Index of Authors: | |
[edit]- Al-Maʿarri, Abul ʿAla (973–1057)
- al-Maʾmūn ibn Harūn, Abū Jaʿfar Abdullāh (786–833)
- Maas, Anthony John (1858–1927)
- Mabie, Hamilton Wright (1846–1916)
- Macalister, Alexander (1844–1919)
- Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart (1870–1950)
- Macapagal, Diosdado (1910–1997)
- MacArthur, Douglas (1880–1964)
- Macarthur-Onslow, Arthur John (1873–1953)
- Macaulay, George Campbell (1852–1915)
- Macaulay, James (1817–1902)
- Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–1859)
- Macaulay, William Herrick (1853–1936)
- Macauliffe, Max Arthur (1841–1913)
- MacCarthy, Denis Florence (1817–1882)
- MacColl, Dugald Sutherland (1859–1948)
- MacColl, Norman (1843–1904)
- Maccormac, Henry (1800–1886)
- MacCormac, William (1836–1901)
- MacCulloch, John (1773–1835)
- MacDonagh, Michael (1862–1946)
- MacDonald, Ballard (1882–1935)
- MacDonald, Duncan Black (1863–1943)
- MacDonald, George (1824–1905)
- MacDonald, Greville (1856–1944)
- MacDonald, Iain Lom (c. 1624–c. 1710)
- Macdonald, James (1829–1887)
- MacDonald, James Ramsay (1866–1937)
- Macdonald, Sir John A. (1815–1891)
- Macdonald, Captain John Alexander (1846–1922)
- Macdonald, William (1863–1938)
- Macdonald, William Rae (1843–1923)
- Macdonell, Agnes (1840–1925)
- Macdonell, Arthur Anthony (1854–1930)
- Macdonell, George Paul (1855–1895)
- Macdonell, John (1846–1921)
- Macdonnell, John Cotter (1822–1902)
- Macdougall, George Gordon (1799–1835)
- Macedonski, Alexandru (1854–1920)
- Macfadyen, Allan (1860–1907)
- Macfadyen, Dugald (1867–1936)
- Macfarlane, John (1866–1906)
- Macfaull, Charles (1800–1846)
- Macgillivray, Evan James (1873–1955)
- MacGillivray, John (1821–1867)
- Macgregor, John (1797—1857)
- Mach, Josef (1883–1951)
- Mácha, Karel Hynek (1810–1836)
- Macháček, Simeon Karel (1799–1846)
- Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria (1839–1908)
- Máchal, Jan Hanuš (1855–1939)
- Machar, Agnes Maule (1837–1927)
- Machar, Josef Svatopluk (1864–1942)
- Machek, Antonín (1775–1844)
- Machen, Arthur (1863–1947)
- Machen, John Gresham (1881–1937)
- Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527)
- Machin, John (1696–1751)
- Mack, Amy Eleanor (1876–1939)
- Mack, Marie Louise Hamilton (1870–1935)
- Mackail, Denis (1892–1971)
- Mackail, John William (1859–1945)
- Mackaness, George Henry (1882–1968)
- Mackay, Aeneas James George (1839–1911)
- Mackay, Charles (1814–1889)
- Mackay, George Eric (1851–1898)
- MacKay, William Paton (1839—1885)
- Mackellar, Isobel Marion Dorothea (1885–1968)
- Mackenzie, Alexander (1822–1892)
- Mackenzie, Alexander (1838–1898)
- Mackenzie, Colin (1754–1821)
- Mackenzie, Colin (1806–1881)
- Mackenzie, John Morell (1806–1843)
- Mackenzie, John Stuart (1860–1935)
- Mackenzie, William Lyon (1795–1861)
- Mackeson, Charles (1843–1899)
- Mackey, Albert Gallatin (1807–1881)
- Mackey, Henry Benedict (1846–1906)
- Mackie, Alexander (1855–1915)
- Mackie, William (1799–1860)
- Mackinder, Halford John (1861–1947)
- Mackinnon, James (1860–1945)
- Mackintosh, Ewart Alan (1893–1917)
- MacKintosh, James (fl. 19th century)
- Macky, John (?–1726)
- Maclagan, Eric Robert Dalrymple (1879–1951)
- Maclay, William (1737–1804)
- Maclean, Hector (1728–?)
- Maclean, John (1879–1923)
- MacLean, Katherine (1925–)
- Maclean, Rev. Norman Fitzroy (1902–1990)
- Maclear, George Frederick (1833–1902)
- Macleay, Alexander (1767–1848)
- MacLeish, Archibald (1892–1982)
- Macleod, Henry Dunning (1821—1902)
- MacMahon, John Henry (1829–1900)
- MacMahon, Percy Alexander (1854–1929)
- MacMechan, Archibald McKellar (1862–1933)
- Macmillan, Hugh (1833–1903)
- Macmorran, Alexander (1852–1933)
- MacMunn, Charles Alexander (1852–1911)
- MacNaghten, Sir William Hay (1793–1841)
- Macnamara, Eric Denvers (1874–1934)
- MacNichol, Kenneth (1887–1955)
- Macphail, Sir Andrew (1864–1938)
- Macpherson, Ewan (?–1915)
- Macpherson, John (1817–1890)
- MacQuoid, Katherine Sarah (1824–1917)
- Macray, William Dunn (1826–1916)
- Macron, Emmanuel (b. 1977)
- MacRory, Joseph (1861–1945)
- MacSwiney, Terence (1879–1920)
- Macurdy, Grace Harriet (1866–1946)
- Madan, Falconer (1851–1935)
- Madden, Dodgson Hamilton (1840–1928)
- Madden, Edward (1878–1952)
- Madison, James (1751–1836)
- Madox, Thomas (1666–1727)
- Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862–1949)
- Maffei, Angelus Francis Xavier (1844–1899)
- Magee, John Gillespie, Jr. (1922–1941)
- Magee, William (1766—1831)
- Magee, William Kirkpatrick (1868–1961)
- Maghradze, Davit (1962–)
- Magliabechi, Antonio (1633–1714)
- Magnus, Heinrich Gustav (1802–1870)
- Magnus, Philip (1842–1933)
- Magsaysay, Ramon (1907–1957)
- Mahaffy, John Pentland (1839–1919)
- Mahan, Alfred Thayer (1840–1914)
- ibn Īsa Māhānī, Abu-Abdullah Muhammad (ca. 820–c. 884)
- Maharshi, Ramana (1879–1950)
- Mahillon, Victor-Charles (1841–1924)
- Mahony, Francis Sylvester (1804–1866)
- Maimonides (1135–1204)
- Maine, Henry (1822–1888)
- Maitland, Frederic William (1850–1906)
- Maitland, John Alexander Fuller (1856–1936)
- Majendie, Vivian Dering (1836–1898)
- Majer, Antonín (1882–1963)
- Majerová, Marie (1882–1967)
- Major, Richard Henry (1818–1891)
- Majorana, Quirino (1871–1957)
- Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra (1888–1980)
- Makousky, Marie (1905–1955)
- Maksimović, Desanka (1898–1993)
- Malatesta, Errico (1853–1932)
- Malcolm, John (1769–1833)
- Malcolm, John (1795–1835)
- Malcolm, Neill (1869–1953)
- Malcolm X (1925–1965)
- Malherbe, François de (1555–1628)
- Malinowski, Bronisław (1884–1942)
- Malkin, Benjamin Heath (1769–1842)
- Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842–1898)
- Malleson, George Bruce (1825–1898)
- Mallet, Sir Bernard (1859–1932)
- Mallet, Sir Charles Edward (1862–1947)
- Mallet, David (1705–1765)
- Mallet, Louis (1823–1890)
- Mallett, John William (1832–1912)
- Malloch Brown, Mark (1953–present)
- Mallory, George Herbert Leigh (1886–1924)
- Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813–1873)
- Malory, Thomas (1405–1471)
- Malot, Hector (1830–1907)
- Malpighi, Marcello Malpighi (1628–1694)
- Maltbie, Milo Roy (1871–1962)
- Maltbie, Sarah Elizabeth (1852–1925)
- Malthus, Thomas (1766–1834)
- Mameli, Goffredo (1827–1849)
- Mandaliya, Hiren (?–?)
- Mandela, Nelson (1918–2013)
- Mandelstam, Osip Emilyevich (1891–1938)
- Mandeville, Henry (1804—1858)
- Mandeville, John
- Mánes, Antonín (1784–1843)
- Mánes, Josef (1820–1871)
- Mánes, Quido (1828–1880)
- Manet, Édouard (1832–1883)
- Manetti, Antonio (1423–1497)
- Mangan, James Clarence (1803–1849)
- Mangasarian, M.M. (1859–1943)
- Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670–1724)
- Manly, John Matthews (1865–1940)
- Mann, Charles Holbrook (1839–1918)
- Mann, Heinrich (1871–1950)
- Mann, James Saumarez (1851–1928)
- Mann, Thomas (1875–1955)
- Manning, Cardinal Henry Edward (1808–1892)
- Manning, William Ray (1871–1942)
- Manning, William Thomas (1866–1949)
- Mannyng, Robert (1275–1338)
- Mansel-Pleydell, John Clavell (1817–1902)
- Mansfield, Katherine (1888–1923)
- Manson, Edward (1834–1916)
- Manson, James Alexander (1851–1921)
- Mansour, Riyad (1947– )
- Mantle, Burns (1873–1948)
- Mao Zedong (1893–1976)
- Mařák, Julius Eduard (1832–1899)
- Marat, Jean-Paul (1743–1793)
- Marble, Annie Russell (1864–1936)
- Marbot, Marcellin (1782–1854)
- Marcel, Claude Victor André (1793–1876)
- Marcel, Gabriel (1843–1909)
- Marcellus II, Pope (1501–1555)
- Marcet, Alexander (1770–1822)
- Marcet, Jane Haldimand (1769–1858)
- March, Joseph Moncure (1899–1977)
- Marchal, Désiré (fl. 1860s)
- Marchand, Richard Felix (1813–1850)
- Marchant, Edgar Cardew (1864–1960)
- Marcos, Ferdinand (1917–1989)
- Mardon, Henry William
- Mare, Walter John de la (1873–1956)
- Marett, Robert Ranulph (1866–1943)
- Margesson, Rhoda
- Margoliouth, David Samuel (1858–1940)
- Marin la Meslée, Edmond (1852–1893)
- Marino, Tom (1952–)
- Marriott, Arthur Elmer (1884–1944)
- Marriott, Charles John Bruce (1861–1936)
- Mariott, John Arthur Ransome (1859–1945)
- Mariotte, Edme (1620–1684)
- Marius, Gerharda Hermina (1854–1919)
- Mark, Edward Laurens (1847–1946)
- Markby, William (1829–1914)
- Markham, Sir Albert Hastings (1841–1918)
- Markham, Clements Robert (1830–1916)
- Marks, Alfred (1833–1912)
- Marlowe, Christopher (1564–1593)
- Marquis, Don (1878–1937)
- Marryat, Frederick (1792–1848)
- Marsh, Narcissus ((1638–1713)
- Marsh, Othniel Charles (1831–1899)
- Marshall, Arthur Hammond (1866–1934), wrote as Archibald Marshall
- Marshall, Arthur Milnes (1852–1893)
- Marshall, Charles (1830–1902)
- Marshall, Edward Henry (1850–1909)
- Marshall, Florence Ashton (1843–1922)
- Marshall, George (1880–1959)
- Marshall, John (1755–1835)
- Marshall, Julian (1836–1903)
- Marshall, Newton Herbert (1871–1914)
- Marshall, Robert "Bob" (1901–1939)
- Marshall, Thurgood (1908–1993)
- Marston, John (1576–1634)
- Marston, John Westland (1819–1890)
- Marston, Philip Bourke (1850–1887)
- Marston, William Moulton (1893–1947)
- Martel, Charles (c. 686–741)
- Martens, Frederick Herman (1874–1932)
- Martialis, Marcus Valerius (41–104)
- Martin, Alfred Trice (1855–1926)
- Martin, Arthur Patchett (1851–1902)
- Martin, Charles Trice (1842–1914)
- Martin, Civilla Durfee (1866–1948)
- Martin, Claude (1735–1800)
- Martin, Frances (1829–1922)
- Martin, Geoffrey Haward (1928–2007)
- Martin, Helen Reimensnyder (1868–1939)
- Martin, James (1783–1860)
- Martin, Joseph Gregory (1800s)
- Martin, Theodore (1816–1909)
- Martin, William Robert (1847–1913)
- Martineau, Harriet (1802–1876)
- Martineau, James (1805–1900)
- Martyn, Thomas (1735–1825)
- Marulić, Marko (1450–1524)
- Marvell, Andrew (1621–1678)
- Marvin, John Gage (1815–1855 or 1857)
- Marvin, Winthrop Lippitt (1863–1926)
- Marx, Karl (1818–1883)
- Marx-Aveling, Eleanor (1855–1898)
- Marzials, Frank Thomas (1840–1912)
- Marzials, Theo (1850–1920)
- Masao, Tōkichi (1871–1921)
- Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue (1850–1937)
- Masaryková, Alice Garrigue (1879–1966)
- Masaryková-Revilliodová, Olga Garrigue (1891–1978)
- Masefield, John (1878–1967)
- Masham, Abigail (1670–1734)
- Masham, Samuel (1679–1758)
- Mashek, Nan (fl. 1904)
- Maskell, Alfred Ogle (1845–1912)
- Maskell, William (1814–1890)
- Maskelyne, John Nevil (1839–1917)
- Maskelyne, Nevil Story (1823–1911)
- Lubomír Masner (1934–)
- Mason, Alexander
- Mason, A. E. W. (1865–1948)
- Mason, Arthur James (1851–1928)
- Mason, Charles Peter (1820–1900)
- Mason, Charlotte Marie (1842–1923)
- Mason, Eugene (1862–1935)
- Mason, John Mitchell (1770—1829)
- Mason, Lawrence (1882–1939)
- Mason, Lowell (1792–1872)
- Mason, Otis Tufton (1838–1908)
- Mason, Rufus Osgood (1830–1903)
- Massee, George (1850–1917)
- Massey, Charles Carleton (1838–1905)
- Massey, Gerald (1828–1907)
- Massie, Thomas Harold (1971–)
- Massillon, Jean-Baptiste (1663–1742)
- Massinger, Philip (1583–1640)
- Masson, David (1822–1907)
- Masson, David Orme (1858–1937)
- Masson, Flora (1857–1937)
- Masson, Thomas Lansing (1866–1934)
- Massoud, Ahmad Shah (1953–2001)
- Masters, Edgar Lee (1868–1950)
- Masters, Maxwell Tylden (1833–1907)
- Mastoor, Mostafa (1965–present)
- Matějček, Antonín (1889–1950)
- Mates, Rudolf (1881–1966)
- Mather, Cotton (1663–1728)
- Mather, Frederic Gregory (1844–1925)
- Matheson, Percy Ewing (1859–1946)
- Matheus, John Frederick (1887–1983)
- Mathew, Sir James Charles (1830–1908)
- Mathew, Murray Alexander (1838–1908)
- Mathews, George Ballard (1861–1922)
- Mathews, Gregory (1876–1949)
- Mathews, Oliver (c. 1520–c. 1618)
- Mathews, William (1818–1909)
- Maton, William George (1774–1835)
- Matteson Johnston, Robert (1867–1920)
- Matthew, Arnold Harris (1852–1919)
- Matthews, Brander (1852–1929)
- Matthews, Donald John (1873–1956)
- Matthews, Henry Haw (1845–1915)
- Matthews, Philip Walter (1852–1930)
- Matthews, Thomas Stanley (1824–1889)
- Matthiessen, Augustus (1831–1870)
- Matthieu, Count Gardane, Claude (1766–1818)
- Mattioli, Pietro Andrea Gregorio (1501–1577)
- Matulka, Jan (1890–1972)
- Maude, Frederic Natusch (1854–1933)
- Maudslay, Alfred Percival (1850–1931)
- Maudsley, Henry (1835–1918)
- Maugham, William Somerset (1867–1965)
- Maughan, Cuthbert (1884–1953)
- Maunsell, Francis Richard (1861–1936)
- Maupassant, Guy de (1850–1893)
- Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de (1698–1759)
- Maurer, Maurer (fl. 20th century)
- Maurice, Richard Steel (1827–1868)
- Maurus, Rabanus (780–856)
- Maury, Dabney Herndon (1882–1900)
- Maury, Matthew Fontaine (1806–1873)
- Maury, Richard Launcelot (1840–1907)
- Maus, Octave (1856–1919)
- Mawer, Allen (1879–1942)
- Max, Karl (1860–1928)
- Maxim, Hiram (1869–1936)
- Maxon, William Ralph (1877–1948)
- Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–1879)
- Maxwell, Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Eustace (1845–1937)
- May, Edward Ralph (1819–1852?)
- May, Florence (1845–1923)
- May, George Ernest (1871–1946)
- May, James Lewis (1873–1961)
- May, Thomas Erskine (1815–1886)
- Mayakovsky, Vladimir (1893–1930)
- Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough (1868–1922)
- Mayer, Alfred Marshall (1836–1897)
- von Mayer, Julius Robert (1814–1878)
- Mayer, Samuel Ralph Townshend (1841–1880)
- Mayes, Edward (1846–1917)
- Mayhew, Henry (1812–1887)
- Maynard, Charles Johnson (1845–1929)
- Maynard, Lucy Warner (1852–1936)
- Maynard, Theodore (1890–1956)
- Maynwaring, Arthur (1668–1712)
- Mayo, Charles Herbert (1845–1929)
- Mayo, Isabella Fyvie (1843–1914)
- Mayo, Katherine (1868–1940)
- Mayo-Smith, Richmond (1854–1901)
- Mazewski, Aloysius (1916–1988)
- Mazumdar, Amvika Charan (1851–1922)
- A. Madhaviah (1872–1925)
[edit]- Mbeki, Thabo (1942–present)
[edit]- McAdie, Alexander (1863–1943)
- McAdoo, William Gibbs (1863–1941)
- McAulay, Alexander (fl. 1738)
- McAulay, Alexander (1863–1931)
- McBain, Howard Lee (1880–1936)
- McBurney, Gerard (1954–present)
- McCabe, Joseph (1867–1955)
- McCabe, William Bernard (1801–1891)
- McCabe, William Gordon (1841–1920)
- McCain, John (1936–2018)
- McCall, James Edward (1880–1963)
- McCarthy, Carlton (1847–1936)
- McCarthy, Eugene Joseph "Gene" (1916–2005)
- McCarthy, James Joseph (1817–1882)
- McCarthy, Joseph (1885–1943)
- McCarthy, Justin (1830–1912)
- McCarthy, Harry (1834–1888)
- McCaul, Alexander (1799–1863)
- McCaul, John (1807–1886)
- McCaskill, Claire (1953–present)
- M'Cheyne, Robert Murray (1813–1843)
- McCormick, Wilfred (1903–1983)
- McMurry, Charles Alexander (1857–1929)
- McClellan, George B. (1826–1885)
- McClellan, Henry Brainerd (1840–1904)
- McConnell, Mitch (1942–present)
- McConnell, Primrose (1856–1931)
- McConnell, Richard George (1857–1942)
- McCormick, Peter Dodds (1834–1916)
- McCormick, Samuel Black (1858–1928)
- M'Cormick, William Symington (1857–1930)
- McCorvey, Thomas Chalmers (1851–1932)
- McCosh, James (1811–1894)
- McCrae, John (1872–1918)
- McCrea, Robert Barlow (1823–1897)
- McCulley, Johnston (1883–1958)
- McCulloch, Hugh (1808–1895)
- McCulloch, John Ramsay (1789–1864)
- McDonnell, John B. (b. 1885)
- McElroy, John (1846–1929)
- McEnery, Samuel Douglas (1837–1910)
- McEwan, John (1855–1924)
- McFarland, Stephen Lee (1950—)
- McFee, William Morley Punshon (1881–1966)
- McGiffert, Arthur Cushman (1861–1933)
- McGilvary, Evander Bradley (1864–1953)
- McGonagall, William Topaz (1825–1902)
- McGrane, Reginald Charles (1889–1967)
- McGregor, Richard Crittenden (1871–1936)
- McIlwraith, Dorothy (1891–1976)
- McIntosh, Maria Jane (1803–1878)
- McIntosh, William Carmichael (1838–1931)
- McIver, George (1859–1945)
- McKendrick, John Gray (1841–1926)
- McKenna, Joseph (1843–1926)
- McKerrow, Ronald Brunlees (1872–1940)
- McKinley, Albert Edward (1870–1936)
- McKinley, John (1780–1852)
- McKinley, William (1843–1901)
- McLachlan, Robert (1837–1904)
- McLaglen, Sydney Temple Leopold (1884–1951)
- McLean, John (1785–1861)
- McLean, Norman (1865–1947)
- McLennan, John Ferguson (1827–1881)
- McMurtrie, Richard Coxe (1819–1894)
- McMahan, John (1800s)
- McMahon, Joseph Henry (1862–1939)
- McMaster, John Bach (1852–1932)
- McMillan (or M'Millan), Walter George (1861–1904)
- McMurry, Frank Morton (1862–1936)
- McNaught, James Aldren (1828–1915)
- McNeile, Herman Cyril (1888–1937)
- McNeill, Ronald John (1861–1934)
- McReynolds, James Clark (1862–1946)
- McSpadden, Joseph Walker (1874–1960)
- McSweeny, Terrell
- McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis (1866–1925)
- McVea, Emilie Watts (1867–1928)
[edit]- Mead, Margaret (1901–1978)
- Meade, Elizabeth Thomasina (1854–1914)
- Meagher, Thomas Francis (1823–1867)
- Meakin, Budgett (1866–1906)
- Meakin, Kate Alberta (1868–1956)
- Meaney, Edmond Stephen (1862–1935)
- Means, Joseph Calrow (1801–1879)
- Means, Philip Ainsworth (1892–1944)
- Mearson, Lyon (1888–1966)
- Measom, George Samuel (1818–1901)
- Meason, Malcolm Ronald Laing (1820–1889)
- Medek, Rudolf (1890–1940)
- Medhurst, Walter Henry (1796–1857)
- Medill, Joseph (1823–1899)
- Medina, José Toribio (1852–1930)
- Mee, Arthur (1875–1943)
- Meek, Fielding Bradford (1817–1876)
- Meeks, Gregory (1953–)
- Meighen, Arthur (1874–1960)
- Meiklejohn, Arnold Hilary (1874-1932)
- Meiklejohn, John Miller Dow (1830–1902)
- Mehegan, Charles De Sales (1863–1947)
- Meher Baba (1894–1969)
- Meigs, Cornelia (1884–1973)
- Meir of Rothenburg (c. 1215–1293)
- Meißner, August Gottlieb (1753–1807)
- Meistermann, Barnabas (1850–1923)
- Mejía, Epifanio (1838–1913)
- Mekota, Beatrice Machula (1881–1922)
- Mekouar, Dora
- Melamed, Samuel Max (1885–1938)
- Melanchthon, Philipp (1497–1560)
- Meldola, Raphael (1849–1915)
- Mellanová, Tereza (1863–1950)
- Mello, John Magens (1836–1903)
- Melloni, Macedonio (1798– 1854)
- Mellor, Arthur (1851–?)
- Melmoth, William (1665–1743)
- Melmoth, William (1710–1799)
- Meloy, Guy Stanley (1874–1965)
- Melvill, Henry (1798–1871)
- Melville, George Wallace (1841–1912)
- Melville, Herman (1819–1891)
- Memminger, Christopher (1803–1888)
- Federico Luigi Menabrea (1809–1896)
- Menander (c. 342/341 B.C.E.–c. 290 B.C.E.)
- Mencken, Henry Louis (1880–1956)
- Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–1847)
- Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–1786)
- Mendonça, Henrique Lopes de (1856–1931)
- Menendez, Robert (1954–present)
- Menelaus of Alexandria (c. 70–140)
- Menon, V. P. (1893–1965)
- Menon, Vallathol Narayana (1878–1958)
- Mentel, Zoe (fl. 2012)
- Menzies, Alfred (?–1836)
- Menzies, Allan (1845–1916)
- Menzies, Archibald (1761–1842)
- Menzies, James Sutherland (1806–1886)
- Mercer, Charles Fenton (1778–1858)
- Mercier, Louis-Sébastien (1740–1814)
- Meredith, George (1828–1909)
- Meredith, James Creed (1875–1942)
- Meredith, Louisa Anne (1812–1895)
- Meredith, Owen (1803–1873)
- Meredith, Robert Rhoden (1837–1919)
- Mereness, Newton Dennison (?–?)
- Merikangas, James (1900s)
- Mérimée, Prosper (1803–1870)
- Merivale, Herman (1806–1874)
- Merivale, Herman Charles (1839–1906)
- Merivale, John Herman (1779–1844)
- Merkel, Angela (1954–)
- Merriam, Florence A. (1863–1948)
- Merriam, George Spring (1843–1914)
- Merrick, James (1720–1769)
- Merrifield, Mary Philadelphia (1804–1889)
- Merrill, Frederick James Hamilton (1861–1916)
- Merrington, Ernest Northcroft (1876–1953)
- Merritt, Abraham (1884–1943)
- Merry, William Walter (1835–1918)
- Mersenne, Marin (1588–1648)
- Mersereau, John (1898–1989)
- Mershman, Francis (1852–1916)
- Mershon, William Butts (18??–19??)
- Merz, John Theodore (1840–1922)
- Meunier, Stanislas Étienne (1843–1925)
- Meurisse, Martin (1584–1644)
- Mew, Charlotte (1869–1928)
- Mew, James (1837–1913)
- Meyendorff, Alexander Feliksovich (1869–1964)
- Meyer, Albert Ronald da Silva (1941– )
- von Meyer, Christian Erich Hermann (1801–1869)
- Meyer, Eduard (1855–1930)
- Meyer, Georg Hermann von (1815–1892)
- Meyer, Johann Friedrich von (1772–1849)
- Meyer-Lübke, Wilhelm (1861–1936)
- Meyn, Ludwig (1820–1878)
- Meynell, Alice Christiana Gertrude Thompson (1847–1922)
- Mézières, Alfred Jean François (1826–1915)
- Meznarich, Paul (20. century-)
[edit]- Maill, Bernard (1876–1953)
- Mibu no Tadami (10th cent.)
- Mibu no Tadamine (c. 860–c. 920)
- Michael de Causis (c. 1380 – c. 1432)
- Michal z Prachatic (fl. 1406)
- Michaux, André (1746–1802)
- Micheaux, Oscar Devereaux (1884–1951)
- Michelsen, Edward Henry (1795–1870)
- Michelson, Albert Abraham (1852–1931)
- Michie, Alexander (1833–1902)
- Mickiewicz, Adam (1798–1855)
- Mickle, William Julius (1735–1788)
- Middlemore, Samuel (1848–1890)
- Middleton, George (1880–1967)
- Middleton, Jesse Edgar (1872–1934)
- Mikšíček, Matěj (1815–1892)
- Mikuláš Matějův z Brna (14th–15th century)
- Millard, John (fl. 19th century)
- Middleton, Lady Lydia Falconer Fraser Miller (1866–1934)
- Middleton, Richard Barham (1882–1911)
- Middleton, Thomas (1580–1627)
- Miel, Charles Francis Bonaventure (1817–1902)
- Miers, Henry Alexander (1858–1942)
- Mijatovich, Chedomille (1842–1932); also spelled Čedomilj Mijatović (or Mijatovitch, Miyatovich or Miyatovitch)
- Mikulski, Barbara (1936–present)
- Mildmay, Charles Arundell St. John (1820–1904)
- Miles, Alexander (1900s)
- Miles, Charles Austin (1868–1946)
- Miles, Manly (1826–1898)
- Miles, Nelson Appleton (1839–1925)
- Miles, Sibella Elizabeth (1800–1882)
- Milk, Harvey (1930–1978)
- Mill, Hugh Robert (1861–1950)
- Mill, James (1773–1836)
- Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873)
- Millais, John Everett (1829–1896)
- Millar, Alexander Hastie (1847–1927)
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892–1950)
- Miller, Alice (1923–2010)
- Miller, David J. (c. 1831–1886 or later)
- Miller, Dayton Clarence (1866–1941)
- Miller, Harriet Mann (1831–1918)
- Miller, Harry S. (1800s–1900s)
- Miller, Joaquin (1837 or 1841–1913)
- Miller, Peter Schuyler (1912–1974)
- Miller, Philip (1691–1771)
- Miller, Samuel Freeman (1816–1890)
- Miller, Thomas (1807–1874)
- Miller, Thomas (fl. 1857)
- Miller, Wilhelm Tyler (1869–1938)
- Miller, William (1782–1849)
- Miller, William Charles (1826–?)
- Milligan, George (1860–1934)
- Milligan, William (1821–1893)
- Millin de Grandmaison, Aubin-Louis (1759–1818)
- Millingen, Alexander van (1840–1915)
- Mills, Lady Dorothy (1889–1959)
- Mills, Roger Quarles (1832–1911)
- Milman, Henry Hart (1791–1868)
- Milmine (Welles Adams), Georgine (1874–1950)
- Milne, Alan Alexander (1882–1956)
- Milne, John (1850–1913)
- Milner, Alfred (1854–1925)
- Milner, John (1822–1897)
- Milner, R. D. (1869–1936)
- Milner-Gibson-Cullum, George Gery (1857–1921)
- Miltitz, Karl Borromäus von (1781–1845)
- Milton, James Tayler (1850–1933)
- Milton, John (1608–1674)
- Mims, Edwin (1872–1959)
- Minamoto no Hitoshi (880–950)
- Minamoto no Kanemasa (11th cent.–12th cent.)
- Minamoto no Muneyuki (?–940)
- Minamoto no Sanetomo (1192–1219)
- Minamoto no Shigeyuki (?–1000)
- Minamoto no Shunrai (1055–1129)
- Minamoto no Tōru (822–895)
- Minamoto no Tsunenobu (1016–1097)
- Minchin, Edward Alfred (1866–1915)
- Miner, Charles (1780–1865)
- Miner, Horace Mitchell (1912–1993)
- Minkowski, Hermann (1864–1909)
- Minnigerode, Charles (1814–1894)
- Minns, Ellis Hovell (1874–1953)
- Minor, Robert Dabney (1827–1871)
- Minot, Charles Sedgwick (1852–1914)
- Minto, William (1845–1893)
- Minton, Sherman (1890–1965)
- M'Intosh, William Carmichael (1838–1931)
- Mirbeau, Octave (1848–1917)
- de Mirbel, Charles-François Brisseau (1776–1854)
- Mirrlees, Hope (1887–1978)
- Mirbt, Carl Theodor (1860–1929)
- Misirkov, Krste (1874–1926)
- Miske, Jack Chapman (1920–2003)
- Mitchel, John (1815–1875)
- Mitchell, Donald Grant (1822–1908)
- Mitchell, Frederick Shaw (1852–1929)
- Mitchell, Hugh (1849–1937)
- Mitchell, John Kirkwood (1811–1889)
- Mitchell, John Malcolm (1879–1940)
- Mitchell, Margaret (1900–1949)
- Mitchell, Peter Chalmers (1864–1945)
- Mitchell, Silas Weir (1829–1914)
- Mitchell, Susan (1866–1926)
- Mitchell, Thomas Livingston (1792–1855)
- Mitchell, Walter (1826–1908)
- Mitchell, William M. (?–?)
- Mitford, William (1744–1827)
- Mitra, Rajendralal (1824–1891)
- Mitton, Geraldine Edith (1868–1955)
- Mivart, St. George Jackson (1827–1900)
- Miyamori, Asataro (1869–1952)
[edit]- Moberly, George Herbert (1837–1895)
- Moberly, Lucy Gertrude (1861–1931)
- Modell, David A. (1878–)
- Narendra Modi (b. 1950)
- Moffatt, James (1870–1944)
- Moffett, William Adger (1869–1933)
- Moglen, Eben (1958–present)
- Mohr, Karl Friedrich (1806–1879)
- Mokgoro, Yvonne (1950–2024)
- Moleš, Jakub (14th – 15th century)
- Molesworth, Guilford Lindsey (1828–1925)
- Molière (1622–1673)
- Möllendorff, Paul Georg von (1847–1901)
- Mollien, Gaspard Théodore (1796–1872)
- Molloy, James Lynam (1837–1909)
- Molloy, John (c. 1789–1867)
- Molnár, Enrico (1913–1999)
- Molotov, Vyacheslav (1890–1986)
- Mommsen, Theodor (1817–1903)
- Monaco, James Vincent (1885–1945)
- Monahan, Dave (1918–2003)
- Monceau, Henri-Louis Duhamel du (1700–1782)
- Monck, Mary Frances Christina (1829–1892)
- Monck Berkeley, Mr. (1763–1793)
- Moncreiff, Sir Henry James, 2nd Baron Moncreiff (1840–1909)
- Monier-Williams, Montagu Sneade Faithfull (1860–1931)
- Moniot d'Arras (1213–1239)
- Monk, Edwin George (1820–1900)
- Monk, Maria (1816–1849)
- Monk, William Henry (1823–1889)
- Monkhouse, William Cosmo (1840–1901)
- Monckton, Horace Woollaston (1857–1931)
- Monroe, Harriet (1860–1936)
- Monroe, James (1758–1831)
- Monroe, Paul (1869–1947)
- Montagu, Basil (1770–1851)
- Montagu, Charles (1661–1715)
- Montagu, Samuel, 1st Baron Swaythling (1832–1911)
- Montague, Charles Edward (1867–1928)
- Montague, Francis Charles (1858–1935)
- Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–1592)
- del Monte, Guidobaldo (1545–1607)
- Montefiore, Claude Joseph Goldsmid- (1858–1938)
- Montefiore, Judith Cohen (1784–1862)
- Montefiore, Moses Haim (1784–1885)
- Montesquieu, Charles, baron of (1689–1755)
- Montessori, Maria (1870–1952)
- Monteverdi, Claudio (1567–1643)
- Montgomery, B. S. (fl. 1860s–1870s)
- Montgomery, David H. (1837–1928)
- Montgomery, Edmund (1835–1911)
- Montgomery, James (1771–1854)
- Montgomery, James Alan (1866–1949)
- Montgomery, Lucy Maud (1874–1942)
- Montgomery, Mary Millicent (1787–1868)
- Montgomery, Thomas Harrison (1830–1905)
- Montgomery, Thomas Harrison, Jr. (1873–1912)
- Montgomery, William (1871–1930)
- Montrose, James Graham, 1st Marquess of (fl. 17th century)
- Montucla, Jean-Étienne (1725–1799)
- Moodie, Susanna (1803–1885)
- Moody, William H. (1853–1917)
- Moon, George Washington (1823–1909)
- Moon, Jae-in (b. 1953)
- Mooney, James (1861–1921)
- Moore, Arthur William (1853–1909)
- Moore, Charles Herbert (1840–1930)
- Moore, Clement (1779–1863)
- Moore, Clifford Herschel (1866–1931)
- Moore, George Edward (1873–1958)
- Moore, George Fletcher (1798–1896)
- Moore, George Foot (1851–1931)
- Moore, Henry Charles (1862–1933)
- Moore, John Percy (1869–1965)
- Moore, John Weeks (1807–1886)
- Moore, Marianne (1887–1972)
- Moore, Olin Harris (1885–1968)
- Moore, Sir Norman (1847–1922)
- Moore, Samuel (fl. 1870s and 1880s)
- Moore, Samuel Preston (1813–1889)
- Moore, Thomas (1779–1852)
- Moore, Thomas (1821–1887)
- Moorehead, Warren King (1866–1939)
- Mora, Alberto J. (1951—)
- Mora, Francis Luis (1874–1940)
- Morales-Montor, Jorge
- Mordaunt, Charles (1658–1735)
- Mordaunt, Thomas Osbert (1730–1809)
- More, Alexander Goodman (1830–1895)
- More, Brooks (1859-1942)
- More, Paul Elmer (1864–1937)
- More, Sir Thomas (1477–1535)
- Morel, Edmund Dene (1873–1924)
- Morel-Fatio, Alfred (1850–1924)
- Morell, Michael (1958–present)
- Moreton, William (1641–1715)
- Morfill, William Richard (1834–1909)
- de Morgan, Augustus (1806–1871)
- Morgan, Algernon Herbert Vaughan (1832–1862)
- Morgan, Bayard Quincy (1883–1967)
- Morgan, Forrest (1852–1924)
- Morgan, Grace Jones (1885–1977)
- Morgan, Jacque
- Morgan, John (1735–1789)
- Morgan, John (1792–1866)
- Morrell, Clarence Henry (1872–1902)
- Morgan, James Morris (1845–1928)
- Morgan, John Tyler (1824–1907 )
- Morgan, Morris Hicky (1859–1910)
- Morgan, Thomas Hunt (1866–1945)
- Morganwg, Iolo (1747–1826)
- Moriarty, Gerald Patrick (1863–1924)
- Morier, James Justinian (1780–1849)
- Mörike, Eduard Friedrich (1804–1875)
- Morin, Jean (1591–1659)
- Morison, James Augustus Cotter (1832–1888)
- Morison, Robert (1620–1683)
- Moritz, Karl (1757–1793)
- Morley, Edith Julia (1875–1964)
- Morely, Ebenezer Cobb (1831–1924)
- Morley, Edward Williams (1838–1923)
- Morley, Henry Forster (1855–1943)
- Morley, Henry (1822–1894)
- Morley, John (1838–1923)
- Morley, Sylvanus Griswold (1883–1948)
- Morong, Thomas (1827–1894)
- Morphy, Paul (1837–1884)
- Morres, Arthur Phillip (1835–1900)
- Morris, Charles (1833–1922)
- Morris, Edward Joy (1815–1881)
- Morris, Francis Orpen (1810–1893)
- Morris, George Pope (1802–1864)
- Morris, Gouverneur (1752–1816)
- Morris, Lewis (1700—1765)
- Morris, May (1862–1938)
- Morris, Ray (1878–1951)
- Morris, William (1834–1896)
- Morris, William O'Connor (1824–1904)
- Morris-Jones, John (1864–1929)
- Morrison, Alexander James William (translator) (1806–1865)
- Morrison, Charles H. (c. 1820–1876)
- Morse, Anson D. (1846–1916)
- Morse, Edward Sylvester (1838–1925)
- Morse, Thomas Daniel Cox (c. 1825–1895)
- Morshead, E. D. A. (c. 1849–1912)
- Mort, Eirene (1879–1977)
- Morton, Agnes Hannah (1848–1918)
- Morton, Francis (fl. 1860s)
- Morton, John Maddison (1811–1891)
- Morton, Richard (d. 1921)
- Morton, William Blair (1868–1949)
- Mosca, Gaetano (1858–1941)
- Moschopoulos, Manuel (fl. end 13th–beginning 14th century)
- Moses
- Moses, Alfred J.(1859–1920)
- Moses, Montrose Jonas (1878–1934)
- Moses, Raphael Jacob (1812–1893)
- ben Moshe ha-Kohen, Yehuda (fl. 13th century)
- Mosley, Oswald (1896–1980)
- Moss, Charles Edward (1870–1930)
- Moss, Giles (1978–present)
- Moss, Lemuel (1829—1904)
- Mossotti, Ottaviano-Fabrizio (1791–1863)
- Moták, Libuše (1878–1960)
- Motazedi, Aziz (1950–present)
- Motherwell, William (1897–1934)
- Motley, John Lothrop (1814–1877)
- Motoyoshi (890–943)
- Mott, Frederick Walker (1853–1926)
- Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793–1880)
- Motte, Andrew (1696–1734)
- Motte, Benjamin (1693–1738)
- Motteux, Peter Anthony (1663–1718)
- Mottram, James Cecil (1880–1945)
- Mould, Jacob Wrey (1825–1886)
- Moule, Horatio Mosley (Horace) (1832–1873)
- Moulton, Louise Chandler (1835–1910)
- Mountford, William (1816—1885)
- Jane Mourek (1846–?)
- Mourek, Václav Emanuel (1846–1911)
- Mowatt, Anna Cora (1819–1870)
- Mowbray, Charles Wilfred (1857–1910)
- Mowbray, John Robert (1815–1899)
- Moyes, James (1851–1921)
- Moyna, Edward Gerald James (1881–1915)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–1791)
- Mozley, James Bowling (1813–1878)
- Mozley, John Rickards (1840–1931)
[edit]- Mrštík, Vilém (1863–1912)
[edit]- Muawiyah I, Caliph (602–680)
- Mucha, Alfons Marie (1860–1939)
- Müchler, Karl Friedrich (1763–1857)
- Mudd, Samuel Alexander (1833–1883)
- Mudge, George Percival (1870–1939)
- Mudie, Mary (1848–1937)
- Mueller, Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von (1825–1896)
- Mug, Mary Theodosia (1860–1943)
- Mügge, Theodore (1806–1861)
- Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh (c. 570–632)
- Muhlenberg, William Augustus (1796–1877)
- Muir, Alexander (1830–1906)
- Muir, Edwin (1887–1959)
- Muir, John (1838–1914)
- Muir, M. M. Pattison (1848–1931)
- Muir, Richard (1862–1931)
- Muir, Robert (1864–1959)
- Muir, Thomas (1844–1934)
- Muirhead, James (1831–1889)
- Muirhead, James Fullarton (1853–1934)
- Muirhead, Lewis Andrew (1856–1926)
- Muirhead, John Henry (1855–1940)
- Mukerji, Dhan Gopal (1890–1936)
- Müldner, Josef (1880–1954)
- Mulholland, Rosa (1841–1921)
- Mullendore, William Clinton (1892–1983)
- Muller, Gerrit (1891–1938)
- Müller, August (1848–1892)
- Müller, David Heinrich (1846–1912)
- Müller, Friederich Christoph (1751–1808)
- Müller, Friedrich Max (1823–1900)
- Müller, Johann Karl August (1818–1899)
- Müller, Karl Otfried (1797–1840)
- Müller, Michael (1825–1899)
- Müller, Wilhelm (1794–1827)
- Müller, Wilhelm Max (1862–1919)
- Müller-Casenov, Hans (1860–1947)
- Mullinger, James Bass (1834–1917)
- Multatuli (1820–1887)
- Mumford, Lewis (1895–1990)
- Mumford, Thomas James (1826–1877)
- Munby, Arthur Joseph (1828–1910)
- Munby, George Frederick Woodhouse (1833–1911)
- Munby, Giles (1812–1876)
- von Münchhausen, Hieronymus Carl Friedrich (1720–1797)
- Munday, Anthony (1560–1633)
- Mundil, Joseph M. (1856–1945)
- Mundy, George (?–1853)
- Mundy, Talbot (1879–1940)
- Munger, Theodore Thornton (1830–1910)
- Munkittrick, Richard Kendall (1853–1911)
- Munn, Harold Warner (1903–1981)
- Munn, Luke
- Munn, Orson Desaix (1824–1907)
- Murdoch, James (1856–1921)
- Murie, James Rolfe (1862–1921)
- Munro, a. k. a. Saki, Hector Hugh (1870–1916)
- Munro, Hugh Andrew Johnstone (1819–1885)
- Munro, John (1849–1930)
- Munro, Neil (1864–1930)
- Munro, Niel Gordon (1863–1942)
- Munro, Robert (1835–1920)
- Munroe, Henry Smith (1850–1933)
- Munroe, Kirk (1850–1930)
- Munrow, Charles Edward (1849–1938)
- Munsey, Frank Andrew (1854–1925)
- Münster, Mary Frances Christina (1829–1892)
- Münsterberg, Hugo (1863–1916)
- Murasaki Shikibu (c. 978–c. 1014 or 1025)
- Muravyov-Karsky, Nikolay (1794–1866)
- Murchison, Roderick Impey (1792–1871)
- Murgotten, Francis Clark (1880–)
- Murphy, Arthur (1727–1805)
- Murphy, Frank (1890–1949)
- Murphy, James Vincent (1880–1946)
- Murphy, Philip Dunton (1957-)
- Murphy, Sir Shirley Forster (1848–1923)
- Murphy, Wallace Carlton (b. 1883)
- Murray, Alexander Stuart (1841–1904)
- Murray, Andrew (1829–1917)
- Murray, Augustus Taber (1866–1940)
- Murray, Eustace Clare Grenville (1824–1881)
- Murray, Sir George (1772–1846)
- Murray, George (1830–1910)
- Murray, Sir George Herbert (1849–1936)
- Murray, Gilbert (1866–1957)
- Murray, Harold James Ruthven (1868–1955)
- Murray, Hilda Mary Emily Ruthven (1875–1951)
- Murray, James Augustus Henry (1837–1915)
- Murray, Johann Andreas (1740–1791)
- Murray, John (1741–1815)
- Murray, Sir John (1841–1914)
- Murray, Judith Sargent (1751–1820)
- Murray, Louisa (1818–1894)
- Murray, Margaret Alice (1863–1963)
- Murray, Mary Alice
- Murray, William (1705–1793)
- Murry, John Middleton (1889–1957)
- Musäus, Johann Karl August (1735–1787)
- Musgrave, George (1798–1883)
- Musgrave, Thomas (1832–1891)
- Musil, Alois (1868–1944)
- Musil, Robert (1880–1942)
- Elon Reeve Musk (1971– )
- Musset-Pathay, Alfred Louis Charles de (1810–1857)
- Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945)
- Mutel, Gustave Charles Marie (1854–1933)
- Mütallibov, Ayaz (1938–)
- Muther, Richard (1860–1909)
- Mutz, Franz Xaver (1854–1925)
[edit]- Mydorge, Claude (1585–1647)
- Myers, Arthur Thomas (1851–1894)
- Myers, Edward (1875–1956)
- Myers, Ernest (1844–1921)
- Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843–1901)
- Myers, Philip Van Ness (1846–1937)
- Myres, John Linton (1869–1954)