Index:The Sanskrit Drama.djvu
CONTENTS PART I. THE ORIGIN OF THE SANSKRIT DRAMA I. Dramatic Elements in Vedic Literature. 1. The Indian Tradition of the Origin of the Drama 12 2. The Dialogues of the Veda 3. Dramatic Elements in Vedic Ritual II. Post-Vedic Literature and the Origin of the Drama. 1. The Epics 2. The Grammarians 3. Religion and the Drama 4. Theories of the Secular Origin of the Drama 5. Greek Influence on the Sanskrit Drama 6. The Çakas and the Sanskrit Drama 7. The Evidence of the Prākrits 8. The Literary Antecedents of the Drama PART II. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SANSKRIT DRAMA III. Açvaghoṣa and the Buddhist Drama. 1. The Çāriputraprakaraṇa 2. The Allegorical and the Hetaera Dramas 3. The Language of the Dramas 4. The Metres IV. Bhāsa. 1. The Authenticity of Bhāsa's Dramas 2. The Date of Bhāsa's Dramas 3. The Dramas and their Sources 4. Bhāsa's Art and Technique 5. Bhāsa's Style 6. The Language of the Plays 7. The Metres of the Dramas V. The Precursors of Kālidāsa and Çūdraka. 1. The Precursors of Kālidāsa 2. The Authorship and Age of the Mṛcchakaṭikā 3. The Mṛcchakaṭikā 4. The Prākrits 5. The Metres VI. Kālidāsa. 1. The Date of Kālidāsa. 2. The Three Dramas of Kālidāsa 3. Kālidāsa's Dramatic Art 4. The Style 5. The Language and the Metres VII. Candra, Harṣa, and Mahendravikramavarman. I. Candra or Candraka 2. The Authorship of the Dramas ascribed to Harṣa 3. The Three Dramas 4. Harṣa's Art and Style 5. The Language and the Metres of Harṣa's Dramas 6. Mahendravikramavarman VIII. Bhavabhūti. 1. The Date of Bhavabhūti 2. The Three Plays 3. Bhavabhūti's Dramatic Art and Style 4. The Language and the Metres IX. Viçākhadatta and Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa. 1. The Date of Viçakhadatta. 2. The Mudrārākṣasa 3. The Language and the Metres of the Mudrārākṣasa 211 4. The Date of Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa 5. The Veṇīsaṁhāra 6. The Language and the Metres of the Veṇīsaṁhāra 219 X. Murārī, Rājaçekhara, their Predecessors and Successors. 1. The Predecessors of Murārī 2. Murārī 3. The Anargharāghava . 4. The Date of Rājaçekhara 5. The Dramas of Rājaçekhara 6. Bhīmaṭa and Kṣemīçvara XI. The Decline of the Sanskrit Drama. 1. The Decadence of the Drama 2. The Nāṭaka 3. The Allegorical Nāṭaka 4. The Nāṭikā and the Saṭṭaka 5. The Prakaraṇa 6. The Prahasana and the Bhāṇa 7. Minor Dramatic Types 8. The Shadow Play 9. Dramas of Irregular Type XII. The Characteristics and Achievement of the Sanskrit Drama PART III. DRAMATIC THEORY XIII. The Theory of the Dramatic Art. I. The Treatises on Dramatic Art. 2. The Nature and the Types of the Drama 3. The Subject Matter and the Plot 4. The Characters 5. The Sentiments . 6. The Dramatic Styles and Languages. 7. The Dance, Song, and Music 8. The Preliminaries and the Prologue 9. The Types of Drama. 10. The Influence of Theory on Practice II. Aristotle and the Indian Theory of Poetics PART IV. DRAMATIC PRACTICE XIV. The Indian Theatre. 1. The Theatre 2. The Actors 3. The Mise-en-scène and Representation of the Drama 4. The Audience English Index Sanskrit Index |