The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift/Volume 19/Index to Swift's Works - H-P

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2488558The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19
— Index to Swift's Works - H-P
1801John Nichols


Habeas Corpus Act. Its suspension never necessary, xiv. 22. 23.
Halfpence (and farthings). Anciently of silver, ix. 25. 26. A patent for coining them, for the use of Ireland, granted to lord Dartmouth, and afterward renewed to Mr. Knox, 49. 54. A proposal of Mr. McCulla's (for coining new halfpence) examined, x. 280. Those of Charles II, better than any since, 285. Ten thousand pounds of them would be sufficient for the kingdom of Ireland, 287. A proposal for ten gentlemen to undertake the coinage of them, upon receiving only interest for their money, ibid. 288. The purport of Wood's patent, 288. Of the loss to the publick from McCulla's copper notes, 293. See Wood.
Halifax (Charles, earl of, one of the commissioners of the treasury, and afterward chancellor of the exchequer). His character, ii. 307 [Pericles]. viii. 2. xviii. 222. Ambitious of being esteemed a Mæcenas, but neglected to reward merit, viii. 2. Was for continuing the war, having himself a good employment, and a hundred thousand pounds in the funds, iii. 401. The dean's opinion of his lordship's sincerity, xiii. 206. Laments Dr. Swift's being situate in Ireland, and hints a wish that he might succeed Dr. South as prebend of Westminster, i. 107. The dean's remark on the promises of courtiers, ibid. Dr. Swift refuses a political toast given by his lordship, unless he is allowed to add to it, xiv. 215.
Hamilton (duke of). His duel with lord Mohun, in which he was supposed to be barbarously murdered by lieutenant general Macartney, iv. 229. xv. 335. 342. His character, xviii. 236. Character of the duchess, xv. 337.
Hamilton (Mrs. of Caledon). Congratulated by the dean, on her intended nuptials with lord Orrery, xiii. 391.
Hammond (Anthony). Account of him, viii. 388.
Hanmer (sir Thomas). A favourite of king George II, when prince of Wales, x. 272. The famous representation of the commons, to the queen, supposed to be written by him, iv. 126. Some account of him, ibid. The most considerable man in the house of commons, xv. 387. Letter from him to Dr. Swift, upon reading his History of the Four last Years of the Queen, xi. 266.
Hannibal. When he made a mean figure, xvi. 334. His obligations to Polybius, v. 173.
Hanover (elector of). His envoy (baron Schutz) demanded a writ for the electoral prince to sit in the house of peers as duke of Cambridge, iv. 270. An act passed, for settling the precedence of his family, iv. 124. Strangely deceived by Bothmar and Robethon, 213, 214. His letter to the queen, expressing his satisfaction in her proceedings in relation to him, iv. 363. Upon just foundation, not suffered in the queen's life time to reside in England, 368. A proposal that his grandson prince Frederick should be educated here, 369.
Happiness. A definition of it, as generally understood, ii. 170. Equally attainable by all men, both in this world and the next, x. 98. On what it greatly depends, xiii. 34. What a considerable step toward it, 126.
Harcourt (sir Simon, afterward lord Harcourt and lord keeper). His character, iii. 114. Made attorney general, xiv. 203.
Hare (Dr. Francis, bishop of St. Asaph, and afterward of Chichester). A learned Comment on his Sermon, xviii. 45. Author of three pamphlets on the management of the war and the treaty of peace, iii. 127. Some account of him, xviii. 46. His politicks and his divinity much of a size, 48.
Harley (Robert, esq.). Speaker successively to three parliaments, in 1700, 1701, and 1702, iii. 115. iv. 118. 313. Succeeded Daniel earl of Nottingham, as secretary of state, in 1704, xvi. 164. Turned out by the management of the duke of Marlborough and earl of Godolphin, iv. 284. xix. 10. So narrowly watched, that he could not without great difficulty obey the queen's commands in waiting on her, iv. 287. Reinstated in the queen's favour, and made chancellor of the exchequer on the dismission of the earl of Godolphin, whose fall brought on the removal of all his friends, 291. 374. Procures a grant of the first fruits and twentieth parts to the clergy of Ireland, 297. xi. 104, 105. Strongly urges Dr. Swift to exert his talents in political disquisitions, iv. 298. His timid proceedings when in power gave umbrage to his own party, 300. And particularly his continuing some noblemen of the whig party in high employments, ibid. Which is accounted for on political principles, 376. The designs of the whigs against him, in the business of Greg, iii. 87, 88. 157. 216. v. 377. xix. 11. The barbarous attempt of Guiscard to stab him, iii. 154 (see Guiscard). The parliament's testimony of their esteem for him, 175. 225. Had frequently threatening letters sent him, xv. 187. Plot for assassinating him, 336. 342. The sentiments of both parties on his conduct, iv. 318. His reply to Dr. Swift's expostulations on that subject, 323. His great maxim in the conduct of publick affairs, xi. 160. Bore false imputations without concern, 254. A great trespasser against punctuality in time, x. 220. Contrived a fund, by which ten millions were paid off without any new burden to the kingdom, iv. 23. Censured by friends as well as enemies, for suffering the earl of Nottingham's clause to pass, in an address to the queen, as he was well acquainted with that nobleman's intention of proposing it, 45. Advised the creation of twelve new peers at once, ib. 328. Made earl of Oxford and Mortimer, and lord treasurer. May 24, 1711, 305. Le Sack the French dancing master's remarks on that occasion, v. 127. The preamble to his patent, xvi. 336. His prudent conduct in regulating the national revenue, iv. 121-124. Honoured with the garter, Oct. 26, 1712, xi. 234. His disregard of Mrs. Masham's credit occasioned the sinking of his own, iv. 355. Toward the end of his ministry, had not a friend of any consequence left, except the duke of Ormond, lord Trevor, and Mr. secretary Bromley, 339. Lord chancellor Harcourt, lord Bolingbroke, lady Masham, bishop Atterbury, and some others, openly declared against him: the earl of Dartmouth and earl Poulett stood neuter; and the duke of Shrewsbury, then in Ireland, hated him, but sacrificed all resentments to ease, profit, and power, 340. His reserve the cause of lord Bolingbroke's resentment, iv. 262. The earl of Oxford and lord Bolingbroke had hardly a common friend left, except the dean, whose sincerity and freedom made up what he wanted in weight and credit, 343. Affected to preserve a reputation of power when he had it not, that he might remove all blame from his sovereign, 346. Loses his daughter, on which occasion Swift sends him an admirable consolatory epistle, xi. 294. Dismissed from his office, 375-384. Impeached, and sent to the Tower, whence (having been kept there two years) he was dismissed without a trial, iv. 348. Letter of Dr. Swift to his lordship, on his impeachment, xi. 454. Appeared great, while that matter was depending, xvi. 372. His death, May 21, 1724; and a letter to his son on that event, xii. 122. The dean proposes to write his lordship's life, 123. Swift's motto under his picture, xii. 87. Lines on his being stabbed by Guiscard, xv. 265. Verses by Mr. Prior on the same subject, xviii. 14. 19. His character, iii. 115. 159. iv. 118, 311. 334. x. 220. xi. 409. 415. xiii. 131. xviii. 230. Why he did not choose the tories should be too numerous in parliament, xiv. 219. His reception of Dr. Swift upon his first introduction to him, and application for remission of the first fruits, &c. in Ireland, 220. xi. 95. Mentioned with honour by the archbishop of Dublin, for his abilities and zeal for the common interest, 144. Anecdote of his porter, xiv. 220. A remarkable instance of his friendship to Dr. Swift, 222. His reasons for pressing forward the remission of the first fruits, 225. His particular attention to Dr. Swift's honour throughout that business, 238. Has five or six millions to raise, and the whigs will not lend a groat, 326. Sends Dr. Swift fifty pounds; which the latter returns with a spirited letter of complaint, 345, 346. 371. What a great fault in him, 276. Humorous lines sent by him to Dr. Swift, xi. 322. More of the same, 324. Conclusion of a copy of verses made by him, complaining of ill usage, 338. Reproached by lady Masham, 363. Some reflections respecting his dismission, and carriage thereupon, 375. His letter to Dr. Swift, on the day of his resignation, 379. For what reasons dismissed by the queen, 380. Censured by lady Masham, 382. A dukedom and a pension talked of, when his removal was in agitation, 359. His carriage at the king's proclamation, and behaviour of the mob to him, 396. A stricture upon his conduct and treatment, 407. A short character of him by lord Bolingbroke, 409. Makes advances of civility to the whigs, 415. xiii. 131. Some observations respecting his intended trial, xi. 470. That subject farther discussed, 472. His impeachment discharged, by unanimous consent of the lords, 473. The king forbids him the court, ibid. At his death, left large materials for a history, xii. 135. A picture of him and a ring sent to Dr. Swift, by Edward, earl of Oxford, 163.
Harley (Mr. Thomas). Dispatched by the queen to Utrecht, with instructions to the plenipotentiaries, iv. 180. His speech to the pensionary, ibid. On his arrival at Hanover, had full instructions to inform the elector of the designs of his mistress, and the real interest of Britain, 214]. 363. Sends a letter from thence, testitying the elector's confidence in the queen, 363.
Harley (lady Betty). Circumstances of her match with the marquis of Caermarthen, xv. 347.
Harrington (Mr. James, author of the Oceana), His scheme for reforming the house of commons by rotation, ii. 339, note.
Harris (James). Strictures on a remark of his on Swift, i. 485.
Harrison (Mr. Thomas). Account of him, xi. 238. xiv. 228. xviii. 206. Advised by his friends to continue the Tatler, after Steele had dropped it, xiv. 325. Recommended by Dr. Swift to secretary St. John, 344; who makes him secretary to lord Raby, ambassador at the Hague, 379; and presents him with fifty guineas to bear his charges, xv. 25. His letter to Dr. Swift, xi. 238. A remarkable incident respecting him, at the time of his bringing the barrier treaty, xv. 374. His sickness and death, 382. Accident to the mourners returning from his funeral, 383.
Hart (William). Punished for publishing a libel, xv. 405.
Harvey (lady). Ballad written on her, xii. 210. xvii. 438.
Hawkesworth (Dr). Character of his life of Swift, xix. 216.
Haxton, one of the murderers of the archbishop of St. Andrew's, taken and executed, x. 351.
Head-ach. A good remedy against it, xiii. 248. Bohea tea bad for the head, xv. 41.
Health. What chiefly conducive to it, xiii. 34. Dr. Swift's estimation of it, xii. 56. 78.
Heathcote (sir Gilbert). His care for the bank, xvi. 353.
Heathens. The ancient heathens were strict in the education of their children, x. 50. The most considerable of them believed a future state of rewards and punishments, 51. But it was not a settled principle among them, by which they governed their actions, 140.
Henley (Mr. Anthony). Some account of him, xviii. 39. A saying of his farmer, when dying of an asthma, v. 460. Humorously banters the dean on his situation in Ireland, xi. 35.
Henry Plantagenet (duke of Lancaster), Founded an hospital at Leicester, for a certain number of old men, v. 274.
Henry I (king of England). His reign, xvi. 29. His person and character, 55.
Henry II (king of England). His reign, xvi. 91. The homage he received from the Irish not greater than what he himself paid for his French dominions, ix. 339. His character, xvi. 96.
Henry VII. Resembled Vespasian in some things, particularly in exacting money, v. 275.
Henry VIII. To unite the two kingdoms, offered his daughter Mary to James V of Scotland, xvii. 190. Made a better bargain in seizing the rights of the church than his contemporary Francis I, iv. 401. Had no design to change religion, ibid, 402. His character, ii. 279. iv. 401. xvi. 239.
Henry V (emperor of Germany). Reasons of his seeking an alliance with England, xvi. 38.
Henry of Blois (bishop of Winchester, and the pope's legate in England). Facilitated his brother Stephen's accession to the crown, xvi. 57. On his brother's captivity, took the oath of fealty to Maude, 73. Renounced all obedience to the empress, 75.
Hereditary Right. Preferable to election in a monarchy like ours, ii. 371. Of a king, not on the same foot with the property of a subject, 372. The main argument in favour of it answered, 375. Queen Anne's title as indefeasible as an act of parliament could make it, iii. 24. Allowed by the tories to be most agreeable to our constitution, yet defeasible by act of parliament, 167.
Hertford (Charles Seymour, earl of). Through an ungovernable temper, incurred the queen's displeasure, iv. 282.
Hervey (lord). Anecdote of him, xviii. 464.
Hewitt (sir George). On his deathbed confessed an intention of seizing James II, xviii. 74.
Heylin. Observations on his History of the Presbyterians, xvi. 342.
Hides. Exported raw from Ireland, for want of bark to tan them, ix. 211.
Highwaymen. Some artfully taken by a gentleman, xv. 351.
Higgins (Francis). Presented as a sower of sedition in Ireland, xi. 117. 189. 191. Anecdote of him, xv. 198.
Hill (general). His secret expedition against Canada, why it failed, though well-concerted, iii. 355. A regiment designed for him by the queen, but the duke of Marlborough undutifully refused to consent to it, iv. 283. xviii. 69. His present to Swift, of a snuffbox, with an explanation of the device on it, i. 77. xi. 220. Sent, with six regiments, to take possession of Dunkirk, iv. 208.
History. Why so few writers of it in the English tongue of any distinction, v. 81. The times which afford most matter for it are, generally speaking, those in which a man would least choose to live, 349. Modern, vi. 230. Minute circumstances of extraordinary tacts most pleasing parts of it, xviii. 5.
History of the Four last Years of Queen Anne, iv. 1. Account of it, 2; and of its publication, 3, 5. The dean mentions it as a free-written, but faithful, record, iv. 16. 328. Speaks of it as his grand business, xv. 390. The lords Oxford and Bolingbroke could not agree about its publication, iv. 15. The dean's reasons for writing it, 16. The materials whence it was formed, 17. xvi. 220. Dr. Swift asserts, that he never received any reward from the minister; and that he was so far from being biassed, that he had preserved several of the opposite party in employments, iv. 17. Dr. King's opinion of this history, xiii. 391.
Hoadly (Dr. Benjamin, successively bishop of Bangor, Hereford, Salisbury, and Winchester). A champion for resistance, but never charged with meddling out of his function, iii. 287. Has an ill name from our author, xii. 69. But lived to see the nation become his converts; and sons have blushed, to think their fathers were his foes. See the annals of cooler times. Dr. Swift speaks of him very slightingly, xiv. 200. The excuse made by the court, for not translating him to Durham, xiii. 13.
Hobbes. His grand mistake, in confounding the executive with the legislative power, ii. 368. Proves that every creature lives naturally in a state of war, viii. 175. To what he ascribed the corruption of the political principles of the English youth, iii. 282. v. 311. ix. 231. His definition of magnanimity, iv. 316.
Hoffman (a formal German resident). Prescribes good manners at the English court, x. 218.
Hogs. Scheme for ploughing the ground with them, vi. 208.
Holland. Why it can much sooner recover itself after a war than England, iii. 9. No religion there; and its government the worst constituted in the world to last, xvi. 229.
Holt (lord chief justice). From what motive Dr. Radcliffe took particular care to recover his wife, xii. 310.
Homer. Humorous animadversions on his gross errours and various defects, in comparison of the moderns, ii. 131. Description of that immortal bard, v. 171. vi. 227.
Honour. Why purchased at a cheaper rate by satire than by any other productions of the brain, ii. 65. An imperfect guide of men's actions, x. 47.
Hooker. His style commended, v. 199.
Hope. One of the two greatest motives of action, but such as will not put us in the way of virtue, unless directed by conscience, x. 49. The successive hopes of the whigs, iii. 92.
Horses. Reflections on our abuse of them, vi. 281.
Horte (Dr. Josiah, bishop of Kilmore, afterward archbishop of Tuam). Author of a pamphlet, which he wished to be printed, and for which Mr. Faulkner suffered, xiii. 259. viii. 375.
Hostreham. The place where Henry II first landed, when he came to possess the crown, xvi. 92.
Hospital for lunaticks suggested by sir Wm. Fownes, xiii. 5. One endowed by Swift, 397. 409.
House of Commons. Its great importance in this country, iv. 365. A prince who has the hearts of his people, and leaves them to their free choice, cannot miss a good one, xviii. 120. The pulse of the nation better felt by, than by the house of peers, 122.
Houyhnhnms. Have no word in their language to express lying, vi. 274. Their notions of truth and falsehood, 280. Their language abounds not in variety of words, their wants and passions being few, 282. Their virtues, 318. Their manner of educating their youth, 321. Their learning, buildings, manner of burial, and defect in language, 326-329. Their edifying manner of conversing with each other, 331.
Howard, Mrs. (afterward countess of Suffolk). Her character, x. 235. Thought by Swift to be a true courtier, xiii. 20. Lady Betty Germain's vindication of her, 30. Her facetious letter to Dr. Swift, alluding to passages in Gulliver, xii. 211. Her marriage with Mr. Berkeley, the brother of lady Betty Germain, xiii. 211.
Howard (Edward). A proficient in the low sublime, viii. 177.
Human nature. The common infirmity of it, to be most curious in matters where we have least concern, vi. 188.
Humour. In its perfection, preferable to wit, v. 209. The word peculiar to the English nation, as sir William Temple imagined, but not the thing itself, ibid. The taste for it natural, 210. The best ingredient toward the most useful kind of satire, 211.
Hungerford (John). Moved the house of commons against bishop Fleetwood's preface, in which he was seconded by Mr. Manley, xviii. 148.
Hunter (colonel). The Discourse on the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, &c. addressed to him, ii. 249. Two letters to him from Dr. Swift, xi. 53. 63. Misrepresented by his adversaries, as inclined to weaken the interest of the church in his government of New York, xi. 272.
Huntington (Henry, earl of, son to David, king of Scots). That earldom, of which Bedford was then a part, bestowed on him, by Stephen, xvi. 63. A prince of great personal valour, 65. Brought to England by Stephen, as hostage for his father's fidelity, 67. In the siege of Ludlow castle, gallantly exposing his person on all occasions, was lifted from his horse by an iron grapple let down from the wall, and would have been hoisted into the castle if the king had not with his own hands brought him off, ibid.
Husband. What the term denotes in different countries, xvi. 160.
Hutchinson (Hartley). Verses relating to him, viii. 190. 192.
Hyde, lady Catherine (afterward duchess of Queensberry), xv. 386.
Hypocrisy. More eligible than open infidelity and vice, ii. 418. Worse than atheism, xvii. 376.


Jack. His adventures, on being turned out of doors, together with Martin, by their brother Peter, ii. 140. 186. The various uses he makes of a copy of his father's will, 187. Adheres to the phrase of the will, in his common talk and conversation, 188. Breaks his nose, and then harangues the populace upon the subject of predestination, 190. The great resemblance between Jack and his brother Peter, both as to person and disposition, notwithstanding their antipathy, 195. Gains the love of Peg, John Bull's sister, xvii. 191. Is apprehended and imprisoned, 225. Hangs himself, by the persuasion and treachery of his friends, 231. 235.
Jacobites. A private prayer superstitiously used by them in making punch, ix. 278. See Tories, Whigs.
Jackson (John). Verses on his picture, vii. 215-231. A letter from Swift in his behalf, to procure him the deanery of Cloyne, xiii. 276.
James I. His overtures toward an union of the two kingdoms, rejected with contempt by the English, iii. 298. In the latter part of his reign, many of the bishops and clergy were puritans, v. 293. Consequences of his squandering his demesnes, xix. 105. His character, ii. 281.
James II. Had no cause to apprehend the same treatment with his father, as suggested by some, ii. 374. Discharged one, who had been fined and imprisoned when he was duke of York, for saying he was a papist, iii. 173. His character, ii. 284. Instance of his unjust conduct, x. 368. Very few royal grants bestowed in his reign, iv. 157. Gave commissions to several presbyterians to assist him against the prince of Orange, v. 300. When he made a contemptible figure, vi. 333. Conspiracy to seize him, xviii. 73.
Japan. Court and empire of it, representing the administration of George I, x. 267.
Idleness. What the greatest mark of it, xiii. 47.
Jesuits. Their constant practice toward us, ii. 396. Several of them came over to England in the character of prophets, v. 18.
Jews. A story of one condemned to be burnt at Madrid, ix. 128.
Ignorance. The greatest inventions produced in times when it prevailed, v. 455. Not mother of devotion, though perhaps of superstition, v. 109.
Imagination. Whether the creatures of it may not be as properly said to exist as those seated in the memory, ii. 170. The strong effects of it, v. 25.
Imitation. The use of it in poetry, xvii. 25.
Immortality. Two kinds of it, v. 166.
Impeachments. Instances of several in Greece at different times, ii. 305. Are perhaps the inherent right of a free people; but to what states were anciently peculiar, 328. When they commenced in the Roman, 329. In what cases only recourse to be had to them, ibid. Wherein the popular impeachments in Greece and Rome agreed, 331. Not allowed in Ireland, xi. 166.
Indefeasible. Hard to conceive how any right can be so, though queen Anne's was so as far as the law could make it, iii. 24.
Indemnity. The use and seasonableness of an act of indemnity, iii. 137. 203.
Independents. The rise and growth of them, v. 294. Mingled with the mass of presbyterians after the restoration, and sunk undistinguished into the herd of dissenters, 297.
Indians. Their religion and ours, ii. 260. Arts and sciences derived to us from them and the Egyptians, xvii. 72. Whence they acquired their knowledge, 74. An Indian king's description of London, v. 200.
Infidelity. An expedient to keep in countenance corruption of morals, v. 108.
Informers. State, law respecting them in Lilliput, vi. 53. Reckoned infamous, though an honest man may be called by that name, x. 284. Letter from one to the lord treasurer, xi. 321.
Ingratitude. A capital crime in Lilliput, vi. 56. The general complaint against it misplaced, xvii. 385. None but direct villains capable of it, ibid. Is two-fold, active and passive, iii. 29. A vice most men are ashamed to be thought guilty of, xi. 292.
Injuries. A part of wisdom, to dissemble those we cannot revenge xi. 167.
Innocence. The best protection in the world, yet not sufficient without prudence, x. 90.
Inns of court. The worst instituted seminaries in any christian country, ii. 412.
Inscriptions. By lord Bolingbroke in his exile, xii. 63. 64. See Monuments.
Inspiration. Pretenders to. See Æolists.
Interest. The prevalence of the monied over the landed, iii. 6. The dangers from it, 182. The lowness of interests in other countries a sign of wealth, but in Ireland a proof of its misery, ix. 206. 393.
Intrigue. Method in which proficients get rid of an incommode, xviii. 8.
John (king of England). His whole portion before he came to the crown, v. 274. When he made a mean figure, xvi. 335.
Johnson (Dr). Character of his life of Swift, i. xv. 495. xix. 216. His character of Swift's writings, xix. 204.
Jones (Richard, earl of Ranelagh). Account of him, and of his death, xi. 210. Monument of him and his father, repaired at the instigation of Swift, xii. 315. 471.
Jones (sir William). Charracter and anecdote of him, xvi. 349.
Ireland. The interest of the papists there very inconsiderable, iv. 433. v. 329. Would be the paradise of the clergy, if they were in the most credit where ignorance most prevails, v. 109. The wretched condition of it from the want of improvements in agriculture, v. 272. ix. 1. The bishops there do not receive the third penny (fines included) of the real value of their lands, v. 281. Letting their lands to lords and squires, a great misfotune both to themselves and the publick, 283. A full third part of the whole income of Ireland spent annually in London, 286. Pluralities of livings there defended, ibid. Has been often forced to defend itself against new colonies of English adventurers, 333, 334. What the land rents of it amount to, x. 256. Archbishop of Tuam's relation of a pleasant scheme to secure it from ruin, ix. 4. Receives wares, wit, and learning, with strange partiality, from England, 8. What the amount of the current money there, 21. 154. 206. 345. 391. xiii. 122. What in lord Dartmouth's time, ix. 68. England gets above a million of money yearly by Ireland, ix. 22. Obliged to receive mixed money under queen Elizabeth, in the time of Tyrone's rebellion, 25, 26. What money they are obliged by law to take, 26. The number of souls there, 31. 289. 385. x. 288. What the amount of the king's revenues there, ix. 38, 39. The several sorts of silver coin current, 60. A brief view of the state of it, from about four hundred years before queen Elizabeth's reign, till the year 1641, 64. The people how rewarded for reducing it to the obedience of England, 81. Why so few employments to be disposed of in it, 85. Is no dependent kingdom, being called in some statutes an imperial crown, 90. Parliaments of England have sometimes bound it by laws enacted there, 92. A bill for enlarging the power and privileges of the peerage of it thrown out, 121. The absurd opinion entertained of the natives by the generality of the English, 143. What the rents of the land were, since enormously raised, 171, 172. Several articles, by which Ireland loses, to the gain of England, 172, 173. The folly of those natives of it, who spend their fortunes in England, 174. Appeals from the peers of Ireland to those of England frequent, 176. What Luther said of himself, applicable to Ireland, 177. The only advantage possessed by it an extinction of parties, ibid. The dissenters there not in a situation to erect a party, 178. A proposal for promoting the sale of the silk and woollen manufactures of it, 181. 342. 357. Other means of improving it proposed, 185. 318. 349. Charter working schools instituted in, 186. The only kingdom ever denied the liberty of exporting its native commodities and manufactures, 202. An examination of the share which Ireland has of the several causes of a nation's thriving, 199-204. 391. The lowness of interest, a certain sign of wealth in other countries, a proof of misery in this, 206. 393. Flesh meat very dear there, notwithstanding the great plenty of cattle, and dearth of human creatures, 212. Pays in taxes more, in proportion to the wealth of it, than England ever did in the height of war, 215. The maintenance of the clergy there precarious and uncertain, 244. What the revenues of the archbishops and bishops are computed to amount to, 260. Hardships suffered by the poorer people, through the scarcity of silver there, v. 217. 223. By what means the great scarcity of silver there is occasioned, ibid. Half its revenue annually sent to England, 218. How it might be remedied, 219, 220. The first imperial kingdom, since Nimrod, which ever wanted power to coin its own money, 220. Why the Irish migrate to America, 222. ix. 363. xviii. 353. The only christian country where the people are the poverty, not the riches of it, ix. 353. 396. 420. Would be less miserable, if marriages were more discouraged there, 420. An allegorical description of it, 309. And of the conduct of England toward it, 309-315. Most of the gentlemen in it, who have sons, usually breed one of them to the church, xii. 149. Having bishops perpetually from England, a great disadvantage and discouragement to it, ibid. The depressing of it on every opportunity an erroneous and modern maxim of politicks in the English nation, ix. 401. Contentions of parties, wherefore of worse consequence than in England, 404. Various causes of its misery, 371. x. 109. Roman Catholicks restrained there from wearing or keeping any arms in their houses, ix. 330. The state of its exports and imports, 334. What the profitable land in it usually computed at, 337. What kind of homage was paid to king Henry II, 339. Oppression and arbitrary power at its greatest height there under the government of the earl of Wharton, v. 349, 350. The privy council there have a great share in the administration, with the chief governor, 371. What the number of gentlemen there, ix. 385. Of farmers, 386. Proceedings in the affair of first-fruits and twentieth parts there, see First-fruits. The poorest there have a natural taste for good sense, xii. 438. Little encouragement for authors, 439. Irish tenants knavish, and landlords oppressive, xiii. 298. The bad consequences of four bishopricks being kept vacant there, iv. 318. 343. In the grand rebellion, the churches in Ireland were pulled down, while those in England were only defaced, ix. 74, 75. What the national debt, 345. Reasons against laying an additional duty there on wines, 347. A method proposed for delaying its ruin, 349. 355. The great imports there even from women's luxury, 349. 354. Wine, tea, and unnecessary ornaments, amount to 400000l., ibid. In extent, about a third smaller than England, 371. Its roads very impassable, 372. A project for rendering the soil more fertile, 374. The expediency of abolishing the Irish language, 375. Notorious publick absurdities in that kingdom, xvi. 263. Introduction of frogs there, ibid. Records relating to it in the possession of the duke of Chandos, xiii. 139. 150. The barbarous denominations of places, and the brogue there, of ill effect, xvi. 254. England a habitation of saints, in comparison of Ireland, xiii. 122. The poor there, like oppressed beggars, always knaves, 123. Enumeration of it's grievances, xii. 181. In the time of Henry II, a country little known, xvi. 94. The inhabitants represented at Rome as a savage people, ibid. No nation, in which christianity received so early and unlimited admittance, so late in feeling its effects upon their manners and civility, ibid. Two reasons why that island continued so long uncultivated, 95. Observations on the conduct of the dissenters there, respecting a repeal of the test, xi. 43. House of commons address the queen, upon the reversion of lord Slane's attainder, 63. Few parishes there have any glebe, 91. The number of impropriations make the livings small and of uncertain value, 92. That kingdom has not the power of impeaching, 166. Glebes more wanted than impropriations, 167. The people greatly apprehensive of the Pretender, 178. A great jest, to see people there furious for or against any thing, 206. Dissensions in the parliament respecting the chancellor, 306. An expression of Hobbes applied to the turbulent state of affairs there, 307. The commons take examinations about murder out of the judges hands, 308. The dissenters conventicles suffered only by connivance, 427. Observed by travellers, that they never see fewer charitable foundations any where than in that kingdom, xiii. 5. Its superiour advantages to those which England enjoys, 23. So connected with England, that the natives of both islands should mutually study and advance each other's interest, 118. Proposal for establishing a herring and cod fishery there, ibid. What the state of the deaneries there in general, 245. Is a nation of slaves, who sell themselves for nothing, 167. What influenced the duke of Dorset to act the usual part in governing that nation, 194. Not a place for any freedom, xi. 414. Dr. Swift's character, and reflections on the conduct, of the squires in general there, xiii. 455. The commons oppose the court's unreasonable demands of money to satisfy wanton and pretended debts of the crown, xix. 36. Conditions of its people abroad, 70. Its true state little known and much misrepresented, 78. Has produced many men of eminence, 80, 81.
Irish troops in the French service. Danger of them, ix. 320.
Italian language. Has admitted few or no changes for some ages, v. 69.
Italy. Anciently divided into petty commonwealths, ii. 312.
Judas. A poem, viii. 113.
Judges. The replies of two judges to criminals who appealed to the general judgment, ix. 117. Eastern punishment of an iniquitous one, 130. Jugdes seldom have it in their power, if it be in their will, to mingle mercy with justice, x. 91. Those of Ireland have the examinations about murder taken out of their hands by the commons, xi. 308.
Junto, iii. 102. Coalition for a time between the junto and late ministry, 138.
Juries. A resolution of the house of commons concerning grand juries, on a proceeding of lord chief justice Scroggs, ix. 107. 130. Not to be discharged by a judge, while matters are under consideration, 107. Nor to be influenced by him, 129.
Justice. Lilliputian image of, vi. 54.
Justices of the peace. Improper ones promote, rather than suppress vice, ii. 416.


Kelley (Dennis and George). xii. 84.
Kennet (bishop). His account of Swift, xix. 21.
Kerry (earl of). One of the most ancient and noble families in Ireland, xiii. 191.
Keynes (William de). Takes king Stephen prisoner, xvi. 73.
Killaloe (bishop of). Empowered to solicit the affair of the first-fruits, &c., in Ireland, xi. 82. What the yearly income of that bishoprick, 312.
Killigrew (William, Thomas, and Henry). Some account of each of them, xviii. 106. A saying of Henry's to lord Wharton, x. 242.
King. The true glory and greatness of a king of England, iii. 196. Cannot legally refuse to pass a bill approved by the commons, i. 527. Explanation of the maxim, that he can do no wrong, ii. 373. Impolitick in one to prefer persons of merit, vi. 231. Can be as despotick as he pleases, xix. 112. Peculiar advantage, he enjoys, 113. The desire of unlimited power natural to kings, xiii. 195. What alone can cool their lust of power, ibid. How far it is proper he should have the choice of his ministers, xvi. 298. The title given as a matter of courtesy, not acknowledgment of right, iii. 346. Kings often deceived in their grants, ix. 18. Why they should be obeyed, x. 92. Made of the same materials with their subjects, x. 80.
King (Dr. William, principal of St. Mary Hall). xiii. 349-354. His opinion of Swift's History, xiii. 391. Published Swift's verses on his own death, 414.
King (Dr. William, archbishop of Dublin). A character of him[1], iv. 422. His generosity to the clergy of his diocese, ix. 256. Swift greatly feared or respected him, xi. 46. A repartee of his, xii. 105. His enmity to the dean, in return for many kind offices received, xiii. 230. xix. 28. 31. Has a lawsuit with the dean and chapter of Christchurch on his right of visitation, xix. 7. His reflections on the character of the earl of Wharton, lord lieutenant of Ireland, published at Dublin, xi. 127; on Guiscard's attempt to kill Mr. Harley, xi. 135. xv. 15. 32; on the proceeding of the city in the election of a mayor, xi. 153. His advice to Dr. Swift, 174. 192. Reflections on the approaching peace, 190. Account of the proceedings at a convocation, pressing a representation of the state of religion in Ireland, 195.
King (mass John, a noted preacher among the covenanters). A short account of him, x. 336. Taken prisoner by captain Creichton, 345. Sent to Edinburgh, and hanged there, 346.
Kingdom. A dependent kingdom, a modern term of art, unknown to the ancient civilians, ix. 90. What meant by the expression, 91. The several causes of a kingdom's thriving enumerated, 199, 200.
Kingdom (Jenny). A maid of honour, colonel Disney's saying of her, xv. 400.
Kingston (Evelyn Pierpoint, duke of). Imports a foreign commodity, not worth the carriage, xiii. 372.
Kirkwood (an Episcopalian minister in Scotland). Preserves his life and fortune by a singular presence of mind, x. 393.
Kirleus (Mary). The quack, v. 32 note.
Kit-cat. Derivation of the term, xviii. 141.
Kit-cat club. Some account of it, xviii. 89. 141.
Knaves. Whence have art enough to elude the laws, iii. 200. The term originally not infamous, ix. 151.
Kneller (sir Godfrey). Painted portraits of the members of the Kit-cat club, xviii. 141.
Knights of the Garter. Six made at one time, xi. 234.
Knox (Mr). His patent for coining halfpence, ix. 49. 54.


Ladder. A symbol of faction and poetry, ii. 77.
Lagado, the capital of Balnibarbi, described, vi. 201.
Lamb (William). Recommended by Mr. Pope and Mr. Lyttelton to Swift, to be made one of his vicars choral, xiii. 405. 431. 432.
Land. What raises the value of it, v. 272. Whence the dearness of it in Ireland, ix. 206. 263.
Landed Interest. Lessened by the increase of the monied, iii. 6. Which may prove dangerous to the constitution, 182.
Landlords. Their cruelty and oppression in Ireland, x. 112.
Lanfranc (archbishop of Canterbury). His being preferred by William Rufus, in his favour and ministry, the cause of Odo's discontent, xvi. 10. On his death, the see kept vacant four years, 12.
Langford (sir Arthur). Reproved by Dr. Swift, for erecting a conventicle, xi. 427.
Langton (Dominick). His false charge of a plot, xi. 175. 188.
Language. Better not wholly perfect, than perpetually changing, v. 76. One of its greatest perfections, simplicity, ibid. What esteemed fine language by the better sort of vulgar, 88. The language of the northern nations full of monosyllables and mute consonants united, 196. See English language.
Lansdown (lord). Offended at a passage in the Examiner, xv. 284.
Laputa (or the flying island). The people of it described, vi. 181.
Laracor. The dean purchases a glebe, for the benefit of his successors in that living, xi. 450. 457. xii. 330.
Latin tongue. In Britain, never in its purity, nor yet so vulgar as in Gaul and Spain, v. 65. More words of it remain in the British tongue than in the old Saxon, ibid. Suffered as much change in three hundred years as the English and French in the same space, 67. Reasons assigned for the corruptions of it, ibid.
Latinitas Grattaniana, xiii. 339.
Laughter. Causes of it, viii. 244.
Lancelot (Mr). Swift's letter to the earl of Chesterfield, in his behalf, xii. 357. Married a relation of the dean, 358.
Lavallin (captain). His remarkable story, and its melancholy consequences, xiv. 226.
Laws. Those of Brobdingnag described, vi. 154. That men should be ruined by them, a paradox not understood by the Houyhnhnms, 292. Method of suits at law as practised in England, 293. Owing to the defects in reason, 307. Those of the twelve tables whence formed, ii. 318. What law in a free country is, or ought to be, v. 461. Qualifications requisite to those who are to make them, 131. Why the force of them is often eluded by knaves, iii. 200. Our laws extremely defective in many instances, 202. Laws to bind men without their own consent not obligatory, ix. 8. Law of God, all other laws precarious without it, x. 49. Itself invariable, xvi. 192. Law the will of the supreme legislature, xvi. 191. What is now called common law was first introduced by Edward the Confessor, xvi. 8. Observations on the Salique law, iv. 222. A lawsuit a suit for life, xvi. 155. Their execution should not be trusted to those who interest it is to see them broken, 52.
Lawyer. See Rooke.
Lawyers. Bred up in the art of proving white black, and black white, as they are paid, vi. 293. Avoid entering into the merits of a cause, but dwell upon the circumstances of it, 294. Their character, exclusive of their profession, 295. Seem least of all others to understand the nature of government in general, ii. 378. A specimen of their reports, xvii. 93. Why not always well acquainted with the old English constitution, xvi. 203. Their sense of the statute of Henry VIII, relating to the leases of hospitals, &c., xi. 441.
Learning. What among the people of Brobdingnag, vi. 153. the effects of it on a brain unfit to receive it, xvii. 317. Men who have much, are generally the worst ready speakers, v. 235.
Leases. A law wished for, to prevent bishops letting them for lives, iv. 394. Custom of letting long leases of church lands, practised by some of the popish bishops at the time of the reformation, held many years after, v. 270. Remarks on the custom of letting them for lives upon many estates in England, 275. What the worth of a bishop's lease for the full term, ix. 261.
Lechmere (Nich. lord). Some account of him, xvii. 412.
Le Clerc (Mons.) His letter to Mr. Addison, on his being appointed secretary to the earl of Wharton, xi. 60. xiii. 456.
Legion club. Satirically described, viii. 208.
Leicester. An hospital founded there by Henry, duke of Lancaster, v. 274. A specimen of the sagacity of the justices at a quarter sessions there, ix. 73. The dean's character of that town, xi. 3. 4.
Lent. Why hated by Dr. Swift, xv. 276.
Lepidus. In what he made a mean figure, xvi. 332.
Lesley (Mr). Strictures on him, ii. 363. Accused by Dr. Burnet of impudence, for proposing a union between the English and Gallican church, iv. 411. Characters of his two sons, viii. 60.


Feb. 11. To Mr. John Kendall, xi. 1.
14. To the Athenian Society, xviii. 241.
Nov. 29. To Mr. William Swift, xi. 5.
June 3. To Mr. Deane Swift, 6.
Oct. 6. To sir William Temple, xix. 1.
April 9. To miss Waryng, xviii. 243.
. . . . . . To Mrs. Jane Swift, xi. 8.
Jan. 13. To Mr. Windar, xix. 3.
May 26. From Mrs. Jane Swift, to Mr. Deane Swift, xi. 9.
July 16. To archbishop King, 10.
Dec. 16. To Dr. Tisdall, 11.
Feb. 3. To the same, 13.
April 20. To the same, 17.
May 4. To miss Waryng, i. 278.
Dec. 31 To archbishop King, xix. 7.
. . . . . . From Charles, earl of Berkeley, xviii. 249.
Feb. 5. To archbishop King, xi. 20.
12. To the same, xix. 9.
29. From Mr. Addison, xi. 22.
April 15 To Dr. Sterne, xi. 23.
June . . To the same, 25.
10. To archbishop King, 26.
Sept. 16 From Mr. Henley, 31.
Nov. 2. From the same, 33.
From the same, ibid.
9. To archbishop King, 39.
20. From archbishop King, 42.
30. To primate Marsh, 45.
To Dr. Sterne, 47.
Jan. 6. To archbishop King, xi. 49.
12. To Mr. Hunter, 53.
Feb. 10. From archbishop King, 56.
12. M. Le Clerc to Mr. Addison, 60. xiii. 456.
Mar. 12. From archbishop King, xi. 61.
22. To Mr. Hunter, 63.
24. To Private Marsh, 67.
26. To the same, ibid.
April 22. From Mr. Addison, 71.
June 25. From the same, 71.
. . . . . . From the same, 72.
Oct. 6. From Charles, earl of Halifax, i. 107.
8. From Mr. Steele, 73.
. . . . . . To the earl of Pembroke, xvi. 244.
April 11. From Mr. Addison, xi. 74.
17. To Dr. Sterne, 76.
June 10. From Mr. Addison, xviiii. 250.
27. From sir Andrew Fountaine, xi. 77.
29. To Mr. Tooke, 78.
July 10. From Mr. Tooke, 80.
23. From Mr. Addison, 81.
Aug. 31. Irish bishops to the bishops of Ossory and Killaloe, 82.
Sept. 2. To Stella, xiv. 193.
9. To the same, 195.
To the same, 198.
To archbishop King, xi. 83.
16. From archbishop King, 87.
21. To Stella, xiv. 206.
26. To Dr. Sterne, xi. 89.
30. To Stella, xiv. 213.
Oct. 7. Memorial to Mr. Harley, xi. 91.
10. To archbishop King, xi. 94.
To Stella, xiv. 224.
13. From sir M. Dudley, 229.
19. To Stella, 236.
24. From archbishop King, xi. 100.
From primate Marsh, and archbishop King, xi. 101.
31. To Stella, xiv. 248.
Nov. 2. From archbishop King, xi. 103.
4. To archbishop King, 104.
11. To Stella, xiv. 259.
16. To archbishop King, xi. 106.
23. To the same, 107.
25. To Stella, xiv. 271.
28. To archbishop King, xi. 109.
30. From archbishop King, 114.
Dec. 9. To Stella, xiv. 283.
16. From archbishop King, xi. 116.
23. To Stella, xiv. 301.
30. To archbishop King, xi. 118.
Jan. 4. To the same, 123.
To Stella, xiv. 318.
7. From secretary St. John, xi. 124.
Dr. Swift’s answer, 125.
9. From archbishop King, ibid.
13. From the same, 127.
16. To Stella, xiv. 330.
31. To the same, 353.
Feb. 10. To the same, 353.
To Charles, earl of Peterborow, xi. 128.
22. From Mr. Nelson, 130.
24. To Stella, xiv. 364.
Mar. 8. To archbishop King, xi. 131.
10. To Stella]], xiv. 377.
17. From archbishop King, xi. 135.
24. To Stella, xv. 1.
April 5. To the same, 14.
8. From the earl of Peterborow, xi. 140.
10. To archbishop King, 137.
11. From archbishop King, 142.
14. To Stella, xv. 22.
28. To the same, 34.
May 4. To the earl of Peterborow, xi. 145.
10. To archbishop King, 148.
11. To secretary St. John, 151.
12. To Stella, xv. 45.
15. From archbishop King, xi. 153.
24. To Stella, xv. 56.
June 9. To the same, 70.
21. From the earl of Peterborow, xi. 157.
30. To Stella, xv. 80.
July 12. To archbishop King, xi. 159.
19. To Stella, xv. 94.
25. From archbishop King, xi. 163.
28. From the same, 166.
Aug. 11. To Stella, xv. 107.
15. To archbishop King, xi. 168.
25. To Stella, xv. 119.
26. To archbishop King, xi. 172.
Sept. 1. From archbishop King, 174.
From the same, 180.
To bishop Atterbury, xix. 13.
8. To Stella, xv. 131.
25. To the same, 144.
Oct. 1. To archbishop King, xi. 182.
9. To Stella, xv. 155.
23. To the same, 168.
27. From archbishop King, xi. 187.
31. From the same, 191.
Nov. 1. From the same, 192.
3. To Stella, xv. 178.
10. From archbishop King, xi. 193.
16. From Mr. secretary St. John, 197.
17. From the same, xviii. 251.
To Stella, xv. 190.
15. From Mrs. Long, xi. 198.
Dec. 1. To Stella, xv. 202.
15. To the same, 214.
20. Mr. Shower to lord treasurer, xi. 202.
21. Lord treasurer to Mr. Shower, xi. 202.
26. To – on Mrs. Long’s death, xix. 17.
29. To Stella, xv. 225.
To Dr. Sterne, xi. 204.
Jan. 8. To archbishop King, 207.
12. To Stella, xv. 237.
26. To the same, 248.
31. From Dr. Sacheverell, xi. 211.
Feb. 9. To Stella, xv. 258.
23. To the same, 268.
Mar. 8. To the same, 280.
22. To the same, 292.
29. To archbishop King, xi. 213.
April 24. To Stella, xv. 299.
May 10. To the same, 300.
20. To archbishop King, xi. 216.
31. To Stella, xv. 302.
June 17. To the same, 306.
July 1. To the same, 310.
July 17. To Stella, xv. 314.
. . . . . . To Mrs. Hill, xi. 218.
Aug. 7. To Stella, xv. 318.
12. To general Hill, xi. 220.
Sept. 10. Lord Bolingbroke to Mr. Prior, 222.
15. To Stella, xv. 321.
30. To archbishop King, xi. 227.
. . . . . . From the countess of Orkney and Mrs Ramsay, 230.
. . . . . . From the countess of Orkney, 231.
Oct. 9. To Stella, xv. 326.
21. To archbishop King, xi. 232.
28. To Stella, xv. 331.
Nov. 15. To the same, 335.
21. From the countess of Orkney, xi. 235.
The answer, ibid.
22. Her ladyship’s reply, 238.
Dec. 12. To Stella, xv. 340.
16. From Mr. Harrison, xi. 238.
18. To Stella, xv. 345.
20. To the duchess of Ormond, xi. 243.
Jan. 3. To archbishop King, 244.
4. To Stella, xv. 258.
5. From lord Bolingbroke, xviii. 251.
20. To the duke of Argyll, xi. 248.
25. To Stella, xv. 371.
Feb. 15. To the same, 383.
Mar. 1. To the same, 392.
From governor Hunter, xi. 249.
14. From the same, 251.
21. To Stella, xv. 404.
28. To archbishop King, xi. 252.
April 7. To Stella, xv. 417.
8. From Mr. Prior, xi. 256.
. . From the earl of Poulett, 257.
13. To the rev. W. Draper, xviii. 252.
21. From Dr. Atterbury, xi. 258.
30. To archbishop King, 259.
May . . To lord chancellor Harcourt, 260.
13. To Mr. Addison, ibid.
16. To Stella, xv. 428.
19. From Mr. Steele, xi. 262.
Dr. Swift’s answer, 263.
. . From sir Thomas Hanmer, 266.
23. To archbishop King, ibid.
26. From Mr. Steele, 268.
27. To Mr. Steele, 269.
June 2. From Mr. Lewis, 271.
4. From Mr. Sharpe, 272.
6. To Stella, xv. 430.
July 8. To miss Vanhomrigh, xi. 274.
9. From Mr. Lewis, 273.
16. To archbishop King, 275.
30. From Mr. Lewis, xi. 277.
Aug. 3. To bishop Atterbury, xix. 19.
6. From Mr. Lewis, xi. 279.
16. From Mr. Prior, 277.
Sept. 27. From Dr. Smalridge, 281.
Oct. 1. To archdeacon Walls, 282.
10. From lord chancellor Phipps, 283.
13. To archdeacon Walls, 284.
20. To the same, 286.
20. To archbishop King, xi. 288.
24. From lord chancellor Phipps, 291.
Nov. 3. From Dr. Davenant, 292.
From the duchess of Ormond, 294.
21. To lord treasurer, ibid.
From judge Nutley, 297.
Dec. 8. From Mr. Pope, 300.
19. To bishop Sterne, 304.
26. From primate Lindsay, 306.
31. To archbishop King, 308.
Jan. 5. From primate Lindsay, 312.
15. From lord chancellor Phipps, 314.
16. From the earl of Anglesea, 316.
Mar. 5. From the earl of Peterborow, 317.
14. From lord treasurer, 320.
18. An informer to lord treasurer, 321.
April 14. Lord treasurer to Dr. Swift, Dr. Arbuthnot, Mr. Pope, and Mr. Gay, 322.
From the same, 324.
24. From the duchess of Ormond, ibid.
May 18. To the earl of Peterborow, 325.
22. From captain Charlton, 330.
June 8. From Mr. Gay, 333.
To miss Vanhomrigh, 335.
From Mr. Barber, 336.
12. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 337.
18. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 1.
19. From Mr. Harley, xi. 339.
22. From Mr. Thomas, 341.
26. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 342.
July 1. To lord treasurer, 345.
6. From Mr. Barber, 347.
From the same, to Mr. Ford, 348.
From Mr. Thomas, ib.
From Mr. Lewis, 350.
From Mr. Ford, 352.
10. From the same, 355.
From Dr. Arbuthnot, 357.
13. From lord Bolingbroke, 358.
15. From Mr. Ford, 359.
17. From the same, 361.
From Mr. Lewis, 363.
From lord Harley, 365.
From Dr. Arbuthnot, 366.
To the duke of Ormond, 368.
20. From Mr. Ford, 370.
22. From the duke of Ormond, ibid.
From Mr. Lewis, 372.
From Mr. Ford, 373.
24. From the same, 375.
From Mr. Lewis, ibid.
From Dr. Arbuthnot, 377.
25. To lord treasurer, 378.
27. From lord treasurer, 379.
From Mr. Lewis, 380.
29. From lady Masham, 382.
From Mr. Lewis, 383.
31. From Mr. Barber, 384.
From Mr. Lewis, 385.
From Mr. Ford, 386.
Aug. 1. To miss Vanhomrigh, 391.
From Mr. Birch, 392.
3. From lord Bolingbroke, xi. 392.
From Mr. Lewis, 393.
From Mr. Barber, 394.
Dr. Radcliffe to Dr. Mead, 389.
5. From Mr. Ford, 395.
7. From Mr. Lewis, 399.
To lady Masham, 400.
To lord Bolingbroke, 401.
Dr. Radcliffe to a friend, 387.
8. To archdeacon Walls, 406.
10. From Mr. Lewis, 407.
11. From lord Bolingbroke, 409.
12. From Mr. Ford, 410.
From Dr. Arbuthnot, 412.
To miss Vanhomrigh, 414.
14. From Mr. Ford, 415.
16. From Mr. Gay, 417.
Sept. 14. To lord Bolingbroke, 420.
Oct. 19. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 423.
From the same to Mr. Ford, 425.
. . . . . . From miss Vanhomrigh, 426.
30. To sir Arthur Langford, 427.
Nov. 4. From Mr. Lewis, 428.
. . . . . . From miss Vanhomrigh, 429.
. . . . . . From Dr. Arbuthnot to Mr. Ford, 430.
From the same, 431.
Jan. 28. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 4.
Feb. 25. To M. Giraldi, xi. 433. xiii. 459.
July. 19. To the earl of Oxford, xi. 434.
Sept. 20. From Dr. Freind, xi. 436.
Oct. 17. From the duchess of Ormond, 437.
Mar. 24. To bishop Atterbury, xix. 23.
April 6. From bishop Atterbury, xi. 438.
18. To bishop Atterbury, xix. 25.
May 5. From lady Bolingbroke, xi. 422.
June 17. To archbishop King, xix. 28.
20. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 6.
Aug. 4. From lady Bolingbroke, xi. 443.
30. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 8.
Sept. 14. From the duchess of Ormond, xi. 445.
Oct. 23. From lord Bolingbroke, 446.
28. From Mr. Ford, 449.
Nov. 13. To archbishop King, 450.
22. From archbishop King, 453.
Dec. 16. To archbishop King, 455.
22. To the same, 457.
Jan. 12. From Mr. Lewis, 460.
Mar. 9. To archbishop King, 462.
22. To the same, 464.
May 23. To the same, 467.
June 15. From Mr. Lewis, 470.
18. From the same, 472.
July 2. From the same, 473.
9. To Mr. Cope, 476.
18. To bishop Atterbury, xix. 31.
30. From Mr. Prior, xi. 474.
Aug. 6. From the earl of Oxford, 478.
24. From Mr. Prior, 479.
Mar. 20. From Mr. Addison, xi. 480.
April 12. From lord Harley, 482.
May 1. From Mr. Prior, ibid.
29. From the same, 483.
. . . . . . To miss Vanhomrigh, 485.
Sept. 10. From Mr. Ludlow, xii. 1.
25. From Mr. Prior, 4.
Oct. 1. From Mr. Addison, 5.
14. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 7.
Dec. 11. From the same, 9.
Mar. 17. From lord Bolingbroke, 12.
May . . To lord Bolingbroke, 17.
5. From Mr. Prior, 21.
12. To miss Vanhomrigh, xii. 24. xiii. 461.
May 22. To bishop Evans, xix. 235.
Nov. 2. To the count de Gyllenborg, xvi. 1.
Dec. 8. From Mr. Prior, xii. 22.
14. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 25.
19. To lord Bolingbroke, 28.
April 8. From the duchess of Ormond, 32.
May 4. From Mr. Prior, 34.
26. To Mr. Cope, 37.
. . . . . . . From miss Vanhomrigh, 39.
. . . . . . . From the same, 41.
. . . . . . . To miss Vanhomrigh, ibid.
. . . . . . . To the same, 42.
. . . . . . . From miss Vanhomrigh, 43.
Oct. 15. To miss Vanhomrigh, xii. 44.
22. From sir Thomas Hanmer, 45.
Jan. 14. From sir Constantine Phipps, xii. 47.
Feb. 28. From Mr. Prior, 48.
April 25. From the same, 49.
30. To Stella, 51.
May 18. To Mr. Wallis, 53.
July 5. To bishop Evans, ibid.
To miss vanhomrigh, 55.
28. From lord Bolingbroke, 57.
Sept. 1. From the duchess of Ormond, 64.
14. To Mr. Worrall, 65.
28. To archbishop King, 67.
Oct. 6. To the rev. Mr. Jackson, xix. 236.
Nov. 3. To Mr. Wallis, xii. 71.
Jan. 1. From lord Bolingbroke, 72.
10. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 12.
April 23. From Dr. Snape, xii. 77.
June 1. To miss Vanhomrigh, 78.
July 13. To the same, 79.
Aug. 7. To the same, 81.
Oct. 9. To Mr. Cope, 82.
11. To the earl of Oxford, 86.
Dec. 22. From Mr. Gay, 88.
To Dr. Sheridan, 90.
Jan. 8. To Mr. Gay, 91.
12. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 24.
From lord Bolingbroke, 28.
24. To the duke of Grafton, xii. 94.
Feb. 3. From Mr. Gay, 96.
12. To Mr. Wallis, 99.
22. To archbishop King, xix. 34.
May 11. To Mr. Cope, xii. 100.
June 1. To the same, 102.
Aug. 3. To Dr. Sheridan, 106.
Sept. 20. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 32.
Nov. 17. From Dr. Arbuthnot, xii. 107.
Dec. 9. From the duchess of Ormond, 110.
25. From lord Bolingbroke, 111.
Feb. . . From lady Masham, 115.
April 28. To lord Carteret, 116.
June 9. To the same, 117.
20. From lord Carteret, 119.
July 9. To lord Carteret, 120.
14. To archbishop King, 104.
. . . . . . To Edward earl of Oxford, 122.
Aug. 4. From lord Carteret, 121.
Sept. 3. To lord Carteret, 124.
12. From lord Bolingbroke, 127.
Nov. 2. From the earl of Oxford, 134.
. . . . . . From a quaker, xviii. 253.
Jan. 25. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 136.
Mar. 18. To Mrs. Pratt, 139.
April 17. To lord Carteret, 142.
June 28. To Dr. Sheridan, 144.
29. To the same, 146.
July 3. To lord Carteret, 148.
4. From abbe des Fountaines, 151. xiii. 462.
. . . . . . Dr. Swift’s answer, xii. 153. xiii. 464.
12. To Mr. Worrall, xii. 155.
24. From lord Bolingbroke, 157.
26. From the earl of Oxford, 160.
Aug. 27. To Mr. Worrall, 161.
30. From the earl of Oxford, xii. 163.
31. To Mr. Worrall, 164.
Sept. 9. From Mr. Rochfort, 165.
11. To Dr. Sheridan, 166.
14. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 35.
19. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 169.
25. To the same, 171.
29. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 37.
Oct. 15. From Mr. Pope, 41.
17. From Dr. Arbuthnot, xii. 172.
19. From the earl of Oxford, 174.
Nov. 26. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 44.
To Dr. Stopford, xix. 35.
Dec. 10. From Mr. Pope and lord Boligbroke, xiv. 47.
Jan. 1. To lord Palmerston, xix. 38.
15. From lord Palmerston, 40.
29. To lord Palmerston, 41.
April 5. From Arbuthnot, xii. 179.
16. To Mr. Worrall, 178.
28. To lord Peterborow, 179.
July 8. To Dr. Sheridan, 185.
. . . . . . From the earl of Peterborow, 188.
15. To Mr. Worrall, ibid.
To Dr. Stopford, xix. 45.
23. From lord Bolingbroke, xii. 191.
27. To Dr. Sheridan, 192.
Aug. 4. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 50.
6. To Mr. Worrall, xii. 194.
15. To the same, 195.
22. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 51.
. . . . . . To Dr. Jinny, xix. 48.
Sept. 1. To Mrs. Howard, 49.
3. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 53.
From Mr. Pulteney, xii. 196.
16. From Mr. Gay, 198.
26. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 200.
22. From lord Bolingbroke, 202.
Oct. 22. From Mr. Gay, 204.
Nov. 8. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 208.
. . . . . . From Mrs. Howard, 211.
16. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 56.
17. To Mr. Pope, 58.
From Mr. Gay, xii. 213.
To Mrs. Howard, xix. 50.
29. From the earl of Peterborow, xii. 217.
. . . . . . . From the same, 332.
. . . . . . . To Mrs. Howard, xix. 53.
Dec. 5. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 60.
Feb. 1. From lady Bolingbroke, xii. 219. xiii. 466.
To Mrs. Howard, xii. 222.
17. From lord Bolingbroke, 221.
18. From Mr. Gay, 224.
Mar. 8. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 62.
April 8. To Mr. Wallis, xii. 226.
May 13. To Dr. Sheridan, ibid.
18. From lord Bolingbroke, 228.
To archbishop King, 230.
June 11. To Stella, xii. 232.
. . . . . . . From M. Voltaire, 234.
. . . . . . . M. Voltaire to the count de Morvill, 235. xiii. 470.
24. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 236.
From lord Bolingbroke, 238.
. . . . . . . From the same, 239.
. . . . . . . From the same, 240.
. . . . . . . From . . . . . . . . 242.
. . . . . . . Mr. Pulteney to Mr. Pope, ibid.
July 1. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 243.
9. To Mrs. Howard, xix. 54.
Aug. 1. From chevalier Ramsay, xii. 245.
. . . . . . . From lord Bolingbroke, 241.
. . . . . . . From Mrs. Howard, 246.
12. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 247.
15. To Mrs. Howard, 248.
19. To the same, xix. 56.
29. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 250.
Sept. 2. To the same, 251.
6. To the same from Mr. Pope, 253.
. . . . . . From Mrs. Howard, 254.
12. To Mr. Worrall, 255.
. . . . . . To Mrs. Howard, 256.
Oct. 2. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 64.
12. To Mr. Pope, 66.
From the earl of Oxford, xii. 265.
30. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 68.
. . . . . . From lord Bolingbroke, and Mr. Pope, xiv. 71.
Nov. 12. From Mr. Pope, 84.
23. To Mr. Gay, xii. 261.
30. From Dr. Arbuthnot, xii. 266.
Dec. 14. From M. Voltaire, 268.
. . . . . . From the same, 269.
27. To Mrs. Moore, 270.
Jan. 18. To lord Carteret, 272.
Feb. 15. From Mr. Gay, 274.
Mar. 20. From the same, 275.
23. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 73.
April 4. From sir John Browne, xviii. 254.
May 7. From Mrs. Blount, xii. 278.
10. To lord Carteret, 280.
To Mr. Pope, xiv. 76.
16. From Mr. Gay, xii. 282.
June 28. From lord Bolingbroke, and Mr. Pope, xiv. 80.
July 6. From Mr. Gay, xii. 284.
16. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 82.
Aug. 2. To Dr. Sheridan, xii. 285.
Sept. 18. To the same, 287.
. . . . . . To the same, from Mr. Pope, 289.
28. To Mr. Worrall, 291.
Nov. 16. To Mr. Wallis, xviii. 260.
Dec. 2. From Mr. Gay, xii. 293.
Jan. 1. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 78.
4. To Mr. Worrall, xii. 295.
13. To the same, ibid.
18. To the same, 296.
Feb. 13. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 86.
Mar. 10. From Mr. Geogeghan, xii. 300.
6. To Mr. Pope, xviii. 261.
From Mr. Flower, xii. 301.
18. From Mr. Gay, 304.
19. To Mr. Gay, xii. 308.
From Dr. Arbuthnot, 309.
21. To lord Bolingbroke, xiv. 88.
29. From a Quaker in Philadelphia, xviii. 266.
30. From lady Johnson, xii. 311.
April 5. To lord Bolingbroke and Mr. Pope, xiv. 92.
10. From chevalier Ramsay, xii. 312.
May 8. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 313.
June 9. From the same, 314.
11. From lady Catharine Jones, 315.
Aug. 11. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 96.
30. From lord Bolingbroke, xii. 316.
Oct. 31. To lord Bolingbroke, 322.
. . . . . . To lord Arran, 324.
Nov. 9. From Mr. Gay, 326.
Jan. 3. To a certain esquire, 328.
Feb. 12. From lord Bathurst, 331.
Mar. 3. From Mr. Gay, 334.
4. From the earl of Oxford, 336.
29. From lord Bolingbroke, xiv. 114.
. . . . . . From the same, 118.
31. From Mr. Gay, xii. 338.
April 19. To lady Worsley, 341.
June 30. From lord Bathurst, 343.
July 4. From Mr. Gay, 346.
15. From the earl of Oxford, xviii. 267.
Sept. 9. From lord Bathurst, xii. 346.
19. From lady Betty Germain, xii. 350.
Nov. 8. From Mr. Gay, 352.
10. To Mr. Gay, 355.
To the earl of Chesterfield, 357.
. . . . . . From Dr. Arbuthnot, xii. 367.
19. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 359.
21. To the countess of Suffolk, 363.
Dec. 6. From Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 369.
15. From the earl of Chesterfield, 371.
24. From lady Betty Germain, 373.
28. To Mrs. Whiteway, 375.
. . . . . . To lady Santry, ibid.
Jan. 5. To the earl of Chesterfield, 377.
Feb. 9. From Mr. Pulteney, 378.
23. From lady Betty Germain, 380.
Mar. 20. From Mr. Gay, 382.
April 9. From lord Bathurst, 393.
11. From Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 384.
13. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 387.
27. From Mr. Gay, 390.
28. To Ventoso, 397.
June 5. From lady Better Germain, 400.
12. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 121.
22. Counterfeit letter to the queen, xii. 401.
29. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, xii. 403.
July 18. From Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 406.
20. To Mr. Pope, 410.
24. To the countess of Suffolk, 413.
Aug. 2. To sir Charles Wogan, 436.
From lord Bolingbroke, 417.
28. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 425.
Sept. 7. From lady Betty Germain, 428.
10. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 430.
25. From the countess of Suffolk, 434.
Oct. 3. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 443.
26. To Mrs. Howard, xix. 58.
Nov. 4. From lady Betty Germain, xii. 446.
. . . . . . . From Mr. Gay and the duke of Queensberry, 448.
9. Mr. Pilkington to Mr. Bowyer, xix. 62.
23. To Dr. Helsham and Dr. Sheridan, viii. 140.
From Dr. Helsham, 142.
To Dr. Helsham, 143.
Dec. 1. From Mr. Gay and Mr. Pope, xii. 450.
Jan. 11. From lady Betty Germain, xii. 454.
18. From Mr. Gay, 456.
Feb. 5. Mr. Pilkington to Mr. Bowyer, xix. 66.
19. To Mr. Windar, xix. 67.
23. From lady Betty Germain, xii. 457.
Mar. 13. From Mr. Gay, 460.
29. To Mr. Faulkner, 462.
April 1. To lady Acheson, 463.
The answer, 464.
May 4. To Mr. Gay, ibid.
13. From lady Betty Germain, 467.
19. From Mr. Gay, 469.
June 15. From lady Catharine Jones, 471.
July 10. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, 473.
18. From lord Bolingbroke, 476.
19. From lady Betty Germain, 479.
22. To alderman Barber, xix. 120.
24. From Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, xii. 481.
Aug. 6. From Mrs. Cæsar, 485.
From lady Worsley, ibid.
10. To alderman Barber, xix. 121.
12. To Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, xii. 487.
. . . . . . From the earl of Peterborow to Mr. Pope, 492.
17. Mr. Pilkington to Mr. Bowyer, xix. 123.
24. From alderman Barber, xii. 494.
28. Mr. Pilkington to Mr. Bowyer, xix. 124.
From Mr. Gay and the duchess of Queensberry, xiii. 1.
Sept. 9. From sir W. Fownes, 5.
11. To alderman Barber, xix. 125.
Nov. 7. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 9.
16. From Mr. Gay, 11.
Dec. 5. From Mr. Pope and Dr. Arbuthnot, xiv. 125.
. . . . . . To Mr. Pope, 127.
14. To alderman Barber, xix. 127.
23. From Mr. Ford, xiii. 13.
Jan. 1. To Mrs. Pilkington, 14.
2. From Mr. Robert Arbuthnot, 16.
8. To lady Betty Germain, 17.
13. From Dr. Arbuthnot, 22.
. . . . . . . To the earl of Orrery, 25.
Feb. 2. From miss Kelly, 26.
6. From the lord mayor of London, 28.
7. From sir Charles Wogan, xix. 69.
8. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 30.
16. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 129.
21. From the duchess of Queensberry, xiii. 33.
Mar. 4. From the countess of Kerry, 35.
20. To the duchess of Queensberry, 38.
24. From lord Carteret, 41.
27. To Dr. Sheridan, 43.
29. From lord Bathurst, 45.
April 2. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 134.
7. From lord and lady Masham, xiii. 47.
12. From the duchess of Queensberry, xiii. 48.
14. From Mr. Ford, 51.
May 1. From lady Betty Germain, 53.
To Mr. Pope, xiv. 137.
4. From miss Kelly, xiii. 54.
28. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 141.
29. From Mrs. Pendarves, xiii. 56.
31. From the duchess of Queensberry, 57.
June 2. From miss Kelly, 60.
5. From lady Betty Germain, 62.
29. To Mr. Faulkner, 63.
July 8. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 143.
From miss Kelly, xiii. 64.
9. From lady Betty Germain, 67.
21. From Mrs. Pendarves, 69.
. . . . . . To bishop Sterne, 72.
. . . . . . To Mrs. Cæsar, 77.
30. To the same, 79.
. . . . . . To the lord mayor of London, xix. 129.
Aug. 6. From the lord mayor of London, xiii. 81.
12. From miss Kelly, 84.
20. To the earl of Orrery, 85.
29. To Mrs. Dingley, xix. 131.
Sept. 1. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 146.
22. From Mrs. Donnellan, xiii. 88.
Oct. 24. From Mrs. Pendarves, 90.
Nov. 3. From the duchess of Queensberry, 93.
6. From Mr. Ford, 95.
10. From the duchess of Queensberry, 97.
10. From Mrs. Pratt, xiii. 100.
17. From alderman Barber, 101.
27. From the countess Granville, 104.
29. From Mrs. Conduitt, 105.
Dec. 13. From Mr. Coote, 106.
20. From Dr. Sheridan, 107.
. . . . . . . To Mrs. Pilkington, 108.
Jan. . . To the duke of Dorset, 109.
6. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 148.
Feb. 16. To the earl of Oxford, xiii. 112.
Mar. 2. From lady Betty Germain, 114.
4. From the duchess of Queensberry, 115.
14. From Mr. Grant, 117.
23. To Mr. Grant, 120.
April 12. From lord Bolingbroke, 124.
13. From lord Carteret, 126.
June 4. To miss Hoadly, 127.
25. From bishop Sterne, 76.
27. From lord Bolingbroke, 129.
Aug. 8. From the earl of Oxford, 135.
15. From lady Howth, 138.
16. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 269.
31. To the duke of Chandos, xiii. 139.
Sept. 9. From Mrs. Pendarves, 140.
15. From Mr. Pope and lord Bolingbroke, xiv. 150.
24. Pickle Herring to Mr. Faulkner, xiii. 142.
Oct. 4. From Dr. Arbuthnot, xiii. 146.
18. From sir W. Fownes, 148.
Nov. 1. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 154.
2. From Mr. Philips, xviii. 270.
7. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 149.
20. From Mrs. Pendarves, 151.
24. From Mr. Jarvis, 153.
Dec. 17. From * * * * * *, xviii. 273.
19. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 156.
25. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 274.
28. To Mrs. Dingley, xix. 133.
Jan. 14. To the duke of Dorset, xiii. 154.
19. From Mrs. Donnellan, 159.
21. From an unknown gentleman, xviii. 276.
Feb. 13. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 161.
18. From the earl of Strafford, 162.
Mar. 1. To alderman Barber, xix. 124.
6. From lord Carteret, xiii. 164.
8. To Mr. Pulteney, 166.
11. From Mr. Pulteney, 169.
19. To Wm. Fitzherbert, esq., 172.
April 4. From Mrs. Pratt, 175.
5. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 278.
From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 177.
7. From archbishop Bolton, 178.
12. To Mr. Thomas Beach, 180.
22. From alderman Barber, xiii. 184.
From Mrs. Pratt, 187.
29. From Mr. Pulteney, ibid.
May 5. To lady Betty Germain, 189.
10. From Mrs. Donnellan, 192.
12. To Mr. Pulteney, 194.
To Mr. Pope, xiv. 159.
16. From Mrs. Pendarves, xiii. 197.
19. From lady B. Brownlowe, 200.
27. From lady Betty Germain, 201.
31. From archbishop Bolton, 203.
June 8. To lady Betty Germain, 205.
. . . . . . To sir Charles Wogan, 208.
19. From the earl of Oxford, xviii. 279.
. . . . . . To Dr. Sheridan, 281.
23. From Dr. Sheridan, 284.
July 6. From lord Howth, 287.
12. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 211.
To alderman Barber, xix. 136.
16. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 288.
31. From Mr. Motte, xiii. 213.
Aug. 13. From Dr. Sheridan, 218.
14. To archbishop Bolton, xviii. 291.
To lord Howth, 292.
Sept. 3. To alderman Barber, xix. 137.
To Mr. Pope, xiv. 161.
. . . . . . The answer, 163.
4. From lady Betty Germain, xviii. 293.
12. To Dr. Sheridan, xiii. 220.
13. From lord Bathurst, 221.
20. From Dr. King, xviii. 295.
30. To Dr. Sheridan, xiii. 224.
Oct. 4. From Mr. Motte, xviii. 297.
5. From Dr. Sheridan, xiii. 227.
20. From Dr. Sican, 230.
21. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 165.
31. From Mr. Donnellan, xiii. 232.
Nov. 1. To Mr. Motte, xviii. 298.
8. From Mrs. Pendarves, xiii. 234.
Dr. Swift and Dr. Sheridan to Mrs. Whiteway, xviii. 298.
From Mrs. Whiteway, 301.
9. From some unknown lady, 303.
13. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 236.
15. Dr. Swift and Dr. Sheridan to Mrs. Whiteway, xviii. 304.
From Mrs. Sican, 306.
From Mrs. Whiteway, 308.
18. Dr. Swift and Dr. Sheridan to Mrs. Whiteway, 311.
22. From lord Bathurst, xiii. 238.
From Mrs. Whiteway, xviii. 313.
Dr. Swift and Dr. Sheridan to Mrs. Whiteway, 315.
25. From Mrs. Whiteway, xviii. 317.
28. From Dr. Swift and Dr. Sheridan to Mrs. Whiteway, 318.
29. From Mrs. Whiteway, 321.
Dec. 2. From the same, 323.
6. To Mrs. Whiteway, xviii. 326.
30. To the duke of Dorset, xiii. 243.
Jan. 3. From the earl of Orrery, xviii. 328.
7. From Mrs. Pendarves, xiii. 246.
8. To Mr. Faulkner, 247.
17. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 329.
Feb. 7. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 166.
9. To the same, 168.
10. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 248.
18. To Mrs. Whiteway, 249.
23. From bishop Horte, 250.
To miss Harrison, 251.
From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 330.
25. To Mrs. Whiteway, xiii. 251.
29. From Dr. Sheridan, 253.
Mar. 11. From Mr. Carter, xviii. 332.
25. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 170.
27. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 332.
April 3. From the same, xiii. 254.
22. From Mrs. Pendarves, 255.
24. To Dr. Sheridan, 257.
May 12. To bishop Horte, 259.
12. From Dr. Sheridan, to the dean and Mrs. Whiteway, xiii. 262.
15. To Dr. Sheridan, 265.
25. To Mr. Motte, 268.
June 3. From Mr. Ford, 271.
From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 333.
5. From the same, 336.
To Dr. Sheridan, xiii. 274.
15. To lady Betty Germain, 276.
23. Lady Betty’s answer, 278.
From Dr. Sheridan, 279.
July 2. From Mr. Donnellan, 281.
5. To the Provost and Senior Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, 284.
6. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 338.
8. From Mr. Ford, xiii. 286.
10. To Dr. Sheridan, 288.
. . . . . . To the same, 289.
11. From lady Betty Germain, 292.
20. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 340.
Aug. 6. From lady Howth, 342.
11. From Mr. Carte, xiii. 293.
14. Dr. Sheridan to Mrs. Whiteway, xviii. 344.
17. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 175.
Sept. 2. From Mrs. Pendarves, xiii. 296.
15. From Dr. Sheridan, xviii. 345.
Oct. 23. To Mr. Richardson, 347.
30. To sir J. Stanley, xiii. 298.
Nov. 2. From lady Betty Germain, xiii. 300.
3. From Mrs. Barber, ibid.
20. Dr. King to Mrs. Whiteway, 305.
30. Dr. Dunkin to Mrs. Whiteway, xix. 139.
Dec. 2. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 177.
4. From lord Castledurrow, xiii. 307.
7. From Dr. King, 310.
8. To alderman Barber, xix. 140.
21. From Mr. Pulteney, xiii. 311.
30. From Mr. Pope, xiv. 180.
Jan. 11. From lord Castledurrow, xiii. 315.
29. To lady Betty Germain, 317.
Feb. . . To John Temple, esq. 319.
Mar. 7. To Mr. Pulteney, 321.
15. From the earl of Orrery, 324.
18. From the same, 326.
23. Mr. Pope to the earl of Orrery, 327.
From Mr. Pope, xiv. 138.
To Mr. Gibson, xviii. 350.
24. From lord Carteret, xiii. 329.
30. To alderman Barber, 331, xviii. 353.
April 3. From the earl of Orrery, xiii. 333.
7. From the earl of Oxford, 335.
9. To Dr. Sheridan, 337.
To Mr. Richardson, xviii. 350.
17. From Mr. Richardson, xiii. 341.
30. To Mr. Richardson, xviii. 356.
May 22. To Dr. Sheridan, xiii. 342.
27. From miss Davys, xix. 142.
31. To Mr. Pope, xiv. 185.
June 14. To the earl of Oxford, xiii. 344.
23. From alderman Barber, 348.
24. From Dr. King, 349.
Dr. King to Mrs. Whiteway, 351.
—— to the clerks of the post office, 354.
30. From Mr. Lewis, 355.
July 4. From the earl of Oxford, 357.
12. Mr. Pope to the earl of Orrery, 359.
23. From the earl of Orrery, 360.
To Mr. Lewis, 361.
To Mr. Pope, xiv. 188.
Aug. 8. To the same and lord Bolingbroke, 190.
15. To the mayor, &c. of the city of Corke, xiii. 364.
Sept. 14. Their answer, 366.
Oct. 5. From lord Bathurst, 367.
Nov. 17. From lord M——y, xviii. 359.
22. From Mr. Ford, xiii. 368.
29. From chevalier Ramsay, 370.
Dec. 6. From lord Bathurst, 371.
15. To Mr. Faulkner, 374.
25. To Dr. Clancy, 375.
26. From lady Howth, 376.
27. From Dr. Clancy, 377.
Jan. 6. To Mr. Faulkner, 378.
13. To alderman Barber, xviii. 360.
28. To miss Richardson, xiii. 379.
Feb. 14. Earl of Orrery to Mrs. Whiteway, xiii. 382.
20. From chevalier Ramsay, xviii. 374.
23. From miss Richardson, xiii. 383.
Mar. 8. To Mr. Faulkner, 385.
9. To alderman Barber, xviii. 362.
13. From alderman Barber, xiii. 385.
15. Dr. King to Deane Swift, 388.
31. To alderman Barber, xviii. 365.
April 2. Mr. Pope to the earl of Orrery, xiii. 389.
13. From Mr. McAulay, xix. 142.
25. Dr. King to Mr. Deane Swift, xiii. 390.
May 6. Miss Richardson to Mrs. Whiteway, xviii. 367.
June 8. To miss Hamilton, xiii. 391.
13. From the earl of Orrery, 392.
29. From the same, 393.
July 2. From alderman Barber, 394.
13. To Mr. Faulkner, 397.
25. From Mr. Richardson, 398.
Aug. 5. To Mr. Richardson, xviii. 368.
8. To alderman Barber, xiii. 400.
31. To Mr. Faulkner, 402.
Sept. 16. Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Richardson, xviii. 369.
18. From bishop Synge, xiii. 403.
Oct. 2. To Mrs. Whiteway, 404.
4. Lord Orrery to Mr. Pope, xix. 143.
12. From Mr. Pope, xiii. 405.
Nov. 7. Mr. Pope to the earl of Orrery, 407.
11. To Robert Cope, esq. 408.
27. To Mrs. Whiteway, 410.
29. Miss Richardson to Mrs. Whiteway, 411.
Jan. 2. From Mr. Richardson, 412.
5. From Dr. King, 414.
12. From Mr. Deane Swift, xviii. 371.
23. From Dr. King, xiii. 415.
30. From Dr. King to Mrs. Whiteway, 417.
Feb. 2. From lord Castledurrow, 419.
16. To alderman Barber, xviii. 373.
Mar. 6. Dr. King to Mrs. Whiteway, xiii. 422.
28. Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Richardson, xviii. 375.
April 5. Mr. Richardson to Mrs. Whiteway, 377.
10. From Mr. Richardson, xviii, 425.
17. The dean and Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Richardson, xviii. 378.
From Mr. Richardson, 380.
19. To the governor and assistants for the new plantation in Ulster, 381.
To alderman Barber, 382.
Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Richardson, 383.
25. Dr. Dunkin to Mrs. Whiteway, xiii. 427.
28. To Mr. Pope, xiii. 428.
May 10. To the same, 430.
16. From Mr. Lyttelton, 431.
17. From Mr. Pope, xix. 146.
June 5. To Mr. Lyttelton, xiii. 432.
July 20. Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Richardson, xviii. 385.
. . . . . . To lord Arran, xii. 324.
Sept. 7. From Dr. Scott, 387.
Dec. 4. To Mr. Faulkner, xiii. 434.
10. From Mr. Throp, ibid.
31. To Mrs. Whiteway, 436.
Jan. 1. To the same, ibid.
18. To the same, 437.
Feb. 3. To the same, 438.
Mar. 25. Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Richardson, xviii. 390.
April 2. Mr. Nugent to Mrs. Whiteway, 392.
29. To Mrs. Whiteway, xiii. 438.
May 13. To Mr. Richardson, xix. 153.
Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Richardson, xviii. 393.
16. Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Pope, xiii. 439.
June 3. From Mr. Pulteney, 442.
18. From Mr. Pope to Mrs. Whiteway, 444.
. . . . . . From the same to Mr. Allen, xix. 144.
July 26. To Mrs. Whiteway, xiii. 446.
Jan. 13. To the same, ibid.
July 7. From the earl of Orrery, 447.
Dec. 4. Earl of Orrery to Mr. Deane Swift, 449.
Oct. 1. Mr. Faulkner to Mr. Bowyer, xix. 154.
Feb. 14. J. B. to Mr. Faulkner, 157.
Mar. 7. Lord Hyde to Mr. Mallet, xix. 162.
. . . . . . . Mr. Mallet’s answer, 165.
From the second lady Bolingbroke, xiii. 468, 469.
From the duchess of Hamilton, xiii. 452.
From Philip, duke of Wharton, ibid.
To lord Peterborow, 453.
To some person unknown, 455.
To Mr. John Towers, 456.
To Dr. Sheridan, xvi. 370.
From the earl of Stafford, i. 181.
July 25. Deane Swift to Mr. Johnston, ii. xvi.

Levity. The last crime the world will pardon in a clergyman, v. 113.

Lewis le Gros. His design on Normandy, xvi. 43. Jealous of the future aggrandisement of England, raises William, son of duke Robert, to the earldom of Flanders, 50; which drew on him the vengeance of Henry, 51.
Lewis XIV. Spent his time in turning a good name into a great one, ii. 164. His resemblance to the whigs, v. 430. See France.
Lewis (Erasmus). Refutation of the Falsehoods alleged against him, xvi. 311. Some account of him, xv. 194. 372. xvi. 311. His friendly hint to Dr. Swift, to take care of his papers, xi. 428. Gives some account of Mr. Prior, and the proposal for printing his poems, 460.
Lewis (alias Levi, Henry). A Hamburgh merchant, xvi. 313. Inconsistencies of his narrative, 317.
Libels. To a Friend, who had been abused in many, vii. 197. The queen recommends to her parliament, the taking a method to prevent them, xv. 271. One published, called the Ambassadress, the printer of which was set in the pillory, fined, and imprisoned, xv. 405.
Liberty. The subversion of it in the Roman state to what owing, ii. 326. What a sure sign of it in England, xvii. 282. The daughter of Oppression, and parent of Faction, iii. 149. The defect of our laws owing to it, 202. Mr. Steele's panegyrick upon it in the Crisis, 294.
Liberty of Conscience. See Conscience.
Life. The pleasures we most value in it such as dupe and play the wag with the senses, ii. 170. The latter part of a wise man's life taken up in curing the follies, &c. contracted in the former, v. 455. The last act of it a tragedy at best, but with bitter aggravation when our best friends go before us, xii. 252. A tragedy, wherein we sit as spectators a while, and then act our own part, 270. An imperfect sort of a circle, which we repeat and run over every day, x. 10. Not intended by God as a blessing, in Swift's opinion, xv. 357. The manner in which lord Bolingbroke said he wished to divide it, xii. 229. There is a time wherein every one wishes for some settlement of his own, 347. Loss of friends a tax upon long life, xiii. 38.
Lilliput. Its chief ministers rope dancers, vi. 28. Its laws and customs described, 51. The manner of writing like that of the ladies in England, 52. See Emperor (of Lilliput).
Lilly. His grammar established by an act of parliament, viii. 259.
Lindsay (Robert). An eminent lawyer, ix. 158.
Linen. How the Irish lost the whole trade in it to Spain, ix. 183.
Lintot (Bernard). Verses to be prefixed to his New Miscellany, xvii. 399.
Lion. A dream concerning the parish lions, who were to judge of virginity, v. 178-184.
Liturgy English. Great strains of the true sublime in it, v. 77.
Lloyd (Dr., of Trinity College, Dublin). His marriage, v. 355.
Lloyd (bishop). His prophecy, xv. 311.
Locke (Mr). His tenet of no innate ideas supposed by Dr. Swift to be dangerous, xvi. 223.
London. True and faithful Narrative of what passed there, xvii. 358. In point of money, is supposed to be one third of England, x. 287. Its parishes very unequally divided in sir W. Petty's time, iii. 232. Number of poets, orators, politicians, profound scholars, &c. there, viii. 148. Its native fools of the bear and puppy kind to those of Dublin as eleven to one, 149. The properest place in the world to renounce friendship in, xii. 159. Some particulars relating to the sale of publick offices in that city, xiii. 28.
Long (Mrs. Anne). Account of her, viii. 372. xix. 17. Her character, xv. 220. xix. 18. Her own account of her situation, xv. 198. Decree for concluding the Treaty between her and Dr. Swift, viii. 372.
Lorrain (duke of). Invited over by the papists of Ireland during the usurpation, v. 345.
Lorraine (Paul, ordinary of Newgate). An observation of his, viii. 434.
Lot (du). Inventor of bouts rimés, xviii. 445.
Lottery in 1711, xv. 122.
Love. Verses to, vii. 126. Love Poem from a Physician, vii. 375. A Love Song in the modern taste, viii. 158. A fabulous account of the origin of it, from Plato, iii. 147. Love and war the destruction of chairs in the kitchen, xvi. 106. A much stronger passion in young men than ambition, xi. 293.
Lownds (William). Married Swift's uncle's wife's sister, xv. 51. Humorous verses addressed to him by Gay, ibid.
Loyalty. Politeness its firmest foundation, viii. 269.
Lucretius. To what he principally stands indebted for his fame, v. 242.
Ludlow. His memoirs written in the spirit of rage, prejudice, and vanity, x. 315.
Luggnagg. Character of the people of it, vi. 240.
Lunaticks. Proposals for an hospital for them in Dublin, xiii. 5.
Luxury. Taxes upon it usually the most beneficial to a state, but not so in Ireland, ix. 397.
Lying. The Houyhnhnms in their language have no word to express it by, vi. 274. The faculty of it an abuse of speech, 280. The telling of one lye imposes the task of inventing twenty more to excuse it, xvii. 378. The celerity and duration of a political lye, xvii. 290. The last relief of a routed rebellious party, iii. 11. Its birth, parentage, and wonderful exploits, 12. Its professors have need of short memories, 13.
Lyttelton (lord). Mr. Pope's affection for him, xiii. 405. Applied to by Swift, for his interest in favour of Mr. McAulay, for a seat in the Irish parliament, 432. Politely wishes to be in the number of Swift's friends, xiii. 431.


McAulay (Mr). Recommended by Swift, for Mr. Lyttelton's and Pope's interests, to obtain a seat in the Irish parliament, xiii. 430. 432. Author of a useful treatise on Tillage, 374. Farther particulars of him, xviii. 375, 376.
McCarthy. Set his own house on fire, and obtained a brief for it, xvi. 268.
McCartney (lieutenant general). Second to lord Mohun, in the duel with duke Hamilton, and was supposed to have murdered the duke, xv. 335. A letter printed in his name, vindicating himself from the murder of duke Hamilton, xv. 418.
Macer. A poetical simile, xvii. 420.
Machiavel. His observation on the natural disposition of the people, iii. 94.
Mackay (an Irish thief ). His behaviour at the gallows, xiii. 219.
Macky. See Davis.
McCoy (general). His character, x. 386.
Madness. The greatest actions have proceeded from it, ii. 161. 168. Its different effects upon mankind, 162-177. Every species of it proceeds from a redundancy, 173. How produced, xvii. 329. The symptoms of it in a people, iii. 94. Enlarges the good or evil dispositions of the mind, ix. 227. In what the difference, in respect of speech, consists, betwixt a madman and one in his wits, xvi. 320. Talking to one's self esteemed a sign of it, xi. 32. Mankind has an inexhaustible source of invention in the way of it, xii. 174. Many made really mad by ill usage, xiii. 6. Dr. Swift used to describe persons in that situation with a striking liveliness and horrour, xiii. 449.
Mahomet (the great). An instance of his inflexibility, xvi. 31.
Main (Mr. Charles). His character, xiv. 223.
Majority. When indolent, often gotten the better of by a minority, x. 204. Mistakes often arise through too great confidence in computing, iv. 42.
Maittaire (Mr. Michael). In what sense a benefactor to the publick, v. 249.
Malcolm (king of Scotland). Invades England in the absence of William Rufus, xvi. 13. William, failing to repel his inroads, enters into a treaty with him, 14. Provoked by the haughtiness of William, invades and ravages Northumberland, 16. Slain, with his eldest son, and his queen dies of grief, 17.
Man. The number of his virtues how much inferiour to that of his follies and vices, ii. 66. Is but a complete suit of clothes, with its trimmings, 90. Several instances of man's inconsistency with himself, v. 462. Why a man should never be ashamed to own he has been wrong, xvii. 375. Why positive men are the most credulous, 382. Aristotle's opinion that he is the most mimick of all animals, how confirmed, xvii. 303. Great abilities in the hands of good men are blessings, x. 41. The advantages one man has over another by no means blessings in the sense the world usually understands, ibid. Why men of great parts are often unfortunate in the management of publick business, 245. Those of a happy genius seldom without some bent toward virtue, xiii. 175. The greatest villains usually brutes in their understandings as well as actions, ibid.
Man (Jenny). Presided over a club of politicians, iii. 323.
Manley (Mrs. Delariver, author of the Atalantis). Account of her, xviii. 64. Wrote A Narrative of the particulars of Mr. Harley's being stabbed, from hints furnished by Dr. Swift, xv. 23. Wrote A Vindication of the Duke of Marlborough, 116; to which Swift pays a high compliment, ibid.
Manners (Good). A sort of artificial good sense, to facilitate the commerce of mankind with each other, v. 185. x. 215. Wherein it consists, v. 185. x. 214. xvi. 323. By what means the common forms of good manners have been corrupted, v. 185. x. 215. A pedantry in manners, as in all arts and sciences, x. 217. Good manners not a plant of the court growth, 218. The difference between good manners and good breeding, 219. Ignorance of forms no proof of ill manners, 220.
Manufactures. To what the improvement of them is owing, xvii. 49.
Mapp (Mrs. the bonesetter.) Anecdote of her, xiii. 313.
Marius. His noble appearance on a perilous occasion, xvi. 332.
Marlborough (John Churchill, duke of). Advised king James to take the air on horseback, intending to give him up to the prince of Orange, xi. 371. xviii. 73. The following night, after swearing allegiance to his majesty, went over to the prince, ib. His intention of seizing king James II discussed, xviii. 73. His opposition to king William, 74. His conduct on the queen's intending a regiment for Mr. Hill, 69. iv. 283. Pretends to unite with Mr. Harley on a moderating plan, but privately ousted him from the ministry, iv. 284. Endeavoured to procure a commission to be general for life, iii. 309. iv. 286. At the general change in 1710, preserved his high office, iv. 23. His abject behaviour at an audience with the queen, xi. 119. Removed from all his employments, iv. 55. Reflections on that remarkable occurrence, ibid. xviii. 130. Would have been turned out, though the war had continued, xi. 209. Observations on the clamour about the pretended inconstancy and ingratitude of the kingdom to him, iii. 26. The grants and donations made to him at different periods, 29. Thought to have more ready money than all the kings in Christendom, iii. 305. Put himself at the head of all the whiggish cabals, iii. 309. iv. 58. Greatly debased himself in one instance, xvi. 333. Accused of receiving large sums of money from contractors for the army, iv. 107. Of deducting two and a half per cent from the money paid to foreign troops, ibid. An emissary of his endeavoured to delay the signing of the peace, 241. Had the sea been his element, the war had been carried on with more success to England, iii. 354. Why he continued so easy to the last, under the several impositions of the allied powers, 378. Laments his having joined the whigs, xiv. 308. Tells the queen, he is neither covetous nor ambitious, ibid. Dr. Swift wishes he may continue general, ibid. 326. Wished to contrive some way to soften Dr. Swift, xv. 234; who, though he professed to dislike the duke, did not approve his being dismissed, ibid. Reasons assigned of his intention to go out of England, 332. His publick entry through the city described, xi. 397. Hissed by more than huzzaed, ibid. Made a prince of the empire, though this little more than a compliment, xviii. 88. His character, iv. 29. xiv. 308. xvii. 143. xviii. 88. 218. Satirical elegy on his death, vii. 238.
Marlborough (duchess of). Her interest with the queen began to decline very soon after her accession to the throne, iv. 280. 372. But her removal had been seven years working, xi. 99. Her character, iv. 30. xviii. 88. A singular instance of her meanness and ingratitude to the queen, xv. 419. Would willingly have compounded, to keep her place, xiv. 326.
Marriage. A letter of Advice to a Young Lady, on her entering into that State, v. 133. Progress of Marriage, a satirical Poem, viii. 78. Why so seldom happy, v. 458. On what original contract founded, xvii. 159. Ireland would be less miserable, if it were discouraged there as far as is consistent with Christianity, ix. 420. Recommended by forcible arguments, xiii. 451.
Marsh (lord primate). His character, x. 239.
Martin. His proceedings toward a reformation, on being turned out of doors by his brother Peter, ii. 139. His History, 277.
Martinus Scriblerus. Whence the origin of the name, xv. 157.
Mary (queen of Scots). In one particular of her conduct, appeared contemptible, xvi. 335.
Masham (lady). The whigs endeavoured to impeach her, iii. 54. Alluded to in a fictitious prophecy, vii. 75. Assisted in reinstating Mr. Harley, iv. 288. Speech of hers to lord Oxford, xi. 363. Her censure of him, 382. Her character, iii. 54. iv. 336.
Masquerades. The conversation there, viii. 263.
Mathematicks. A singular method of learning them, vi. 214.
Mathew (Mr). Account of him and his mode of living, i. 392. The first who abolished vales, 396.
Maude (daughter to king Henry I). Demanded in marriage by the emperor, xvi. 38. Her portion levied, 39. On the death of the emperor, the crown of England settled by her father on her and her heirs, 48. Farther particulars of her life, 49-82.
Maude (king Stephen's queen). Made proposals of accommodation to the empress; which being rejected, urges her son Eustace to arms, xvi. 74. Her army having taken the earl of Gloucester prisoner, the queen sent him to Rochester, to be treated as the king had been, 76.
Maxims. Paraphrase on a famous maxim of the duke de Rochefoucault, viii. 122. Two of Tindal's refuted, xvi. 229, 230. One to which the Irish banks are much indebted, ix. 383. One indisputable in politicks, v. 466. Dr. Swift confesses he was mistaken in his contradiction of an old one, iv. 324. In politicks, there are few but what, at some conjunctures, are liable to exception, 345. "That it is more eligible for a king to be hated than despised," calculated for an absolute monarchy, 355. That "people are the riches of a nation," in what sense it is properly to be understood, iv. 146. To do what is right, and disregard the world, a good one, xi. 426. What the best in life, in Dr. Swift's opinion, xii. 80. A good moral maxim of the ancient Heathens, xiii. 455.
Maynard (sergeant). His speech to king William, x. 375.
Maynwaring (Arthur). Recommended Mr. Steele to the office of gazetteer, v. 425, 426. Wrote the Whig Examiner, in conjunction with Addison, xviii. 32. Author of the Medley, 35. 65.
Meath diocese. One of the best in Ireland. Its annual income in the time of king Charles I, v. 271.
Medals. Why a less reward in modern times than in ancient, v. 467. The Romans recorded their illustrious actions on them, 468. A society instituted for a like purpose in France, 469. A scheme for rendering them of more use in England, 468. 470. Should be likewise current money, 470.
Media. Its form of government, xvi. 41.
Medicine. The ridicule of it a very copious subject, xi. 343. A good one against giddiness and headache, xiii. 248.
Medley (by Ridpath). Account and character of a paper so called, written in defence of the whig party, iii. 224. xviii. 32-34. 65. Some passages in it reflecting on the speaker of the house of commons and Mr. Harley, iii. 225.
Memoirs. A species of writing introduced by the French, xvi. 346.
Menage. A story of his applied, xviii. 201.
Merit. Every man's bill of it much overrated, iii. 35. A poetical genealogy of true and false merit, 143. A bold opinion a short easy way to it, and very necessary for those who have no other, xi. 70. Transcendent merit forces its way, in spite of all obstacles; but merit of a second, third, or fourth rate, is seldom able to get forward, 186.
Mesnager (mons. a French plenipotentiary at Utrecht.) Advantages gained to England by an idle quarrel of his, iv. 233. The peace retarded by his obstinacy, 235.
Metropolis. Increase of buildings in, dees not always argue a flourishing state, ix. 394.
Milton. Why his book on divorce soon rejected, xvi. 182. His Paradise Lost, a proposal to turn it into rhyme, v. 251. The first edition of it long in going off, xii. 439. Swift's opinion of it, v. 251. xii. 439. But once quoted by Swift, xiv. 9.
Minerals. The richest are ever found under the most ragged and withered surface of earth, v. 256.
Ministers of state. A definition of one, vi. 301. Plato's observation on them, ii. 331. Events imputed to their skill and address, frequently the effect of negligence, weakness, humour, passion, or pride, iv. 252. Have no virtues or defects by which the publick is not affected, 253, 254. Reputation of secrecy a character of no advantage to them, 254. Are wont to have a mean opinion of most men's understanding, 263. The general wishes of a people more obvious to others than to them, ibid. The whig ministers praised for those very qualities which their admirers owned they chiefly wanted, iii. 113. Morals more necessary than abilities in, vi. 54. The greatest princes see only by their eyes, 69. The difficulties they are often subjected to, from a necessity of concealing their want of the power they are thought to be possessed of, iv. 345. Make no scruple of moulding the alphabet into what words they please, xi. 98. The felicity of a familiarity with them consists only in the vanity of it, 289. Seldom record the important parts of their own administration, and why, iv. 277. Ministers of genius seldom so fortunate in life as those of meaner qualifications, xii. 29. The cause of it, 30. When they have received bad impressions of any one, though groundless, seldom lay them aside, 364. 413. A minister of state, however he may cover his designs, can never wholly conceal his opinions, iv. 351. He is grievously mistaken, in neglecting or despising, but still more in irritating, men of genius and learning, x. 299. It is not impossible for a bad minister to find a man of wit to defend him; but in such cases, the writer's head rebelling against his heart, his genius utterly forsakes him, 300. When a ministry is at any charge in the election of senators, it is an acknowledgement of the worst designs, 305. An observation respecting new ones, xi. 48. What consequent to the loss of their places, 90. Why they should avoid all inquiry, and every thing that would embroil them, 128. Never talk politicks in conversation, xv. 390. Access to them usually converted by most men to their own single interest, xi. 292. Well disposed remembrancers the most useful servants to them in their leisure hours, 293. The faults of men who are most trusted in publick business difficult to be defended, xvi. 294. How far their choice should be left to the king, 268. Remarks on those of queen Anne, xiv. 322. Dr. Swift tells them, they would leave him Jonathan, as they found him, and that he never knew a ministry do any thing for those whom they made companions of their pleasures, 357. Stand on a very narrow bottom, between the whigs and the violent tories, 369. Dr. Swift their ablest champion, xv. 12. Their disinterestedness, xviii. 52. Their character and capacity, 80. Character of their predecessors, 97.
Ministry. Memoirs relating to the Change in the, iv. 276. Inquiry into the Behaviour of the, iv. 306. Objections against the change made in it answered, iii. 4. 9. 47. 138. 194. 197. Some of the facts that contributed to the change of it, 135. 138. Their tyranny over the conscience, 56. Ill consequences apprehended from the change of it, not in any proportion to the good ones, 97. What to be expected from the whig ministry, if again in power, 101. The severity of the whig, and the lenity of the tory ministry, with relation to libels against them, 102. The latter have their defects, as well as virtues, 114. But were the queen's personal voluntary choice, 144. What the greatest advantage received from the change of it, 174. The expedients by which the whig ministry escaped the punishments due to their counsels and corrupt management, 204. By what steps the tory ministry might have established themselves, iv. 364. xi. 146. 403. Overthrown by the disagreement between Harley and Bolingbroke, xiii. 345. Cleared from the charge of a design to bring in the pretender, iv. 349. 352. 366. One ministry, in general, seldom more virtuous than another, 370. Change of the whig ministry not designed by the queen to be carried so far as the church party expected, 374. That of the court of Britain described; under the characters of the emperor Regoge, king George I; Lelop-Aw, sir Robert Walpole; Nomptoc, Spencer Compton; Ramney, sir Thomas Hanmer, 180. A ministry may generally be judged of by the talents of those who are their advocates in print, x. 267.
A Minority. Is usually assiduous in attendance, watchful of opportunities, zealous to gain proselytes, and often successful, x. 203.
Miser. An epitaph on one, vii. 171. One lost thousands more by starving himself, than he could have spent in good living, xviii. 312.
Misjudging. Whence it usually proceeds, xi. 230.
Mist (the printer). Severely prosecuted for reprinting one of dean Swift's tracts, ix. 345.
Moderation. Consequences attending the mistaken meaning of the word, x. 60. 64. A moderate man in the true sense of the word, 64. According to the new meaning of it, ibid.
Modern history. Gross misrepresentations made in it, vi. 230.
Modesty. Advantages received from it, xvii. 374.
Mohocks. Wonderful Prophecy of the Spirit of one slain by them, xvii. 350. Their insolent barbarities, xi. 214. xv. 295. The dean attributes the origin of their riots to prince Eugene, iv. 55. Their practices, xv. 281. Were all whigs, ibid. Swift thought to be in danger from them, ibid. 283. More observations respecting them, 286. 287. 295.
Mohun (lord). Killed by duke Hamilton in a duel, iv. 230. xv. 235.
Molesworth (Robert, esq). Complained of by the lower house of convocation in Ireland, iii. 281. Created a peer by king George I, ibid. Author of an excellent discourse for the encouragement of agriculture, v. 287. The Drapier addresses a letter to him, ix. 111. Preface to his account of Denmark full of stale profligate topicks, xvi. 227. The book itself written out of pique, ibid.
Monarchy. A singular argument in praise of it, though absolute, ii. 369. Whigs pretend a due regard to it when taking the largest steps toward the ruin of it, iii. 163.
Money. A debate about the most effectual means of raising money without oppressing the subjects, vi. 218. The expedients used by governments of borrowing, a practice as old as Eumenes, one of Alexander's captains, iii. 7. Gradual decline of its value at Rome, v. 273. The different value of it in England for about four hundred years past, 274. The value of it at least nine tenths lower all over Europe than it was four hundred years ago, x. 257. What the only money British subjects are obliged to take, 24. Agreed that copper is not money, 24. 122. 147. What the current money in England, 154. What the current money in Ireland, ix. 21. 154. 206. 345. 391. xiii. 122. Allowed to be cut into halves and quarters, for the sake of small traffick, in some of the poorest American colonies, v. 222. Why better than counsel, x. 248. That money creates power, an erroneous and corrupt notion, xii. 345. A necessary caution in lending it, xiv. 262. See Coin, Halfpence, Wood.
Monkeys. An odd stratagem made use of to catch them, in the island of Borneo, viii. 54.
Monmouth (duke of). Commander in chief against the rebels in Scotland, x. 339. Acts contrary to the advice of his officers, 340. Reproached by general Dalziel, who succeeded him in the chief command, with betraying the king, x. 343. Beheaded on Tower Hill, xviii. 96.
Montaigne. Wrote a chapter in his essays to force ladies to keep the book in their closets, xi. 13.
Monthly Amusement. By whom written, xviii. 30.
Monthly Philosophical Transactions. By whom written, xviii. 29.
Monuments. Inscription upon one to the duke of Schomberg, viii. 94. Inscription upon that erected in Dublin to the memory of Dr. Swift, i. 271. On a compartment of one, designed by Cunningham in College green, with an epigram occasioned by it, viii. 238.
Moore (Arthur). Proceedings against him, xi. 355.
Moral Honesty. Without Religion, a deficient guide, x. 46.
More (sir Thomas). One of the six greatest men in the world, vi. 227. His sentiments on convocations, iv. 399. When he appeared great, xvi. 332.
Morgan (Mr). His impertinence recorded, xiv. 210.
Mortmain Act. Upon what account relaxed at several times by the legislature, iv. 393, 394.
Mose (Mr). Sir W. Temple's Steward, married Stella's sister, xi. 9.
Moses. As wise a statesman as any in this age, x. 52. Was in great reputation among the wisest of the Heathen world, 141.
Motte (Mr). His representation of his own right to the property of our author's Works, xiii. 216. Employed by Dr. Swift to pay Mrs. Fenton's annuity, xviii. 297.
Motto. For a Woollen Draper, vii. 155. Verses written upon that of lord chief justice Whitshed, 272. The ingenious one found by a writer against the Examiner, for presuming to tax accounts, iii. 52. That of judge Whitshed little regarded by him, ix. 139. 202. The great use of mottoes, v. 255.
Mount-Cashel (lord). His education, v. 129.
Mourning, general. When it has carried off all the old goods died, the traders complain of the length of it, ix. 358.
Munster treaty. Much to the disadvantage of England, iii. 422.
Musick. Uniformly imitative would be ridiculous, xix. 154.
Mysteries. How those of the Æolists were performed, ii. 156. Of those in the Christian religion, x. 23-28. Should not be explained in sermons, v. 104.


Nation. What, properly speaking, the strength of it, iii. 347.
National Debt, iv. 110. See Debt. What that of Ireland amounted to in 1729, ix. 345.
Naturalization (of foreign protestants). The ill consequences attending it, iii. 69. 103. iv. 146.
Naunton (sir Robert). His style too courtly and unintelligible, v. 199.
Neck or Nothing. See Dunton.
Ne exeat regno. The origin of that injunction, xvi. 13.
Neighbour. What meant by the command to love him as ourselves, x. 148.
Neighing. A better expression of joy than laughing, xvii. 305.
Nelson (Robert). An argument of his against the revolution answered, ii. 375. Suspected of having a hand in a political tract, xix. 22. Writes to Dr. Swift, to hasten the inscription for lord Berkeley's monument, xi. 130.
Nero. A time when he appeared contemptible, xvi. 332. All the different characters in Petronius drawn for him, xvii. 107. A daily pun of his, viii. 400.
New Men. Why introduced into the chief conduct of publick affairs, v. 124.
News. Party news not to be readily credited, xi. 136.
Nobility. Those of England described, vi. 303. The sons of them might be better educated, v. 123. 128. Dangerous in a commonwealth, when numerous and without merit or fortune, v. 132. The necessity of keeping up the respect due to birth and family, iii. 218. University education of noblemen greatly contributes to it, 219. Those of Scotland very numerous, and never like to be extinct, iii. 301. Folly of the Irish nobility, in spending their fortunes in England, ix. 174.
Noble (Richard, an attorney). Executed for murder, xv. 411. His funeral sermon by bishop Fleetwood, ibid.
Non-conformists. Why restrained by penal laws in king Charles the Second's reign, iii. 186.
Nonjurors. To be treated as the nonconformists were under Charles II, iii. 186.
Nonresistance, iii. 164. 211.
Normandy. In the space of forty years, subdued England, and was itself subdued by that kingdom, xvi. 37.
Northumberland (George Fitzroy, duke of). Designed by the duke of Marlborough to be made lieutenant of the Tower; but disappointed by a contrivance of Mr. Harley, iv. 290. 374.
Northumberland (Robert Mowbray, earl of). Repelled a Scottish invasion, xvi. 17. Overating his late services as much perhaps, and as unjustly, as they were undervalued by the king, he broke out into open rebellion, 19. Being taken prisoner, confined for the rest of his life, which was thirty years, 20.
Nottingham (Daniel Finch, earl of, secretary of state to king James II, in 1689, dismissed in 1693; again made secretary, in 1702, by queen Anne, and resigned in 1704). His character, iv. 34. 40. xi. 255. xviii. 220. Proposed a very extraordinary clause in an address to the queen, iv. 42. 327. xv. 207. Brought in the bill against occasional conformity, under a disguised title, iv. 43. Opposed the inquiry into king William's grants, iv. 155, 156. Made a speech in the house of lords against the dean, vii. 94. Some account of, and reflections on his conduct, xi. 205. xv. 207.
Nuttall (a parishioner of Dr. Swift's). By the assistance of our author, recovered a hundred pounds from a roguish lawyer, xv. 229.


Oakly-wood. See Bathurst.
Oaths. Of swearing by God's wounds, by whom introduced, viii. 256. Are the children of fashion, ibid. A lord and a footman swear with different dignity, 258. The religion of an oath, x. 52.
Obedience to Government. No duty more easy to practise, x. 92.
Observator and Review, xviii. 30. 31. Though contemptible in themselves, yet capable of doing much mischief among the vulgar, iii. 18.
Occasional Writer[3] (in The Craftsman). A humorous letter to him in 1727, suggesting hints for his future conduct, x. 296. That writer with the assistance of truth, an overmatch for all the hirelings of the ministry, 299.
October Club. Advice to the Members of it, iii. 251. Finely written but did not sell, xv. 249. The rise and fall of the club, iv. 301. xi. 129. xiv. 358. The principles of it, ibid. xi. 147. xiv. 358.
Odo (bishop of Bayeux). A prelate of incurable ambition, xvi. 10. Envious and discontented at Lanfranc's being a greater favourite than himself, formed a conspiracy to depose William Rufus, ibid. Being taken prisoner, is forced by the king to abjure England, and sent into Normandy, 11.
Old Age. Subject to many calamities, wisely inflicted by God, xii. 271. Why dignity and station, or riches, are in some sort necessary to it, x. 245. Resolutions when I come to be old, xvi. 326.
Oldmixon, a party writer for hire, base acts of his, xvii. 336. Author of the Medley, xviii. 33. 34.
Oligarchy, ii. 295. iii. 195.
O Neal (sir Phelim). The head of a tumultuous rabble, v. 336.
Operas. In 1735, occasioned great debates, xiii. 199.
Opinions. The mischiefs occasioned by a difference in them, vi. 288. All power founded upon opinion, according to the politicians, v. 338. None maintained with so much obstinacy as those in religion, 339. Difference of opinion in publick matters imputed to disaffection, ix. 258.
Opposition. Wherein that of the sectaries among us consists, ii. 392.
Orange (prince of). The motives which induced the nobility and gentry to invite him over, iii. 6.
Oranges. The use of them in punch, by whom introduced into Ireland, ix. 277.
Orators. Among us; who have attempted to confound both prerogative and law, in their sovereign's presence, iii. 153.
Oratory. Demosthenes and Tully differed in their practice of it, v. 93.
Orchestre. Corelli excelled in forming it, xiii. 315.
Orleans (duke of). At the peace of Utrecht, it was his interest to exclude the pretender, iv. 356.
Ormond (James Butler, duke of). Lord lieutenant of Ireland in 1702; and again in 1710, xi. 85. 90. 112. His prudent endeavours, to weed the army of discontented officers, frustrated by the earl of Oxford's not having power to assist him, iv. 339. Succeeded the duke of Marlborough as captain general, and had the first regiment of guards, iv. 55. Took the command in Flanders, 184. Ordered to engage in no action of any importance without a very apparent advantage, 184. 188. Reduced by these orders to a difficult situation, 189. 201. Foresees the desertion of the allied forces, 191. His own troops but eighteen thousand, ib. Dutch ministers at Utrecht complain, ib. Resolutions of the house of commons, in consequence of his obeying those orders, 194. Directed to take possession of Dunkirk; but, by the intrigues of the allies, could not possibly execute that commission, 205. Abandoned by prince Eugene and the several generals of the allies, 209. On Dunkirk's being delivered up to Mr. Hill, declared a cessation of arms, 210. A passage through some of the towns belonging to the states refused his troops, ibid. His prudent conduct on that occasion, 211. Reflections on his attainder, 308. xviii. 366. Vindicated for refusing to fight by express command of the queen, iii. 311. His character, iv. 201. 308. xviii. 219. Farther account of him, xviii. 71. Address of thanks to the queen proposed, for appointing him lord lieutenant of Ireland, and why rejected, xi. 176. Generally well esteemed there, 177. A brief commendation of him, 188. Dr. Swift a favourite with him, yet had small hopes of being preferred by him, xiv. 212. Declared general in Flanders, xv. 272. Assists at the fire by which sir William Wyndham's house was burnt, 275. Gains much credit by his conduct in Flanders, 317. Huzzaed through the whole city at the kings proclamation, xi. 396. His daughter, lady Mary, married to lord Ashburnham, xiv. 237. Her death and character, xv. 357.
Orrery (Charles, earl of), xii. 83. The dean's opinion of his remarks on Bentley, ii. 29. By whom assisted in that controversy, 244. Promoted by queen Anne, on the general change of her ministry, iv. 352.
Orrery (John, earl of). His Ingratitude to Swift, i. ix. Why he was induced to asperse his memory, i. ix. xix. 215. A poetical epistle sent by him to the dean on his birthday, with a paper book elegantly bound, viii. 145. Specimen of his taste, viii. 415. His observation on the city of Cork, xiii. 324.
Osborn (Francis). His style too courtly and unintelligible, v. 199.
Ossory (bishop of). Empowered to solicit the affair of the first fruits, &c. in Ireland, xi. 82.
Ostracism. Aristides banished by it, ii. 306. What, 331. note.
Oxford. The method used by several colleges there, to preserve the value of their rents, v. 277.
Oxford (Edward, earl of). Married lady Henrietta Cavendish Holles, only daughter of John duke of Newcastle, xiii. 113. Had no vices, except buying manuscripts and curiosites may be called so, 386. Yet sold great part of his large estate, to pay his debts, ibid. 395.
Oysters. Method of boiling them, xv. 278.
Ozell (Mr). A proper assistant in the piece on polite conversation, viii. 267. Some account of him, xviii. 30.


Painter's wife's Island, ii. 130, note.
Palatines. Those who invited them over were enemies to the kingdom. iii. 217. 245. The publick a loser by every individual among them, iv. 147.
Palmerston (lord viscount). His privilege at the university of Dublin, xii. 175. Dr. Swift's correspondence with him on the subject, xix. 38-44.
Panegyrick. Rules for, xvi. 52. Why always worse received than satire, xiii. 425.
Pantomimes. When first exhibited in England, xvii. 59.
Paper Office. A very valuable repository for records, xiii. 294.
Papists. Their interest in Ireland very inconsiderable, iv. 433. v. 329. Those of Ireland invited over the duke of Lorrain, during the usurpation, v. 345. See Popery.
Parish. Some in London had 30000 souls under the care of one minister, viii. 334. Some two hundred times larger than others, ibid.
Parker (chief justice). An officious prosecutor of authors and printers, xi. 175. Would have silenced Dr. Swift as a writer, xv. 332.
Parker (Mr. of Lancashire). Dies of the wounds received at Airsmoss, much lamented, x. 355.
Parliaments (see Goths). Remarks on their origin in England, xvi. 40. 204. Why called frequently by Henry I, under different appellations, 40. The word parliament, as used by old authors, ambiguous, 91. King William, by ill advice, adverse to a bill for the frequent meeting of parliaments, i. 526. That prejudice in vain attempted to be removed by sir W. Temple and Swift, ibid. The constitution of them described, vi. 142. No farther crime than ill manners, to differ in opinion from the majority of both houses of parliament, iii. 23. Parliaments differ as much as princes, 205. The first which sat after the great change in queen Anne's ministry, chosen entirely by the inclination of the people, without the influence of the court, 95. 196. The character of that parliament, 174; and of Mr. Bromley, their speaker, 176. The many great things done by that parliament in their first session, 245. Their spirited representation of the injurious treatment of the queen and nation by their several allies, iv. 127. The commons can put a stop to all government, if they dislike the proceedings, 365. Absurdities in the choice, qualification, representation, and privilege, of members, x. 305. The old method of granting supplies described, iv. 157. Annual ones necessary to our liberties, xiv. 21. Bill for limiting members to a certain number of places, xv. 274. Affairs at a desperate crisis when a minister can procure a majority to screen him from just punishment, xvi. 299. See House of Commons.
Parnell (Dr). Recommended to archbishop King, by Swift, to succeed to the prebend vacated by his being chosen dean of St. Patrick's, xi. 259. His poem, entitled "On Queen Anne's Peace," presented by Dr. Swift to lord Bolingbroke, xv. 349. Introduced to that lord, and greatly liked by him, 353]], 354; and by the lord treasurer, 375. His admiration of lady Bolingbroke, 385. His wife's death and character, 114.
Parsons (the jesuit). His style commended, v. 199.
Parties. A pernicious circumstance relative to them, ii. 342. A wonderful contrivance for reconciling them, vi. 218. Are absolutely necessary in an English parliament, iv. 258. Every man adjusts his principles to those of the party he has chosen, v. 107. The ignorant the most violent party men, xvii. 373. A scheme for recovery of the credit of any party, xvii. 287. We should converse with the deserving of both parties, iii. 3. Advantages of writing for a party out of power, 109. The folly of party distinctions or aversions in mere trifles, 148. A metaphorical genealogy of party, 149. A prince descends from his dignity, who puts himself at the head of them, 178. The rise and progress of party names, 236. Ill effects of party, x. 58. 88. The names of whig and tory, applied to opposite parties, change their meaning, xi. 147. Their news not to be credited readily, xi. 136. See Faction.
Partition Treaty. An infamous one, iii. 306. 404. Naples, Sicily, and Lorrain, added to the French dominions by it, 338. Occasions the king of Spain to appoint the duke of Anjou his successor, ibid. 345. 385.
Partnership. The nature of ours with the Dutch, iii. 422.
Partridge (the almanackmaker). Account of his Death, v. 31. His death bed acknowledgment of the deceit of judicial astrology, 34. Elegy on his supposed Death, vii. 53. His Epitaph, 56.
Parvisol (the dean's agent). Dr. Swift disappointed in his returns, xi. 282. 288.
Passions. Like convulsion fits, xvii. 375.
Passive Obedience. Mistake in its object, ii. 368. What it is, as charged by the whigs, iii. 164. What, as professed by the tories, 166. In king Charles the Second's reign, carried to a height inconsistent with our liberties, 211. Liberties of Sweden destroyed by it, xi. 129. Whigs and tories easily reconcilable, when they come to explain the object of it, 130.
Pasquin. The success of it, xiii. 256.
Pate (William). A learned woollendraper, xiv. 202. His epitaph, xviii. 463. Anecdote of him, 464.
Patents. One granted to lord Dartmouth, afterward renewed to Knox, for coining halfpence for the use of Ireland, ix. 53. 65. 82. None can oblige the subjects against law, 61, 62. What to be considered in the passing of them, 168.
Peace. An unreasonable and impracticable condition imposed upon the French by the whig ministry, iii. 90. Why the emperor against it, 311. Vain fears that France was aggrandized by it, 312. When overtures of it are in prudence to be received, 333. Why the Dutch against it, 418. Several observations on it, xi. 232. 245. Private overtures of a peace, made by France and Holland, iv. 187. 233. Many of the tories discontented at it, xv. 388. To be ratified in all courts before it could be proclaimed here, 401.
Pedantry. Its definition, v. 231. x. 217. Not confined to science, or to sex, ibid. Fiddlers, dancing masters, and heralds, greater pedants than Lipsius or Scaliger, x. 217.
Peers. Twelve created at once by queen Anne, iv. 45. 328. The queen's conduct in this censured by those whose opposition had compelled her to it, xviii. 119. The choice made with great judgment, 120. Their house cannot easily be perverted from minding the true interest of their prince and country, ibid.
Peg (John Bull's sister). Her character, xvii. 189.
Pembroke (Thomas Herbert, earl of). Two punning letters to him, xvi. 244, 245. His droll anxiety, on being elected a member of the royal academy of Paris, xv. 180.
Pennsylvania. Too much extolled in a pamphlet giving an account of it, ix. 362.
People. The bulk of them forced to live miserably, that a few may live plentifully, vi. 296. A free people met together, whether by compact or family government, divide of themselves into three powers, ii. 292. The tyranny of the people ever followed by the arbitrary government of a single person, 321. The body of them in England as staunch unbelievers as any of the highest rank, 392. What the confluence of them to the capital city may be compared to, xvii. 386. Their natural bent and inclination, iii. 93. When left to their own judgment, seldom mistake their true interest, 94. The truest way of judging of their disposition, 95. The merciful disposition of the English populace, 153. When long used to hardships, lose, by degrees, the very notions of liberty, ix. 78. Their number not the riches of Ireland, ix. 353. 396. 420. Not always the riches of a nation, iv. 146. ix. 396. The true way pointed out of multiplying them to publick advantage, iv. 147.
Pericles. Why banished by the people of Athens, ii. 307.
Perjury. An instance where the law for its punishment is defective, xiii. 272.
Perpetual motion. Where the virtuosi may find it, v. 7.
Perrot (sir John). The first upon record that swore by God's wounds, viii. 256.
Persecution. The signification of the word considered with respect to the presbyterians, iv. 436.
Perseus (king of Macedon). When he made a mean figure, xvi. 332.
Persons. Sometimes so connected with things, that it is impossible to separate them, iii. 35. 45.
Petalism. What it was, and whence derived, ii. 331, note.
Peter, Martin, and Jack. The legacies left them by their father, and their several behaviour upon it, i. 86-201.
Peter (Czar of Muscovy). His ambassador arrested in England, iii. 202. Mr. Whitworth sent to him on an embassy of humiliation, xvi. 333.
Peter the Savage. A description of him, xvii. 302. Sent for to court by queen Caroline, ibid. xiii. 17.
Peterborow (Charles Mordaunt earl of). Verses addressed to him, vii. 35. Left unsupported in Spain, and exposed to the envy of his rivals, iii. 352. Though a zealous whig, abhorred by that party, and caressed by the tories, xi. 21. Is strenuous for continuing the war, 159. His character, vii. 35. xiv. 26. Bequeathed his watch to Pope, xiv. 163. Song by him, xvii. 426. His sentiments respecting the bill against occasional conformity, xi. 11. Queries sent by him to Dr. Swift, xi. 317. Writes a facetious letter to him, on the publication of Gulliver's Travels, xii. 217. His expeditious return from Vienna, xv. 73. His negotiations of great consequence, 82, 83. Reasons well against a peace, 83.
Peterborow (Dr. Robert Clavering, bishop of). Particulars of an affair between lady Betty Germain and him, respecting a piece of ground, xiii. 68.
Peterborow (dean of). Saves the expense of a piece of plate, by a pun, xv. 153.
Petition of the party writers employed by the whig ministry, xviii. 214.
Petty (sir William). The parishes in London very unequally divided when he wrote, iii. 232.
Petronius Arbiter. A favourite among the wits and freethinkers, v. 243. What he reckoned an ingredient of a good poet, 247. The different characters in him are but Nero in so many different appearances, according to St. Evremont, xvii. 107.
Philip (II of Spain). When he appeared contemptible, xvi. 333.
Philips (Mr. Ambrose). Writes to Dr. Swift, to ask for an employment, xv. 80. Verses on him, xviii. 453. Swift esteemed him as a man, ibid.
Philosophers. What has been their method to be heard in a crowd, ii. 71. Their resolving appearances into lusus naturæ just as instructive as Aristotle's occult causes, vi. iii. The system of morality delivered in their writings, v. 99. Advantages arising from the study of them, 101. The imperfections of them, both in general and in particular, x. 138.
Philosopher's stone. Sir R. Steele one of the last eminent men engaged in the pursuit of it, v. 438, note.
Philosophy. Introducers of new schemes in, ii. 165.
Phipps (sir Constantine). His letter to Dr. Swift, respecting the case of Waters, his printer, xii. 47.
Phocion. His good offices to the Athenian state, ii. 309.
Physicians. The sensitive soul made a sort of first minister to the rational by some of the German physicians, xi. 344.
Pie-powder Courts. What they are, xvii. 250.
Piety. By what means it might be made fashionable, ii. 405.
Pilkington (Mr.) Swift's recommendation of him to Mr. Barber, xix. 120. 121. 126. Made chaplain to Mr. Barber when lord mayor, xii. 494; and in that office, got more money than any of his predecessors, xiii. 102. His character, xviii. 362. Letters from him to Mr. Bowyer, xix. 62. 66. 123. 124. Wrote an infallible scheme to pay the debts of the nation, which was taken for Swift's, 66.
Pilkington (Mrs). Her account of Swift, i. 451. Her verses on paper, xiii. 15; and on Dr. Swift's birthday, ibid. Her character; xviii. 362.
Plantations. The shameful neglect of religion in the American, iii. 234, 235.
Plato. His conduct, when his character was aspersed, xviii. 257. His idea of happiness was unworthy of a philosopher, x. 142. Followed merchandise for three years, xii. 28. His notions resembled the doctrines of christianity, x. 193.
Players. Billet to a company of, xviii. 428.
Playhouse. The fountain of love, wit, dress, and gallantry, v. 261.
Pleasure. Balanced by an equal degree of pain, v. 454.
Plots. Instructions for discovering them, vi. 220.
Plutarch. Observes, that the disposition of a man's mind is often better discovered by a small circumstance, than by actions of the greatest importance, x. 319.
Poetry. Progress of, vii. 187. A Rhapsody on, viii. 166. History of, in a punning epistle, viii. 430. Art of Sinking in, xvii. 1. What kind of it ought to be preferred, xvii. 6. What the effect of epithets improperly used in it, viii. 171. Mr. Pope's reflections on it, v. 239.
Poets. Verses on two celebrated modern ones, xviii. 453. Have contributed to the spoiling of the English tongue, v. 71. Immortalize none but themselves, 455. A good poet can no more do without a good stock of similes, than a shoemaker without his lasts, v. 252. One who is provident can by no means subsist without a commonplace book, 253. Number of them in London and its suburbs, viii. 148.
Polemia (John Bull's eldest daughter). Her character, xvii. 173.
Polidore (sir). What the wrong side of his office, xi. 252.
Polignac (abbé de). His character, iv. 235.
Politeness. When at its greatest height in England and France, v. 237.
Politicians. Few of them so useful in a commonwealth as an honest farmer, ix. 189. A maxim learned from them, xiii. 179. Allegorize all the animal economy into state affairs, xi. 344. Secrecy one of their most distinguishing qualities, 417. Other requisites to them, ibid. King of France establishes an academy for their instruction, ibid. A maxim held by them, xiii. 179.
Politicks. Reduced to a science by the wits of Europe, vi. 153. A rule in them among a free people, ii. 293. Nothing required for a knowledge in them but common sense, iv. 249. What they are, in the common acceptation of the word, v. 463. An uncontrollable maxim in them, v. 319, 320. One cause of the want of brotherly love, x. 58. In all ages, too little religion mingled with them, 60. Why all courts are so full of them, 245. An expression, appropriated by the French to beauty, applicable to them, xi. 140. To show ill will, without power of doing mere, no good policy in a dependent people, 166. Never made by ministers the subject of conversation, xv. 390. Specimen of Mr. Gay's intended treatise on them, xi. 418. Dr. Swift's creed in them, xiii. 31.
Pomfret. Censured for dulness and vanity, x. 243.
Pompey. At his death, made a contemptible figure, xvi. 332. His degree of fame, v. 173.
Poor. Proposal for giving badges to them, ix. 414. xvi. 260. The only objection made to such a proposal answered, ix. 416. Industrious poor more necessary members of the commonwealth than the rich, x. 35. Begging poor mostly become such by their own idleness, attended with all manner of vices, 98. 118. No word more abused than it, 98. Enjoy many blessings not common to the rich and great, 100-104.
Pope (Mr). His character, vii. 3. Wrote his Dunciad at the request of Dr. Swift, vii. 374. xii. 289. 441. Verses to him while writing the Dunciad, vii. 374. Overturned in a coach and much hurt, xii. 198. 201. 204. Used to quit his guests soon after supper, 484. In danger a second time of being drowned, xiii. 297. Swift pushed the subscription for his Homer, xix. 22. Letters of his secreted and afterward published without his consent, 143, 144. Various reading in his Dunciad, 150. Unable to bear the sea, 151. His character as a poet, xviii. 423. The initial letters in his poems not understood even by Dr. Swift, xiii. 401. Inscription under his portrait at Oxford, xvii. 471. His poem called Windsor Forest|Windsor Forest published and commended, xv. 397. Lord Bolingbroke's judgment of his Ethic Essays, xiii. 133. His character of Dr. Swift and his writings, 329. His account of lord Bolingbroke's plan of life and studies in France, xix. 146. Why the friendship of young rather than of old people cultivated by him, 149. Gives Dr. Swift an account of his course of life and amusements, 150.
Pope (of Rome). His bulls ridiculed, ii. 117. Form of a general pardon given by him, 120.
Popery. The run against it after the revolution as just and reasonable as that against fanaticism after the restoration, iii. 187. Whether the principles of the whigs or tories are most likely to introduce it, 209. Vain fears of the danger of it excited by the whigs, iv. 404. The most absurd system of christianity professed by any nation, v. 304. In a declining state in Ireland, ibid.
Portland (James Bentinck, earl of). Described, under the character of Phocion, ii. 309. His character, xviii. 223.
Portraits. Engraved might supply the place of medals, v. 471.
Portugal. Deceived by the false representations of the whigs, iii. 316. Two alliances with that crown, very disadvantageous to England, 356-359. The war in that kingdom entirely abandoned by the allies, and left to the charge of the English, iv. 134. The engagement of the king of Portugal to raise a number of forces never performed, though the subsidies for them were constantly paid, ibid. iii. 374. These subsidies put an end to by the earl of Oxford, 375. On which a duty was demanded by the king on the very clothes of those soldiers the English sent to defend him, ibid.
Positiveness. A good quality for preachers and orators, v. 453. Positive men the most credulous, xvii. 382.
Possessions. Limited in all good commonwealths, v. 456.
Powel (judge). Character of him, xv. 85.
Power. No blessing in itself, x. 42. Is dangerous in the hands of persons of great abilities, without the fear of God, 52. Naturally attended with fear and precaution, xii. 345. What would cool the lust of absolute power in princes, xiii. 195.
Powers. What those are into which all independent bodies of men seem naturally to divide, ii. 291. The balance of power how best conceived, 293. The errour of those who think it an uncontrollable maxim that power is safer lodged in many hands than one, 298. The military ought always to be in subjection to the civil, iii. 61. 88, 89. A firm union in any country may supply the defects of power, ix. 180.
Praise. What it was originally, and how changed by the moderns, ii. 63. Like ambergris, xvii. 385.
Pratt (Dr. Benjamin, provost of Dublin). Anecdote of him, v. 357. His character, ibid. xi. 451. Refuses preferment designed for him, unless it be given him in a manner consistent with his reputation, xi. 452. 459. 462. 465.
Prayers. Composed by Dr. Swift, for Mrs. Johnson, during her last illness, x. 160. 162. 164.
Preaching. May help well inclined men, but seldom or never reclaims the vicious, v. 462. Instructions for it, v. 85-109. The causes of the disregard paid to it in Ireland, x. 125. Remedies against it, 132.
Precedents. The use made of them by lawyers, vi. 294. Taken from times of exigency not applicable to other times, ix. 26. The motives and circumstances that first introduced them should be considered, 63.
Prefaces. Remarks upon the writers of them, ii. 61-63. See Dryden.
Prelates. A modern custom with some, to talk of clergymen as if themselves were not of the number, iv. 399. See Bishops.
Prepossession. How it blinds the understanding, x. 12.
Prerogative (the king's). The meaning of that term, ix. 80. Lord Bacon's opinion of it, 81. Whoever seeks favour with a prince by a readiness to enlarge it, ought to provide that he be not outbid by another party, iv. 363.
Presbyterians. Their notions of persecution considered, iv. 436. Would rather lose their estates, liberties, religion, and lives, than the pleasure of governing, 438. Could they be the national church, divisions would arise among them, 439. More dangerous than the papists, 408. Their rise in England, v. 292. Little difference between them and the independents, who got the better of them at the time of the grand rebellion, 295-297. Had a good share of preferments during the usurpation, 297. An account of their conduct under James the Second, 298. Style of the Roman catholicks their brethren, 299. Several of them held commissions under king James, against the prince of Orange, 300. Never much loved by king William, though a calvinist, 302. Desert their old friend king James, when his affairs were desperate, ibid. Declared that, if the pretender invaded the north of Ireland, they would sit still and let the protestants fight their own battles, 303, 331. Have never renounced any one principle by which their disloyal predecessors acted, 308. 328. Their preachers, when in power, wrote books against liberty of conscience, 309. Have ever professed a hatred to kingly government, 311. In the fanatick times, professed themselves to be above morality, 317. 339. Gained by the rebellion what the catholicks lost by their loyalty, 337. See Jack.
A Present. Is a gift to a friend of something he wants, or is fond of, and which cannot be easily got for money, x. 230. xiv. 60.
Press. A bill, intended for its regulation, iv. 160. A clause proposed, that the author of every book, pamphlet, or paper, should be obliged to set his name and place of abode to it, 161. Observations on that clause, and on the liberty of the press, ibid.
Presto. Why Dr. Swift so called, xv. 102.
Pretender. His legitimacy not suspected in any publick act since the revolution, ii. 373. The great use which the whigs have always made of him, iii. 23. Whether most opposed by whigs or tories, 213. The former whigs great advocates for his illegitimacy, 239. Neither queen Anne nor her ministry had any design to bring him in, iv. 319. 349. Bishop Kennet's reflections on the subject, xix. 22.
Pride. Reflection upon the baseness of it, vi. 356. By what means we might utterly extinguish it, x. 38. What often its composition, xvii. 385.
Prideaux (Dr). The reception he met with from his bookseller, ii. 203.
Princes. The greatest services of little weight with them, when put in the balance with a refusal to gratify their passions, vi. 47. They see by the eyes of ministers, 69. Their manner of rewarding those who have done some great services to them, 232, 233. The example of the best will not reform a corrupt age, ii. 405. How they may best acquire power in a limited monarchy, 420. Those who have been most mysterious in government have least consulted their own quiet, and their people's happiness, iv. 249. Strange there should be so many hopeful princes, and shameful kings, v. 463. Favourites of dangerous consequence to them, iii. 135. Descend from their dignity, by heading parties, 178. To what those who have been ruined have chiefly owed their misfortunes, 195. When they ought in prudence to receive overtures of a peace, 333. By their education, are usually more defective both in strength and wisdom than thousands of their subjects, x. 34. In countries that pretend to freedom, are subject to those laws which their people have chosen, 36. The best prince, in the opinion of wise men, only the greatest servant in the nation, ibid. Wise princes find it necessary to have war abroad, to keep peace at home, ii. 283. Of all other mortals, princes are the worst educated, iv. 316. A caution to those who seek favour by advising the extension of prerogative, 363. It is their misfortune, that they are obliged to see with other men's eyes, and hear with other men's ears, x. 80.
Prior (Matthew, esq). His Journey to Paris, v. 401. Many subscribers to his works procured by Swift, i. 215. xi. 474. Suspected to be the writer of The Examiner, iii. 111. 148. xiv. 349. Sent as a negotiator to France, xi. 184. iv. 78. His journey which was intended to have been kept secret, discovered at his return, 81. Much liked there, on account of his wit and humour, 237. Lord Bolingbroke's letter to him while in France, xi. 222. Much loved and esteemed by that minister and Mr. Harley, after their misunderstanding with each other, iv. 342. His character, xviii. 232. His verses on Mr. Harley's being stabbed, xviii. 14. 19. Reduced to the necessity of publishing his works by subscription, xi. 460. Much straitened in his circumstances, ibid. Like to be insulted in the street for being supposed the author of the Examiner, xiv. 349. A better courtier than Swift, xv. 74. Made a commissioner of the customs, 252, His character as a poet, xviii. 423.
Privilege of Parliament. Two instances wherein it was absurd, x. 306. 307.
Prize fighting. Its origin in England, ii. 279.
Proby (captain). Accused of an inclination to popery unjustly, xii. 126.
Proby (Thomas, surgeon general of Ireland). The earl of Wharton's treatment of him, v. 355.
Processions. Those in Roman catholick countries not unuseful. xi. 7.
Profound. In modern poesy, explained and exemplified, xvii. 3, &c. The necessity of it physically considered, 7. Is an art, 9. Of the true genius of it, and by what it is constituted, 11. The several kinds of genius in it; their marks and character, 16. What it is when it consists in the thought, 19. What in the circumstances, 22. The principal figures contributing to it, 29. What the expression must be in it, 41. A project for advancing it, 49.
Projectors. An academy of them in Lagado, the capital of Balnibarbi, established by royal patent, vi. 204. A particular description of it, and the various schemes of the projectors, 206. Swift's remarks on their fate, xii. 258. A project at Laputa for writing books mechanically [not unuseful in England], vi. 211. A project for raising money by a stamp on blistering plasters, xi. 343. For discovering the longitude, 367.
Prolocutor. That office in Dublin proposed for Dr. Swift, xi. 282. The reasons why he was willing to accept it, ibid, 285. 286. See Convocation.
Prologues. The invention, or refinement, of them owing to the younger proficients in criticism, ii. 110.
Prophets. Pretended ones in England, v. 18.
Providence. A disbelief of it how punished in Lilliput, vi. 55. Cavils of philosophers against, specious only from the ignorance of the hearers, 111. Even storms and tempests an argument for it, v. 461.
Proxy. Dr. Evans bishop of Meath, at his visitation, refuses to admit a proxy for Dr Swift, xii. 53. At the visitation of the chapter of Saint Patrick's by the archbishop of Dublin, a proxy for the dean insisted on, 230. Not complied with by Dr. Swift, 231.
Prude. Description of one, v. 182, 183.
Prussia (the first king of). His agents endeavouring to enlist a miller's son, in the electoral dominion of George I, occasioned a great misunderstanding between the two crowns, ix. 326.
Psyche. A poem on, viii. 204.
Publick affairs. No state of life requires greater abilities and virtues than the administration of them, iv. 253. A habit of multiplying secrets an impediment to the proper management of them, 254. In the power of a private man, to be useful to the publick, x. 151; and often of the meanest, to do mischief to it, 152. The sin of doing so, 156.
Publick faith. Disadvantage of breaking, xix. 72.
Pulpits. Of several sorts, ii. 73. When made of rotten wood, a double type of a fanatick preacher, 76.
Pulteney, (Mr. afterward William, earl of Bath). Verses on his being put out of Council, viii. 92. His Answer to Sir Robert Walpole, xvi. 292. A large sum of money left him by Mr. Guy, xii. 73. Gives Dr. Swift an account of a humorous treatise composed by Dr. Arbuthnot upon the scolding of the ancients, xii. 380. His remark on the promotion of Dr. Rundle to the see of Derry, xiii. 170. On the strength of his own

constitution, 312. Purposes to follow Dr. Swift's rules for preservation of his health, ibid. A sentence of Tully proposed by him for the rule of his conduct, ibid. Observations on the state of publick affairs, 442. Sends Dr. Swift a copy of Latin verses, made in compliment to him by a Westminster scholar, 443. How far indebted to sir Robert, for his reputation, xvi. 302. Swift bears testimony to his integrity, 316.

Punch. A disaffected liquor, ix. 277. Its inventor and original mode of making it, ibid.
Purcell (Henry). Corelli's admiration of him, xiii. 315.
Puritans. When they grew popular in England, ii. 338. v. 293. The term changed into presbyterian and dissenter, v. 294. x. 69. Their joining with the Scotch enthusiasts the principal cause of the Irish rebellion and massacre, x. 71.
Pym (the famous patriot). The name of Roundhead took its rise from him, ii. 255.

  1. It is very remarkable that this character was omitted in the Irish edition of 1735, said to have been dictated, or strictly revised, by the dean himself; and Mr. Pope, who has been accused of garbling the writings he was entrusted with, appears here at least a faithful editor, and the author himself to be the garbler. Lord Orrery informs us, that Dr. King, when bishop of Derry, hindered Dr. Swift from being made dean of Derry. So that, considering the violence of Swift's resentments, it may seem harder to account for his inserting this encomium, than for his leaving it out. But he was then, probably, a stranger to the ill office of his back friend, till he was initiated into the party to which he afterward adhered, and to which Dr. Boulter owed his advancement to the primacy, in 1719, in opposition to Dr. King. Whatever induced Swift to efface this character, the publick, once in possession of it, will not contentedly part with it. It is too precious a morsel to be lost. And if authors (as they have a right) shall castrate themselves, they must not think to appear to the world with the same spirit as before. B.
  2. In this List, wherever no name is mentioned as the writer or receiver of a letter, Dr. Swift is universally to be understood: the letters of uncertain date (a very few only excepted) are placed in their regular situation. N.
  3. His Letters are printed in lord Bolingbroke's works. In vol. XII. of this collection, p. 229, it appears that his lordship had seen the copy of Swift's letter, before it was sent to the press. N.