1st series, 1811-1821: 1 ─ 2 ─ 3 ─ 4 ─ 5
2nd series, 1822-1856: 1, part 1, part 2, part 3 ─ 2 ─ 3 ─ 4 ─ 5 ─ 6 ─ 7
Proceedings: 1834-1845
Quarterly Journal: 1845-1971
Contents 1 On certain Products obtained in the Distillation of Wood 2 Mineralogical Account of the Isle of Man 3 On the Granite Tors of Cornwall 4 On the Mineralogy of St. David's 5 On the Brine Springs at Droitwich 6 On the Veins of Cornwall 7 On the Strata lying over the Chalk 8 On the Vitrified Forts of Scotland 9 On an Accidental Sublimation of Silica 10 On Hippurites from Sicily 11 On the Coalfield near Manchester 12 On the Island of Teneriffe 13 On the Junction of Trap and Sandstone at Stirling Castle Rock 14 On the Economy of the Mines of Cornwall and Devon 15 On the Origin of Organic Impressions 16 On the Oxyd of Tin 17 On some new Varieties of Fossil Alcyonia 18 On the Geology of various parts of Scotland 19 On Quartz Rock 20 Geology of the Coast of Labrador 21 On the Strata near Clovelly, North Devon 22 On Staffa 23 On Vegetable remains preserved in Chalcedony 24 On the vitreous Tubes found near Drigg, in Cumberland List of Donations Index Plates and Maps