertson George Scott Robertson 1
Robinet G. Robinet 1
Robinson Elizabeth Robinson 1
Robinson Louis Robinson 5
Robinson Norman Robinson 4
Robson M. H. Robson 1
Rochard Jules Rochard 1
Rockwell Alfred E. P. Rockwell 2
Rockwood Elbert William Rockwood 1
Rockwood Laura Clarke Rockwood 1
Rodway James Rodway 2
Roe William James Roe 5
Rogers A. K. Rogers 1
Rogers Charles Rogers 1
Rogers James Frederick Rogers 4
Rogers James Macdonald Rogers 1
Romanes George John Romanes 12
Rombouts J. E. Rombouts 1
Ronne A. B. Ronne 1
Rood Ogden Nicholas Rood 5
Roose Robson Roose 2
Roper Sydney Charles Dyne Roper 1
Rosa Edward Bennett Rosa 1
Rose John Carter Rose 1
Ross Edward Alsworth Ross 3
Ross Philip Dansken Ross 1
Ross Ronald Ross 1
Ross William Horace Ross 1
Rothermel John G. Rothermel 1
Rowland Henry Augustus Rowland 3
Royce Josiah Royce 1
Royer Clémence Royer 2
Rucker Arthur William Rucker 1
Ruedemann Rudolf Ruedemann 1
Russ Karl Russ 1
Russel Charles Porter Russel 3
Russel William L. Russell 1
Russell Irwin Russell 1
Russell Israel Cook Russell 4
Rutherford Ernest Rutherford 2
Rutherford R. C. Rutherford 1
Rutter Cloudsley Rutter 1
Ryan Oswald Ryan 2
Ryder John Adam Ryder 1


Sabatier Armand Sabatier 1
Saccardo Pier Andrea Saccardo 1
Safford William Edwin Safford 1
Salmon Thomas William Salmon 1
Sanchez A. M. Sanchez 1
Sanderson Ezra Dwight Sanderson 1
Sandwick Richard Lanning Sandwick 1
Sanford Fernando Sanford 2
Sang Alfred Sang 1
Sansone Francesco Sansone 1
Sapir Edward Sapir 1
Sargent Dudley Allen Sargent 2
Sargent Frederick Leroy Sargent 4
Sauvage Henri Émile Sauvage 3
Saxon John W. Saxon 1
Schafft Arnold Schafft 1
Schellen Heinrich Schellen 2
Scheppegrell William Scheppegrell 2
Schiaparelli Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli 1
Schmeckebier Laurence Frederick Schmeckebier 1
Schmidt Eduard Oscar Schmidt 2
Schneider Aime Schneider 1
Schneider Albert Schneider 1
Schneider Elias Schneider 2
Schoenhof Jacob Schoenhof 1
Schreiber August Schreiber 1
Schreiner Samuel Cron Cronwright Schreiner 1
Schroeder Seaton Schroeder 1
Schuchert Charles Schuchert 1
Schumacher Paul Schumacher 1
Schuster Franz Arthur Friedrich Schuster 1
Schützenberger Paul Schützenberger 1
Schwarz Heinrich Schwarz 1
Schweitzer Hugo Schweitzer 1
Scott Arthur Curtis Scott 1
Scott Leonard Scott 1
Scott Robert H. Scott 2
Scott W. B. Scott 1
Scott Walter Dill Scott 1
Scribner Gilbert Hilton Scribner 2
Scripture Edward Wheeler Scripture 3
Scripture Winifred Scripture 1
Searle Arthur Searle 1
Sears Alfred F. Sears 1
Sears Jesse Brundage Sears 1
Seashore Carl Emil Seashore 1
Seddon John Pollard Seddon 1
Sedgwick William Thompson Sedgwick 1
See William See 1
Seeger F. Seeger 1
Seely G. B. Seely 1
Seguin E. Seguin 1
Sellards Elias Howard Sellards 1
Sellers Edith Sellers 1
Sellers George Escol Sellers 1
Serviss Garrett Putnam Serviss 20
Sewall Henry Sewall 1
Seymour Horatio Seymour 1
Shackford J. W. Shackford 1
Shackleford Thomas Mitchell Shackleford 1
Shaler Nathaniel Southgate Shaler 5
Sharpey William Sharpey 1
Sharpless Isaac Sharpless 1
Shaw Edward R. Shaw 2
Shaw George M. Shaw 3
Shaw James Byrnie Shaw 1
Shedd John Cutler Shedd 2
Sheldon Samuel Sheldon 2
Shepherd Francis John Shepherd 2
Sherman Gordon E. Sherman 1
Sherrill Charles Hitchcock Sherrill 1
Sherrington C. S. Sherrington 1
Shimer Hervey Woodburn Shimer 1
Shinn Charles Howard Shinn 5
Shipley Maynard Shipley 2
Shipman Paul R. Shipman 3
Showerman Grant Showerman 1
Shreve Forrest Shreve 1
Shufeldt Robert Wilson Shufeldt 13
Sicher Dudley F. Sicher 1
Siemens Carl William Siemens 3
Siemens Werner Siemens 1
Simmonds Peter Lund Simmonds 2
Simmons Jr. William E. Simmons Jr. 3
Simms Joseph Simms 2
Simonin L. Simonin 1
Simpson Charles Torrey Simpson 1
Simpson William Simpson 1
Sinclair W. J. Sinclair 1
Sisson Edward Octavius Sisson 1
Skilton James A. Skilton 1
Skinner Aaron Nichols Skinner 1
Skinner Joseph J. Skinner 1
Slack Henry J. Slack 1
Slater J. W. Slater 3
Slichter Charles Sumner Slichter 1
Sloane Thomas O'Conor Sloane 1
Slocum Stephen Elmer Slocum 2
Slosson E. E. Slosson 1
Smiley Charles W. Smiley 1
Smith Anna Tolman Smith 1
Smith Arthur Lapthorn Smith 1
Smith Chauncey Smith 2
Smith David Eugene Smith 1
Smith Frances Gordon Burton Smith 1
Smith Franklin Smith 9
Smith George Clinton Smith 1
Smith Goldwin Smith 4
Smith Henry A. Smith 1
Smith Hugh M. Smith 1
Smith Huntington Smith 1
Smith J. Russell Smith 1
Smith James Perrin Smith 2
Smith John Bernhardt Smith 4
Smith John Lawrence Smith 1
Smith Lewis Worthington Smith 1
Smith Mary Roberts Smith 2
Smith Oberlin Smith 1
Smith Robert Angus Smith 1
Smith Samuel G. Smith 1
Smith Stephen Smith 1
Smith Theobald Smith 1
Smith W. H. Smith 1
Smith Walter Smith 1
Smith Warren S. Smith 1
Smith (1819–1874) Edward Smith (1819–1874) 1
Smyth Charles Piazzi Smyth 1
Snyder Philip Snyder 1
Snyder W. S. Snyder 1
Sollas William Johnson Sollas 1
Somers A. N. Somers 1
Soper George A. Soper 1
Sorel Emile Sorel 1
Souriaou M. P. Souriaou 1
Spalding Douglas Alexander Spalding 4
Spalding Volney Morgan Spalding 1
Spaulding Edward Gleason Spaulding 1
Spaulding Perley Spaulding 4
Speir Jr. Francis Speir Jr. 1
Spence Payton Spence 1
Spencer Anna Garlin Spencer 1
Spencer Herbert Spencer 112
Spencer Joseph William Winthrop Spencer 5
Spencer Thomas D. Spencer 1
Speranza Gino Carlo Speranza 1
Spillane Daniel Spillane 3
Spillman William Jasper Spillman 1
Spottiswoode William Spottiswoode 1
Sprague David Sprague 1
Sprague Roger Sprague 1
Spring M. W. Spring 1
Springer Alfred Springer 1
Springer Robert Springer 1
Stallo John Bernhard Stallo 5
Stanton Timothy William Stanton 1
Starbuck Edwin Diller Starbuck 1
Starcke Carl Nicolai Starcke 1
Stark A. B. Stark 1
Starr Frederick Starr 12
Starr Moses Allen Starr 3
Steele Mary Davies Steele 1
Steere J. B. Steere 1
Stein Robert Stein 1
Stein Wilhelm Stein 1
Stephen Leslie Stephen 2
Stephens C. H. Stephens 1
Sternberg George Miller Sternberg 7
Stevens Frank Lincoln Stevens 2
Stevens George Thomas Stevens 1
Stevens James Stacy Stevens 1
Stevenson Charles Hugh Stevenson 1
Stevenson John James Stevenson 17
Stevenson Sarah Ann Hackett Stevenson 2
Stevenson William G. Stevenson 2
Stewart Balfour Stewart 1
Stewart G. N. Stewart 1
Stewart Gordon A. Stewart 1
Stiles Percy Goldthwait Stiles 1
Stillman John Maxson Stillman 3
Stillman W. O. Stillman 1
Stimson L. A. Stimson 1
Stinde Julius Stinde 2
Stockwell G. Archie Stockwell 3
Stoddard John Lawson Stoddard 1
Stoddard John Tappan Stoddard 2
Stokes George Gabriel Stokes 1
Stoller James H. Stoller 2
Stone George Edward Stone 1
Stone William Henry Stone 1
Stoney George Johnstone Stoney 1
Stosz Wilhelm Stosz 1
Stotesbury Herbert Stotesbury 1
Strachey Richard Strachey 2
Strahan C. Morton Strahan 1
Straight Henry Harrison Straight 1
Strasburger Eduard Strasburger 1
Stratton George Malcolm Stratton 1
Strong William Walker Strong 2
Strout Joseph Woodbury Strout 1
Strutt John William Strutt 2
Sully James Sully 22
Sumner William Graham Sumner 5
Sundermann H. Sundermann 1
Super Charles William Super 10
Sutherland J. C. Sutherland 1
Sutphen Joseph Walworth Sutphen 1
Swain George Fillmore Swain 1
Swift Edgar James Swift 1


Taft William Howard Taft 1
Talbert Ernest Lynn Talbert 1
Talbot George F. Talbot 1
Talman Charles Fitzhugh Talman 1
Tamura Satoru Tetsu Tamura 1
Tarbell Ida M. Tarbell 1
Tarde Gabriel Tarde 1
Tarr Ralph Stockman Tarr 5
Taussig Frank William Taussig 1
Taylor Alonzo Englebert Taylor 1
Taylor Charles Fayette Taylor 3
Taylor Charlotte Taylor 1
Taylor Henry Ling Taylor 2
Taylor J. Madison Taylor 8
Taylor John Ellor Taylor 1
Teale Thomas Pridgin Teale 2
Temple Frederick Temple 1
Temple Richard Carnac Temple 1
Ten Eyck Henry James Ten Eyck 1
Tenney Alvan Alonzo Tenney 1
Tenney Sanborn Tenney 3
Terman Lewis Madison Terman 3
Textor Lucy Elizabeth Textor 1
Thayer Abbott Handerson Thayer 2
Thilly Frank Thilly 3
Thomas W. Scott Thomas 1
Thompson Alton Howard Thompson 1
Thompson Daniel Greenleaf Thompson 3
Thompson Edward H. Thompson 1
Thompson Henry Thompson 6
Thompson Silvanus Phillips Thompson 4
Thompson William Gilman Thompson 1
Thompson (1833-1907) William Thompson (1833-1907) 2
Thomsen Hans Peter Jørgen Julius Thomsen 1
Thomson Basil Home Thomson 1
Thomson J. Arthur Thomson 1
Thomson Joseph John Thomson 3
Thomson (1824-1907) William Thomson (1824-1907) 2
Thorndike Edward L. Thorndike 7
Thorndike Lynn Thorndike 2
Thorne Richard Thorne Thorne 1
Thoulet Julien Thoulet 1
Thrasher Max Bennett Thrasher 1
Thudichum Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Thudichum 2
Thurston E. P. Thurston 1
Thurston Robert Henry Thurston 12
Tillman Samuel Escue Tillman 1
Tissandier Albert Tissandier 1
Tissandier Gaston Tissandier 7
Tisserand François Félix Tisserand 1
Titchener Edward Bradford Titchener 3
Tobey Edward Nelson Tobey 1
Tolman Albert Harris Tolman 1
Topinard Paul Topinard 3
Torrey Harry Beal Torrey 1
Toumey James William Toumey 3
Tower Walter Sheldon Tower 4
Towne Edward C. Towne 1
Townley Sidney Dean Townley 1
Townsend Charles Haskins Townsend 1
Townsend Harriet A. Townsend 1
Toy Crawford Howell Toy 1
Tracy Roger Sherman Tracy 4
Treat Mary Lua Adelia Davis Treat 1
Tregear Edward Robert Tregear 1
Trelease William Trelease 4
Trotter Coutts Trotter 1
Trotter Spencer Trotter 11
Trouessart Edouard Louis Trouessart 3
Trouvé Gustave Trouvé 1
Trowbridge Charles Christopher Trowbridge 2
Trowbridge David Trowbridge 1
Trowbridge John Townsend Trowbridge 12
Trueblood Mary Esther Trueblood 1
Trumbull Matthew Mark Trumbull 1
Tuke Daniel Hack Tuke 4
Turner Edward Raymond Turner 1
Turner Herbert Hall Turner 1
Turner William Turner 2
Tweedy Alice B. Tweedy 4
Tylor Edward Burnett Tylor 8
Tyndall John Tyndall 36
Tyrrell Henry Grattan Tyrrell 1