Translation:Catullus 60

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Catullus 60 (Wikisource translation)
by Catullus, translated from Latin by Wikisource

"The last poem of the polymetric section, this reproach is addressed probably to Lesbia, describing her cruelty as something of a feral, monstrous nature. Its literary pedigree, going back to Homer and Greek tragedy...makes it more effective than if it had been a purely original and spontaneous outburst. Catullus uses the theme again in Ariadne's poignant apostrophe to Theseus (64.154-57); Virgil paid tribute to Catullus in recasting it as Dido's reproach to Aeneas..." (Garrison, 2004). Going counterclockwise from top left, the first and last letters of each line form the acrostic NĀTŪ CEU AES, i.e., "by birth like bronze." Limping iambics.

213410Catullus 60 (Wikisource translation)WikisourceCatullus
Literal English Translation Original Latin Line

Surely a lioness from the Libystinian mountains
or barking Scylla didn't beget you from the lowest part of her loins,
with such a harsh and ugly mind,
that you hold in contempt the voice of a supplicant in last and final crisis,
oh, from a too savage heart?

Num tē leaena montibus Libystīnīs
aut Scylla lātrāns īnfimā inguinum parte
tam mente dūrā prōcreāvit ac taetrā,
ut supplicis vōcem in novissimō cāsū
contemptam habērēs, ā nimis ferō corde?
