History of botany (1530–1860)/Select List of Standard Works Printed at The Clarendon Press, Oxford
The Clarendon Press, Oxford.
A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society. Imperial 4to. In Parts, price 12s. 6d. each.
- Vol. I (A and B), half morocco, 2l. 12s. 6d.
- Part IV, Section 2, C–CASS, beginning Vol. II, price 5s.
- Part V, CASS–CLIVY, price 12s. 6d. Just Published.
- Edited by James A. H. Murray, LL.D.
- Vol. III (E, F, and G), Part I, edited by Henry Bradley. In the Press.
An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, arranged on an Historical Basis. By W. W. Skeat, Litt.D. Second Edition. 4to. 2l. 4s.
An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, based on the MS. collections of the late Joseph Bosworth, D.D. Edited and enlarged by Prof. T. N. Toller, M.A., Owens College, Manchester. Parts I-III. A–SAR. 4to. stiff covers. 15s. each. Part IV (completing the Work) in the Press.
An Icelandic-English Dictionary, based on the MS. collections of the late Richard Cleasby. Enlarged and completed by G. Vigfússon, M.A. With an Introduction, and Life of Richard Cleasby, by G. Webbe Dasent, D.C.L. 4to. 3l. 7s.
A Greek-English Lexicon, by H. G. Liddell, D.D., and Robert Scott, D.D. Seventh Edition, Revised and Augmented throughout. 4to. 1l. 16s.
An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, abridged from the above. Small 4to. 12s. 6d.
A Latin Dictionary, founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary, revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D., and Charles Short, LL.D. 4to. 1l. 5s.
A School Latin Dictionary. By Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. Small 4to. 18s.
A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Etymologically and Philologically arranged, with special reference to Greek, Latin, German, Anglo-Saxon, English, and other cognate Indo-European Languages. By Sir M. Monier-Williams, D.C.L. 4to. 4l. 14s. 6d.
Thesaurus Syriacus: collegerunt Quatremère, Bernstein, Lorsbach, Arnoldi, Agrell, Field, Roediger: edidit R. Payne Smith, S.T.P. Vol. I, containing Fasc. I-V, sm. fol. 5l. 5s.
- Fasc. VI. 1l. 1s.Fasc. VII. 1l. 11s. 6d.Fasc. VIII. 1l. 16s.
Anson. Principles of the English Law of Contract, and of Agency in its Relation to Contract. By Sir W. R. Anson, D.C.L. Fifth Edition. 8vo. 10s. 6d.
——— Law and Custom of the Constitution. Part I. Parliament. 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Bentham. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. By Jeremy Bentham. Crown 8vo. 6s. 6d.
Digby. An Introduction to the History of the Law of Real Property. By Kenelm E. Digby, M.A. Third Edition. 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Gaii Institutionum Juris Civilis Commentarii Quattuor; or, Elements of Roman Law by Gaius. With a Translation and Commentary by Edward Poste, M.A. A New Edition. Nearly Ready.
Gentilis, Alberici, I.C.D., I.C., De Iure Belli Libri Tres. Edidit T. E. Holland, I.C.D. Small 4to. half morocco, 21s.
Hall. International Law. By W. E. Hall, M.A. Second Edition. 8vo. 21s.
Holland. Elements of Jurisprudence. By T. E. Holland, D.C.L. Fourth Edition. 8vo. 10s. 6d.
——— The European Concert in the Eastern Question; a Collection of Treaties and other Public Acts. Edited, with Introductions and Notes, by T. E. Holland, D.C.L. 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Justinian. Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum Libri Quattuor; with Introductions, Commentary, Excursus and Translation. By J. B. Moyle, D.C.L., M.A. Second Edition. 2vols. 8vo. Vol. 1. 16s. Vol. II. 6s.
Justinian. The Institutes of Justinian, edited as a recension of the Institutes of Gaius, by T. E. Holland, D.C.L. Second Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. 5s.
——— Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian. By T. E. Holland, D.C.L., and C. L. Shadwell, B.C.L. 8vo. 14s.
Also sold in Parts, in paper covers, as follows:
- Part I. Introductory Titles. 2s. 6d.
- Part II. Family Law. 1s.
- Part III. Property Law. 2s. 6d.
- Part IV. Law of Obligations (No. 1). 3s. 6d.
- Part IV. Law of Oblogations (No. 2). 4s. 6d.
——— Lex Aquilia. The Roman Law of Damage to Property: being a Commentary on the Title of the Digest 'Ad Legem Aquiliam' (ix. 2 . With an Introduction to the Study of the Corpus By Erwin Grueber, Dr.Jur., M.A. 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Markby. Elements of Law considered with reference to Principles of General Jurisprudence. By Sir William Markby, D.C.L. Fourth Edition. 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Pollock and Wright. An Essay on Possession in the Common Law. By Sir F. Pollock, M.A., and R. S. Wright, B.C.L. 8vo. 8s. 6d.
Raleigh. The English Law of Property. By Thos. Raleigh, M.A. In the Press.
Stokes. The Anglo-Indian Codes. By Whitley Stokes, LL.D.
- Vol. I. Substantive Law. 8vo. 30s.
- Vol. II. Adjective Law. 8vo. 35s.
- A Supplement to the above, 1887–1888. Stiff covers, 2s. 6d.
Twiss. The Law of Nations considered as Independent Political Communities. By Sir Travers Twiss, D.C.L.
- Part I. On the Rights and Duties of Nations in time of Peace. New Edition. 8vo. 15s.
- Part II. On the Rights and Duties of Nations in time of War. Second Edition. 8vo. 21s.
Baker's Chronicle. Chronicon Galfridi le Baker de Swynebroke. Edited with Notes by Edward Maunde Thompson, Hon. LL.D. St. Andrews; Hon. D.C.L. Durham; F.S.A.; Principal Librarian of the British Museum. Small 4to., stiff covers, 18s.; cloth, gilt top, 21s.
Bluntschli. The Theory of the State. By J. K. Bluntschli. Translated from the Sixth German Edition. 8vo. half bound, 12s. 6d.
Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Edited by G. Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L. In six volumes, medium 8vo. With Portraits and Facsimiles. Half bound, 3l. 3s.
Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers, preserved in the Bodleian Library. In three volumes. 1869-76.
- Vol. I. From 1523 to January 1649. 8vo. 18s.
- Vol. II. From 1649 to 1654. 16s.
- Vol. III. From 1655 to 1657. 14s. Calendar of Charters and Rolls preserved in the Bodleian Library. 8vo. 1l. i 1s. 6d.
Carte's Life of James Duke of Ormond. 6 vols. 8vo. 1l. 5s.
Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Re-edited from a fresh collation of the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, with marginal dates and occasional notes, by W. Dunn Macray, M.A., F.S.A. 6 vols. Crown 8vo. 2l. 5s.
——— History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. To which are subjoined the Notes of Bishop Warburton. 7 vols. medium 8vo. 2l. 10s.
——— History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Also his Life, written by himself, in which is included a Continuation of his History of the Grand Rebellion. Royal 8vo. 1l. 2s.
——— Life, including a Continuation of his History. 2 vols. medium 8vo. 1l. 2s.
Clinton's Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the LVIth to the CXXIIIrd Olympiad. Third Edition. 4to. 1l. 14s. 6d.
——— Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the CXXIVth Olympiad to the Death of Augustus. Second Edition. 4to. 1l. 12s.
——— Epitome of the Fasti Hellenici. 8vo. 6s. 6d.
——— Fasti Romani. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople, from the Death of Augustus to the Death of Heraclius. 2 vols. 4to. 2l. 2s.
Clinton's Epitome of the Fasti Romani. 8vo. 7s.
Earle. Handbook to the Land Charters, and other Saxonic Documents. By John Earle, M.A., Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford. Crown 8vo. 16s.
Finlay. A History of Greece from its Conquest by the Romans to the present time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864. By George Finlay, LL.D. A new Edition, revised throughout, and in part re-written, with considerable additions, by the Author, and edited by H. F. Tozer, M.A. 7 vols. 8vo. 3l. 10s.
Fortescue. The Governance of England: otherwise called The Difference between an Absolute and a Limited Monarchy. By Sir John Fortescue, Kt. A Revised Text. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, etc., by Charles Plummer, M.A. 8vo. half bound, 12s. 6d.
Freeman. History of the Norman Conquest of England; its Causes and Results. By E. A. Freeman, D.C.L. In Six Volumes. 8vo. 5l. 9s. 6d.
——— The Reign of William Rufus and the Accession of Henry the First. 2 vols. 8vo. 1l. 16s.
——— A Short History of the Norman Conquest of England. Second Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. 2s. 6d.
Gardiner. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1628-1660. Selected and Edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner, M.A. Crown 8vo. 9s. Just Published.
Gascoigne's Theological Dictionary ('Liber Veritatum'): Selected Passages, illustrating the Condition of Church and State, 1403-1458. With an Introduction by James E. Thorold Rogers, M.A. Small 4to. 10s. 6d.
George. Genealogical Tables illustrative of Modern History. By H. B. George, M.A. Third Edition. Small 4to. 12s.
Hodgkin. Italy and her Invaders. With Plates and Maps. By T. Hodgkin, D.C.L. Vols. I-IV, A.D. 376-553. 8vo. 3l. 8s.
——— The Dynasty of Theodosius; or, Seventy Years' Struggle with the Barbarians. By the same Author. Crown 8vo. 6s.
Hume. Letters of David Hume to William Strahan. Edited with Notes, Index, etc., by G. Birkbeck Hill, D.C.L. 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Kitchin. A History of France. With Numerous Maps, Plans, and Tables. By G. W. Kitchin, D.D. In three Volumes. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. each 10s. 6d.
Vol. I. to 1453.Vol. II. 1453-1624.Vol. III. 1624-1793.
Lucas. Introduction to a Historical Geography of the British Colonies. By C. P. Lucas, B.A. With Eight Maps. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d.
——— Historical Geography of the Colonies. Vol. I. By the same Author. With Eleven Maps. Crown 8vo. 5s.
Luttrell's (Narcissus) Diary. A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs, 1678-1714. 6 vols. 8vo. 1l. 4s.
Magna Carta, a careful Reprint. Edited by W. Stubbs, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. 4to. stiched, 1s.
Metcalfe. Passio et Miracula Beati Olaui. Edited from a Twelfth-Century MS. by F. Metcalfe, M.A. Small 4to. 6s.
Oxford. Manuscript Materials relating to the History of Oxford: contained in the Printed Catalogue of the Bodleian and College Libraries. By F. Madan, M.A. 8vo. 7s. 6d.
Ranke. A History of England, principally in the Seventeenth Century. By L. von Ranke. Translated under the superintendence of G. W. Kitchin, D.D., and C. W. Boase, M.A. 6 vols. 8vo. 3l. 3s.
Rawlinson. A Manual of Ancient History. By George Rawlinson, M.A. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. 14s.
Ricardo. Letters of David Ricardo to T. R. Malthus (1810-1823). Edited by James Bonar, M.A. 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Rogers. History of Agriculture and Prices in England. A.D. 1259-1793. By James E. Thorold Rogers, M.A.
Vols. I and II (1259-1400). 8vo. 2l. 2s.
Vols. Ill and IV (1401-1582). 8vo. 2l. 10s.
Vols. V and VI. (1583-1702), 8vo. 2l. 10s.
——— First Nine Years of the Bank of England. 8vo. 8s. 6d.
——— Protests of the Lords, including those which have been expunged from 1624 to 1874; with Historical Introductions. In three volumes. 8vo. 2l. 2s.
Smith's Wealth of Nations. A New Edition, with Notes. by J. E. Thorold Rogers, M.A. 8vo. 21s.
Sprigg's England's Recovery; being the History of the Array under Sir Thomas Fairfax. 8vo. 6s.
Stubbs. Select Charters and other Illustrations of English Constitutional History, from the Earliest Times to the Reign of Edward I. Arranged and edited by W. Stubbs, D.D., Lord Bishop of Oxford. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo. 8s. 6d.
———The Constitutional History of England, in its Origin and Development. Library Edition. 3 vols. Demy 8vo. 2l. 8s.
Also in 3 vols. crown 8vo. price 12s. each.
——— Seventeen Lectures on the Study of Medieval and Modern History, delivered at Oxford 1867-1884. Crown 8vo. 8s. 6d.
Stubbs. Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum. An attempt to exhibit the course of Episcopal Succession in England. By W. Stubbs, D.D. Small 4to. 8s. 6d.
Wellesley. A Selection from the Despatches, Treaties, and other Papers of the Marquess Wellesley, K.G., during his Government of India. Edited by S. J. Owen, M.A. 8vo. 1l. 4s.
Wellington. A Selection from the Despatches, Treaties, and other Papers relating to India of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K. G. Edited by S. J. Owen, M.A. 8vo. 1l. 4s.
Whitelock's Memorials of English Affairs from 1625 to 1660. 4 vols. 8vo. 1l. 10s.
Bacon. Novum Organum. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, &c., by T. Fowler, D.D. Second Edition. 8vo. 15s.
——— Novum Organum. Edited, with English Notes, by G. W. Kitchin, D.D. 8vo. 9s. 6d.
——— Novum Organum. Translated by G. W. Kitchin, D.D. 8vo. 9s. 6d.
Berkeley. The Works of George Berkeley, D.D., formerly Bishop of Cloyne; including many of his writings hitherto unpublished. With Prefaces, Annotations, and an Account of his Life and Philosophy, by Alexander Campbell Fraser, LL.D. 4 vols. 8vo. 2l. 18s.
The Life, Letters, &c., separately, 16s.
Bosanquet. Logic; or, the Morphology of Knowledge. By B. Bosanquet, M.A. 8vo. 21s.
Butler's Works, with Index to the Analogy. 2 vols. 8vo. 11s.
Fowler. The Elements of Deductive Logic, designed mainly for the use of Junior Students in the Universities. By T. Fowler, D.D. Ninth Edition, with a Collection of Examples. Extra fcap. 8vo. 3s. 6d.
——— The Elements of Inductive Logic, designed mainly for the use of Students in the Universities. By the same Author. Fifth Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. 6s.
——— The Principles of Morals (Introductory Chapters). By T. Fowler, D.D., and J. M. Wilson, B.D. 8vo. boards, 3s. 6d.
Fowler. The Principles of Morals. Part II. By T. Fowler, D.D. 8vo. 10s. 6d.
Green. Prolegomena to Ethics. By T. H. Green, M.A. Edited by A. C. Bradley, M.A. 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Hegel. The Logic of Hegel; translated from the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences. With Prolegomena by William Wallace, M.A. 8vo. 14s.
Hume's Treatise of Human Nature. Reprinted from the Original Edition in Three Volumes, and edited, with Analytical Index, by L. A. Selby-Bigge, M.A. Crown 8vo. 9s.
Locke's Conduct of the Understanding. Edited by T. Fowler, D.D. Second Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. 2s.
Lotze's Logic, in Three Books; of Thought, of Investigation, and of Knowledge. English Translation; Edited by B. Bosanquet, M.A. Second Edition. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. 12s. 6d.
——— Metaphysic, in Three Books; Ontology, Cosmology, and Psychology. English Translation; Edited by B. Bosanquet, M.A. Second Edition. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. 12s.
Martineau. Types of Ethical Theory. By James Martineau, D.D. Third Edition. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. 15s.
——— A Study of Religion: its Sources and Contents. Second Edition. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. 15s.
De Bary. Comparative Anatomy of the Vegetative Organs of the Phanerogams and Ferns. By Dr. A. De Bary. Translated and Annotated by F. O. Bower, M.A., F.L.S., and D. H. Scott, M.A., Ph.D., F.L.S. Royal 8vo., half morocco, 1l. 2s. 6d.
——— Comparative Morphology and Biology of Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria. By Dr. A. De Bary. Translated by H. E. F. Garnsey, M.A. Revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. Royal 8vo., half morocco, 1l. 2s. 6d.
——— Lectures on Bacteria. By Dr. A. De Bary. Second Improved Edition. Translated by H. E. F. Garnsey, M.A. Revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. Crown 8vo. 6s.
Goebel. Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology of Plants. A new Edition of Sachs' Text-Book of Botany. Book II. By Dr. K. Goebel. Translated by H. E. F. Garnsey, M.A. Revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. Royal 8vo., half morocco, 1l. 1s.
Sachs. Lectures on the Physiology of Plants. By Julius von Sachs. Translated by H. Marshall Ward, M.A., F.L.S. Royal 8vo., half morocco, 1l. 11s. 6d.
——— A History of Botany. Translated by H. E. F. Garnsey, M.A. Edited by I. Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. Crown 8vo. 10s.
Solms-Laubach. Introduction to Fossil Botany. By Count H. von Solms-Laubach. Authorised English Translation, by H. E. F. Garnsey, M.A. Edited by Isaac Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. In the Press.
Annals of Botany. Edited by Isaac Bayley Balfour, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., Sydney H. Vines, D.Sc., F.R.S., and W. G. Farlow, M.D.
- Vol. I. Parts I-IV. Royal 8vo., half morocco, gilt top, 1l. 16s.
- Vol. II. Parts V-VIII. 2l. 2s.
- Part IX. 11s. 6d.
- Part X. 13s. 6d.
Biological Series. (Translations of Foreign Biological Memoirs.)
I. The Physiology of Nerve, of Muscle, and of the Electrical Organ. Edited by J. Burdon-Sanderson, M.D., F.R.SS. L. & E. Medium 8vo. 1l. 1s.
II. The Anatomy of the Frog. By Dr. Alexander Ecker, Professor in the University of Freiburg. Translated, with numerous Annotations and Additions, by G. Haslam, M.D., Scientific Assistant in the Medical Department in the University of Zurich. Demy 8vo. Nearly ready.
III. Contributions to the History of the Physiology of the Nervous System. By Professor Conrad Eckhard. Translated by Miss Edith Prance. In Preparation.
IV. Essays upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems. By Dr. August Weismann, Translated and Edited by E. B. Poulton, M.A., Selmar Schönland, Ph.D., and Arthur E. Shipley, M.A. Medium 8vo. 16s.
Prestwich. Geology, Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical. By Joseph Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S. In two Volumes.
- Vol. I. Chemical and Physical. Royal 8vo. 1l. 5s.
- Vol. II. Stratigraphical and Physical. With a new Geological Map of Europe. Royal 8vo. 1l. 16s.
- New Geological Map of Europe. In case or on roller. 5s.
Rolleston and Jackson. Forms of Animal Life. A Manual of Comparative Anatomy, with descriptions of selected types. By George Rolleston, M.D., F.R.S. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged by W. Hatchett Jackson, M.A. Medium 8vo. 1l. 16s.